Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from February 27, 2023 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 27, 2023: Dreams for Tomorrow (with Special Guest Meg Baird)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Andreyev Balalaika Ensemble  To Ne Veter Vetku Klonit (Bending Branch) / Ya S Komarikom Plyasala (I Danced with a Mosquito)   Favoriting Around the Samovar  Monitor  1964  LP  balalaika    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Iordanis Tsomidis and Co.  Kasapōserbikō Me Taxim   Favoriting Bouzoukee: The Music of Greece  Nonesuch  1965  LP  bouzouki    0:07:03 (Pop-up)
John Berberian  Rast Sazsemi   Favoriting Oud Artistry of John Berberian  Mainstream  1965  LP  oud    0:13:43 (Pop-up)
Vassyl Yemeta  Z Ukrainskyce Stepiw   Favoriting Excavated Shellac: An Alternate History of the World's Music  Dust-to-Digital  2022  CD  From 1930; bandura  *   0:18:39 (Pop-up)
Fritz & Jacky  Medley   Favoriting Third Man Theme  London  1957  LP  From 1952; zither (two of 'em!)    0:22:19 (Pop-up)
Joseph Moskowitz  Flora Hora   Favoriting The Art of the Cymbalom  Rounder  1996  CD  From 1953; cymbalom    0:25:20 (Pop-up)
Douglas Ecker and Joyce Desmarais  Swallowtail Jig   Favoriting Hammer Dulcimer Tunes  Ecker Works  1976  LP  hammered dulcimer (two of 'em again!)    0:28:35 (Pop-up)
Jean Ritchie  Dulcimer Pieces: Shady Grove - Old King Cole - Skip to My Lou   Favoriting Mountain Hearth & Home  Rhino  2004  CD  From 1957; dulcimer    0:30:21 (Pop-up)
Bob Stewart  Music of the Middle Pillar   Favoriting The Unique Sound of the Psaltery  Argo  1975  LP  psaltery    0:31:54 (Pop-up)
Ernest Hood  Warm Pathways   Favoriting Back to the Woodlands  Freedom to Spend  2022  LP  From mid-'70s; homemade zither  *   0:34:13 (Pop-up)
Washington Phillips  Lift Him Up That's All   Favoriting Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dreams  Dust-to-Digital  2016  CD  From 1927; manzarene    0:37:00 (Pop-up)
Star Feminine Band  We Are Star Feminine Band   Favoriting In Paris  Born Bad  2022  MP3    *   0:51:00 (Pop-up)
John Ondolo  Ukiwa Na Bwana Bibi   Favoriting Hypnotic Guitar of John Ondolo  Mississippi  2022  LP  From 1961    0:55:28 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s in a row for about a half-hour
Lynn Anderson  Rose Garden   Favoriting single  Columbia  1971  45      1:01:32 (Pop-up)
The Smithsonian Institute  Dreams for Tomorrow   Favoriting single  Tamborine  1968  45      1:03:54 (Pop-up)
Otis Brown  You Girl   Favoriting single  ExSPECTMore  1966  45      1:06:31 (Pop-up)
Big Country  Prairie Rose   Favoriting single  Mercury  1984  45      1:09:11 (Pop-up)
Paul Bogush, Jr.  Me   Favoriting single  Private Stock  1976  45      1:13:49 (Pop-up)
Annette  Train of Love   Favoriting single  Buena Vista  1960  45      1:16:50 (Pop-up)
Tony Randall & Jack Klugman  You're So Vain   Favoriting single  Phase 4  1973  45      1:19:29 (Pop-up)
Gang War  MIA   Favoriting single  No Label  1979  45      1:22:44 (Pop-up)
Olivia Newton-John  Physical   Favoriting single  MCA  1981  45      1:24:21 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird: Interview, Music, and DJ Set
Meg Baird  Interview Part I   Favoriting             1:36:52 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Cross Bay   Favoriting Furling  Drag City  2023  CD    *   1:42:35 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Interview Part II   Favoriting             1:47:31 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Twelve Saints   Favoriting Furling  Drag City  2023  CD    *   1:53:08 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Interview Part III   Favoriting             1:58:52 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird with Chris Forsyth  Will You Follow Me Home?   Favoriting No Album  No Label  2022  MP3  live at Union Pool, Brooklyn, 10/27/22; the studio version of this song is on "Furling"    2:03:35 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  Interview Part IV   Favoriting             2:11:52 (Pop-up)
Meg Baird  The Saddest Verses   Favoriting Furling  Drag City  2023  CD    *   2:16:06 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Careful with That Axe, Eugene   Favoriting The Early Years: 1972 Obfusc/ation  Pink Floyd/Sony  2016  MP3  live at Pompeii    2:22:22 (Pop-up)
Red House Painters  Priest Alley Song   Favoriting Songs for a Blue Guitar  Island  1996  CD      2:28:05 (Pop-up)
The Garbage and The Flowers  Love Comes Slowly Now   Favoriting Eyes Rind As If Beggars  The Now Sound  1997  MP3      2:32:41 (Pop-up)
Iceland Symphony Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä  Hughreysting (Consolation), Op. 66   Favoriting Geysir and Other Orchestral Works  BIS  1997  MP3  composer: Jón Leifs    2:39:01 (Pop-up)
Bill Evans  Peace Piece   Favoriting Everybody Digs Bill Evans  Riverside  1959  LP      2:45:20 (Pop-up)
John Stammers  Idle I'm - Colorama Coloured in Remix   Favoriting single  Wonderfulsound  2013  MP3      2:51:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


hiya Joe, hiya yippers!
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Aaron Working In Newark:

Good morning Joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Marley P. Dogg:

Happy yipday!

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Handy Haversack:

Joe and all who yip! So excited for today's show!

Also, local Surfactants: Meg Baird is playing Union Pool, 5/10.
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Karl Ward:

Good morning! Extra yips in everyone's coffee this morning!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Krys O.:

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Brian in UK:

Hey Joe. Guessing that the Meg Seg will be on in the last hour. Will be visiting the vets at that time; for the pets not me, you understand!
Avatar 9:06am

Good morning, Joe. Meg Baird! Leaving the building shortly. Will have to visit the vaults later.
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Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out
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It's kind of a gloomy Monday where I am but I am looking forward to your special guest today!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

Good morning Joe, everyone!
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Brian in UK:

I danced with a mosquito around the samovar. Happy days.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

never heard Schubert on the balalaika like that! delightful.
Kay In Chi:

"Samovar" is a special word.
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↳ G @9:06
Come and keep your comrade warm!

One generally gets Happy when they get to boingging,
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↳ Kay In Chi @9:07
When I was a kid, somehow a Russian diplomat and his family had dinner at my family's house in NJ (some kind of cultural exchange thing, I don't remember the details). They brought us a gift, which was a silver samovar. I don't know if we had anything nearly as cool and special to give them in return. I should try to find out what happened to that samovar, it might still be in the old NJ house somewhere.
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listener james from westwood:

Morning, Joe and all!

Can two fun-loving aliens with the yips & an eclectic witty DJ share the same studio? tune in to the Jersey city, sitcom, Surface Noise, as the laughs abound with these three and their neighbors, Clay and Joe Belock. (Surface Noise listened to by a live audience.)
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Yip Yip Hurray!!
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will we hear some bandolón next? or perhaps banjo?
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Ok, Oud!
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Son Of Pantz:

Did I miss Meg Baird already?
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If Amelia Earhart could listen to Surface Noise worldwide she would be soaring above the clouds
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↳ Yetz @9:09
What a great story of a not quite remembered event! Hope you do find that samovar again, and enjoy it.

Yip yip yip Joe, kudos on an awesome guest, looking forward to it. Hope everyone is ready for it after this moody and dreamy opening set.
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↳ Son Of Pantz @9:15
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Joe McG:

Hey everybody, good morning! Doing things a little different today: Single File at 10am EST, Meg Baird interview and DJ set starting at 10:30am. Welcome!
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Brian in UK:

Will we get any Dutar action?
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Chris Hiatt:

Gettin' yippy with it.
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↳ love2laf @9:15
It did seem really weird to have Actual Russians in the house, this was during the Reagan era and we were definitely encouraged to think of them as The Enemy
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I love those string instruments from down east. I frequent a music store in Greenwich Village that has ouds, sitars, Irish bouzouki, saz, tambura, etc!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am

hi friends
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↳ melinda @9:18
mornin' melinda
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Brian in UK:

↳ melinda @9:18
Hello, melinda.
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looking forward to the Meg Baird set
rx scabin:

Good morning, Joe and Everyone.
Avatar 9:20am

great kick off set this morning Joe!
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↳ Song: "Z Ukrainskyce Stepiw" by "Vassyl Yemeta"
just wanted to mention the fact that the Oud in Arabic is "Al Oud" which turned into "Lute" and is the ancestor of most (all?) Western plucked string instruments
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Deano de los Muertos:

morning Joe, all ☕️
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↳ Yetz @9:17
I can remember how the mood was at the time, that would be quite surreal.
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Krys O.:

↳ Song: "Z Ukrainskyce Stepiw" by "Vassyl Yemeta"
Lovely photos of Ukrainian instruments including the bandura here: greentourua.com...

This song reminds me of some of the pieces by Peruvian Andean harpist Florencio Coronado.
Especially Virgenes del Sol.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Joe McG:

↳ Faye @9:20
T'anks, Faye!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:24am

Is it too late to Yip?
Is it ever too late to Yip?
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↳ Krys O. @9:23
beautiful, thanks Krys. That's a lot prettier than the bandura pictured on WP

somewhere, Harry Lime, is running on cobblestone streets with inappropriate shoes

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Chris from Brooklyn:

This sounds like an outtake from the recent smash hit cat game Stray.

rx scabin:

Holly Martins.
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↳ Song: "Medley" by "Fritz & Jacky"
if you've never see The Third Man it's a really terrific and compelling movie (one of Orson Welles' best roles IMO)
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Brian in UK:

When we went to Vienna we had a ride on the big wheel.
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↳ Yetz @9:25
That's a thriller.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Faye @9:20
Sorry I missed your fill in yesterday. Anything else on the books coming up?
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Krys O. @9:23
Very cool!
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Webhamster Henry:

Coming in a little late ! note: these zithers and cimbaloms are not autoharps.
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Krys O.:

↳ Yetz @9:25
It's my #1 all-time favorite film.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

who has carrot cake?
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Webhamster Henry @9:28
Some hammered dulcimers have this cimbalom damper installed.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Yetz @9:25
And when he was broke - constantly -he did a Harry Lime radio show, where the appealingly dastardly Harry's schemes never worked out in the end.
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Deano de los Muertos:

Matty Groves
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Dulcimer Pieces: Shady Grove - Old King Cole - Sk...
"Shady Grove" must have descended from "Matty Groves"?
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Swallowtail Jig" by "Douglas Ecker and Joyce Desm...
Anyone know if this tune also goes by another name?

↳ Handy Haversack @9:31
it did!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:31
Roud 52. As featured on Continental Subway: wfmu-listener.github.io...

h/t Yetz/Yetio!
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Rock Ridge Chess Club:

Once the flies are in the buttermilk, it is too late for shewing.
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Brian in UK:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:32
Ah Little Musgrave.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Music of the Middle Pillar" by "Bob Stewart"
I'm actually fixing up a small psaltery as a test makerspace project.
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Webhamster Henry:

Speaking of stretched strings on wooden boxes, Laraaji will be playing the Basilica Dronefest this year.
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↳ Webhamster Henry @9:34
There's that one Faust song with the psalter - that's in 13/8 time - I remember Jean-Herve teaching the audience the clapping part
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning and Happy Monday!
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↳ Webhamster Henry @9:36
oooh, I wasn't sure the Drone was even happening this year. Live, not online?
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Yetz @9:37
Here are the deets: basilicahudson.org...
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↳ Handy Haversack @9:31
HH: Shady Grove and Matty Groves seem like very different songs. Are they connected?
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good morning to all. Hola from Panamá!
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Joe McG:

↳ betocobra @9:39
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↳ Webhamster Henry @9:39
See you there! (Pictures #2 and #5 in my listener profile are from the 24-Hour Drone)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Lift Him Up That's All" by "Washington Phillips"
Well, all roads of manzarene research seem to lead back to Washington Phillips!
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studio B has a bed?
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Mark Hurst:

Hi Joe, hi all!
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Lift Him Up That's All" by "Washington Phillips"
This used to be in the WFMU catalog
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↳ sydnius @9:43
B is for bed. The linguistics check out!

And here I thought it was a new hybrid citrus fruit
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Yetz @9:42
But *not* your current avatar pic, you're saying?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good ☽Monday FMUvianz ~
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Hey Rev :)


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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @9:46
bon jour yip yip
Danny San:

Diggin` the background strings
Avatar 9:50am

very cool!!

going to miss the meg baird segment, as i am off to mississippi to track drums, this and next week.
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Karl Ward:

↳ clarke @9:51
Everybody knows that drums sound better in Mississippi
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↳ clarke @9:51
"Going off to Mississippi to track drums" is about the best excuse I've ever heard

↳ Karl Ward @9:52

↳ Yetz @9:52
i actually left saturday, but had to come back to fetch...uhhh, the most important element: my hard-drive --- DOH!!!
Avatar 9:54am

this song is awesome

one day i will forget my head.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

today, we are all star feminine band.
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↳ clarke @9:54
my Mom used to say "I'd forget my head if my teeth weren't in it", which never made much sense to me

it's an old adage.
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↳ Yetz @9:55
Were you constantly hungry? Most kids are always looking for snacks, and thus, you'd remember your teeth?
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↳ love2laf @9:56
she was referring to herself not me. but yeah, probably something about eating
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Handy Haversack:

↳ clarke @9:51
Good travels, clarke!

↳ Handy Haversack @9:57
thanks, unfortunately, will not be around the chat, much, the next few weeks. (but, of course, will donate)!
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Brian in UK:

Joe, is this Meg?
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↳ Brian in UK @9:58
I'm not Joe but that is Meg
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Joe McG:

↳ Brian in UK @9:58
It sure is!
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Brian in UK:

The complete Mississippi catalogue, what a Marathon prize that would be.

↳ Handy Haversack @9:57
it's only an hour and twenty away from nola, anyway, ha ha.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Brian in UK @9:58
That's what she uses as her Bandcamp photo, Brian! WFMU sticker prominent.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ clarke @9:59
I think it's been almost thirty years since I was in Mississippi.

↳ Handy Haversack @10:00
some things are different, ha ha.
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↳ Brian in UK @9:58
How many LPs in that Meg Baird photo can you identify?
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Brian in UK:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:00
I should know what she looks like, having seen her.

right at the moment, the Pearl River is about to flood everywhere - luckily, there has not been much rain down this way. but, the water table is VERY high!!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Yetz @10:01
Yetz well the United States of America got my attention. Love Song for the Dead Che is a sublime song.

↳ clarke @10:02
the 'farm' where i record is not too far from the Pearl, but (hopefully) on high ground
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Brian in UK:

How can still waters RUN deep?

there ain't no still waters in the south, right now!
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Deano de los Muertos:

↳ Song: "Rose Garden" by "Lynn Anderson"
song was popularized to me by the Suicide Machines, oddly enough
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Yetz @10:01
...she slipped in Black Flag. Best I can do !...

any Association ties ? or just a heavy influence ?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Brian in UK @10:02
Yeah USA probly Broadcast's favorite LP for instance...
rx scabin:

I must leave but not to track drums in Mississippi. I have different job to do. Thank you, Joe for the songs and talk. Goodbye, Everyone.

↳ rx scabin @10:08
rx - hope for continued improvement(s) yer way!1
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Joe McG:

Meg played here on Shrunken Planet in 2012. Can someone find the link for me?

↳ Joe McG @10:09
i heard that interview - it was cool!!
Ronnie Barzell:

↳ Brian in UK @10:04
I think it means the currents are so deep that you can't even see the movement from the surface, so they appear to be still.

Either that or it just sounds good as a lyric and a rhyme with "look before you leap". Maybe the Velvelettes know.
rx scabin:

@clarke thank you. Safe travels.
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↳ Joe McG @10:09

↳ clarke @10:09
she performed several songs on that show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am
Joe McG:

↳ love2laf @10:10
Thank you!

↳ rx scabin @10:10
you, too!!
Tinley Park Randy:

They definitely put their stamp on this one.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Ronnie Barzell @10:10
That's how Jeff Buckley died in fact. In the Mississippi.
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Joe McG:

↳ Tinley Park Randy @10:12
No doubt!

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:12
jeff was not very smart to do that.
Tinley Park Randy:

Big Country Life

Favoriting July 7, 2012: Meg Baird live on WFMU

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ clarke @10:13
Fully clothed. Alas.

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:13
he was just in the docking area, but still.. NOT in the miss river!!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Ronnie Barzell @10:10
Like the second option.
Danny San:

Word of concern : I found (for the first time ever) some very oddly deformed GALA apples in a two bag purchase from a mid-Kansas WALMART. FUKUSHIMA, JAPAN , site of the largest on-going nuclear meltdown since 2011 has shipped the main volume of Royal Galas . Thanks for the space WFMU .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am

🎶 Baby, we got a conjoined kinda love 🎶

mkay, gotta start putting my stuff together - and yes, i made a LIST!! later ya'll - thanks Joe!
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How did this get onto a record?? Jack Klugman?
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Man I love this tony randal!
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Son Of Pantz:

Oh my!
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↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
Oh my goodness! This is just so, wild!
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↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
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The Oscar:

↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
I kinda wish Matthau and Lemmon recorded their own version of this.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am

Oh man, this is the WFMU gold that I show up for every day!
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Deano de los Muertos:

didn’t you play this a few shows ago? 😅
Ronnie Barzell:

↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
This is the best version of any song that has ever been recorded. Why did every hit song not get a cover by these two??? That seems like a huge oversight.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Gosh, what an odd couple this duet is!
gauche knee:

Haha, this is great! Hit those syllables, Klugman! 😂
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Karl Ward:

Now I want to wear apricot
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Clay Played this last week. It hasn't aged well...
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↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
I had to pull over to comment on this brilliant song!! Tremendous!
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Saratoga doesn't rhyme with Nova Scotia!
Ronnie Barzell:

It's like a cover by Jack Klugman with an audio commentary by Tony Randall
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↳ PMD @10:23
…it even matches the meter!
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↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
Listening to this Odd Couple 45, I'm just glad that the TV series ended before hip hop came into the public's consciousness. We'd have Rappin' Jack!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24am

↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
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Erin in TO:

↳ PMD @10:23
As a Nova Scotian, we forgive that rhyme because we're so happy to be mentioned in something
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↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
According to discogs, the b-side is "When Banana Skins Are Falling (I'll Come Sliding Back To You)", which sounds like a title that needs to get played.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "MIA" by "Gang War"
...then there's the Johnny Thunders - Wayne Kramer redo of Odd Couple...

no wonder their wives threw them out (although, deep in their hearts, they knew one day they would return).
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I’m from Worcester mista
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Son Of Pantz:

Do you have the Telly Sevalas album, Joe?
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Jason from Houston:

↳ Song: "Physical" by "Olivia Newton-John"
Ronnie Barzell:

↳ PKNY @10:23
Yes, please! Their version of "Shoop" could only be solid gold
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Jason from Houston:

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The Oscar:

↳ Song: "Physical" by "Olivia Newton-John"
There was a not insignificant period of time when I believed this song included the lyric "I took you to an internet restaurant."
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Joe McG:

↳ Son Of Pantz @10:25
No, I never found it!
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Physical" by "Olivia Newton-John"
This should have more surface noise!
Avatar 10:27am

↳ McGroovey @10:24
Joe often plays the other side of the single the following week, so fingers crossed!
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Karl Ward:

↳ Jason from Houston @10:26
I was getting my leg warmers on
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Joe McG:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:26
The B-side is amazing, but whoever owned this 45 played that side to death.
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Son Of Pantz:

↳ Joe McG @10:26
I have a copy somewhere. It's a doozy. If I can find it I'll mail it to ya at the station.
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↳ Song: "Physical" by "Olivia Newton-John"
if we go to Chili’s, there will be some talkin’
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Karl Ward:

Now I'm outside the house handing out headbands and spandex to the construction guys working outside
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Jason from Houston:

[snaps sweatband and nods]
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Karl Ward:

They already know the choreography! This is going to be an amazing remake of ONJ's video!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You're So Strained

Combining those wonderful genres Disco and Housewife Music
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A little Surface Noise there at the end of Physical. I like it!
Triple G in NYC:

Good morning Joe & all Yippers, slept in

The Promise (The Dolphin Song)
Song by Olivia Newton-John

See them play in the moonlight
Watch them dance in the sun
They're the children of freedom, everyone
As they care for each other
With no question or cause
They deserved to be treasured as a source of love
In their minds there are answers
And in time we will know
What the truth is about, all we don't know
They have known for hatred
Though they've suffered much pain
From the race we call human who are afraid of love
If only I can help to right a wrong, with my dolphin song
Then I'll have done what I set out to do
If I can only make one man aware, one person care
Then I'll have done what I promised you
Let us hope it's not too late
And that we can amend
All the pain we have suffered on, my friend
We were born with our freedom
Oh, we were born with the truth
Then why do we abuse it, we could choose to love
To love
Garry Marshall:

↳ Song: "You're So Vain" by "Tony Randall & Jack Klugman"
Nice cover
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Joe McG:

Meg Baird's web site: www.megbaird.com
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tim from washington:

Finally here! How much of the interview have I missed? I'm pretty excited about this!
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Joe McG:

↳ tim from washington @10:41
Just started, Tim!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tim from washington @10:41
That was the first bit, Tim.
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Jason from Houston:

Sooooo good.
Avatar 10:45am

thanks, joe, i got the first bit of the interview. laters!

There is an photo of her behind a drum kit; how many/what instuments does she play other than strings and piano?
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Handy Haversack:

I rarely go archive spelunking because then I fall even further behind in listening, but interviews can sometimes be hard to focus on at work. Will definitely revisit.
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "Cross Bay" by "Meg Baird"
Joe, cannot help but hear some Jimmie Spheeris in this song.
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Brian in UK:

As a general thought the comments are less during interviews.
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Alvy Singer:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:47
Heck, work is hard to focus on at work. :)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Alvy Singer @10:49
True. Er. Words.
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Joe McG:

I hope the telephone sound is OK. It's always a challenge to get modern cellphones to sound decent on the radio!

Avatar 🎸 10:58am

This is good "staring out the window on a rainy day" music
Avatar 10:58am

Loving the interview, and it sounds exactly like my cellphone calls, without the dropouts I get here way out in the woods.
Fred And Alan:

Great Show Joe. The Real Fred and Alan. Hooked on your show. Well Done
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Joe McG @10:57
It's not great, but I cranked the volume so it's working out.
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Handy Haversack:

Joe asking what the people care about!
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Morning Joe and surfies!
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Joe McG:

↳ Chris Hiatt @11:01
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Handy Haversack:

OK, she mentioned eight-siders. I'm officially smitten.
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

I’m gonna see Meg on 3/1 at the Chapel in SF with Chris Forsyth thanks to the good folks at WFMU telling me about it.
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Handy Haversack:

Union Pool again 5/10, although without Chris Forsyth. Bring dice, apparently!
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Joe McG:

↳ Joe Mulligan 🦀 @11:03
Excellent! Late breaking news, by the way, is that since we spoke, Meg has added a date at Union Pool in May for folks back east: dice.fm...
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Karl Ward:

↳ Song: "Will You Follow Me Home?" by "Meg Baird with Chri...
Like chocolate and peanut butter right here
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Joe McG:

Great opener, too!
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Joe McG:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:05
Thanks for mentioning, Handy!
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Franco Twinkie:

What a treat! Meg Baird recently came into consciousness. When is she going to play in L.A.?
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Franco Twinkie @11:07
3/3 at Zebulon, Franco:

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Franco Twinkie:

Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Embarrassingly I did not know of her until someone on WFMU mentioned Meg a couple weeks ago. So nice to learn about great artists through the station
Triple G in NYC:

That Will You Follow live one was great
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Joe Mulligan 🦀 @11:10
Not to type cast her, but the first song I heard on WFMU had an opening figure that was, dare I say, Dead like? My ears perked up.
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↳ Song: "Will You Follow Me Home?" by "Meg Baird with Chri...
Clay LoVes Meg Baird!

If I knew the way…
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:14
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ PaulRobeson1923 @11:14
Not for me.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:16am

↳ Song: "Meg Baird: Interview, Music, and DJ Set"
Nice work, Joe.
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:15
If i knew the way, I would take you home, la la la la, laladeda let it be known…
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:14
Meg recorded a Grateful Dead song "To Lay Me Down" for a WFMU premium in 2016
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great to hear Meg!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Interview Part IV" by "Meg Baird"
Great talk, Joe! Really well done. Many thanks for the good work. Thanks for taking the time, Meg!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:17am

Thank you Meg Baird
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Joe McG:

↳ 12539 @11:16
It was nice to chat with Meg B.!
Avatar 11:17am

Just wonderful, loved the interview, and loved hearing more about Meg Baird. Cheers Joe & Meg!
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Handy Haversack:

We need to let Revolution Rabbit know that Meg didn't disallow the possibility of more Heron Oblivion.
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↳ Yetz @11:16
it was also featured on a benefit comp. for a place calle "The Storehouse" but for some reason that is no longer available (?) thestorehousemi.com...
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Son Of Pantz:

What a sweet soul, she is.
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tim from washington:

Crap! I had to run to the basement because of a tornado warning. I'm so bummed! Thank goodness for the archives.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Meg Baird. That was equal parts fun, interesting and great!
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Thanks for having that interview Joe! Very well done
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Meg Baird: Interview, Music, and DJ Set"
Lovely interview & Music!
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↳ Yetz @11:19
so I'm not sure how to find the track but it's probably in the 'FMU archives somewhere
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tim from washington @11:19
Thank goodness the archives are tornado-proofed!
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Interview Part IV" by "Meg Baird"
Meg Baird, what a lovely human being. 90% sure I'll be at that Union Pool show.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Chris Hiatt @11:20
Excellent, Chris! We'll have to make a point to say hi.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Yetz @11:16
There you go, To Lay Me Down is one of the greatest Garcia/Hunter compositions. Simple, beautiful, deep and universal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am

Thank you for that interview, Joe and Meg!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:21am

Looking for to Meg's show this Thursday night in Santa Cruz
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:21
Not at all a Dead-head here and I never heard the song before Meg Baird recorded it. But her version is lovely.
Avatar 11:22am
Dance the Blues:

Saw that Meg Baird BK show in Oct. Was fantastic.
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↳ tim from washington @11:19
Those 100 mph tornados? I hope you stay safe.
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Epic Pink Floyd
Avatar 11:24am

↳ Yetz @11:20
Multiple places to hear the cover, try this one it's the first in the search wfmu.org...

Thanks Joe. Show at Union Pool was a highlight. Asked the same question about Heron Oblivion.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Franco Twinkie:

↳ Yetz @11:22
Catholic Deadhead - double damned and twice reviled.

↳ Song: "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" by "Pink Floyd"
Speaking of an old friend ...
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tim from washington:

↳ Song: "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" by "Pink Floyd"
Total heaviosity!

Great show Joe!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tim from washington @11:26
You can just tell Eugene wasn't at all careful.
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Crownless Gander:

↳ Song: "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" by "Pink Floyd"
Clay Pigeon played Arnold Layne on Wake today! Careful with that Floyd, Joe.
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Franco Twinkie:

Chresti got us tickets - YAY!
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Joe McG:

↳ Slaboch @11:26
Thanks, hope all is well!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" by "Pink Floyd"
That RogerWaters scream is a thing.
Avatar 🎸 11:27am

↳ Handy Haversack @11:26
I always like to imagine that this song is about Eugene Chadbourne
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Yetz @11:27
We can't prove it isn't!
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Andrew Waterloo:

@Yetz... I saw Eugene play once... his guitar tone caused on my friends to simply get up and leave.
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Looking good, Franco!

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Nice. I like this a lot. Red House
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Nice Franco!
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ HyperDose @11:29
Make yourself familiar with where you're going, I always say!
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:24
Haha Franco. Didn't mean to impugn Deadheads - I just don't happen to be one. But TBH in the last few years I've been opening up to their music, because the owner of the coffeeshop I go to plays it all the time. And people like Meg record these lovely covers. So I'm slowly getting drawn in.
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tim from washington:

Yetz! Are you an Unwound fan? I have an extra ticket for Unwound's show next Wednesday at Thalia Hall.
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tim from washington:

↳ Song: "Love Comes Slowly Now" by "The Garbage and The Fl...
Faye's show hipped me to The Garbage and the Flowers a few years ago.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:34am

morning y'all
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↳ tim from washington @11:33
Tim - thanks for the generous offer! I don't know Unwound at all, web says they are "post-hardcore" so probably not really my thing
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Handy Haversack:

Morning, prof.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Yetz @11:31
I'm not really a Deadhead in the classic sense - I saw them before the term was invented. But some of their cannon is indisputable. Cold Rain and Snow for example - It's on repeat as I drive around in my truck - freezing.
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:38
I know that song from Henry Kaiser's version!
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Joe McG:

Owing to my bad time management, I won't be able to fit all of Meg's DJ set into the time I have left, so I'll post the songs that I had to leave out at the end in case you want to create your own playlist!
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tim from washington:

↳ Yetz @11:35
No problem, Yetz. For future reference, I'd say Unwound's sound is more Sonic Youth influenced noisy guitars with with Fugazi and Fall influenced rhythm sections. But more more original sounding than that description.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Joe McG @11:38
You're the best, Joe!
Avatar 11:39am

↳ Joe McG @11:38
That's perfect, that way I won't feel like I've missed out on it! Thanks for a great show Joe.
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↳ tim from washington @11:39
I'd listen to some tracks right now but I'm enjoying this too much! Maybe later.
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tim from washington:

↳ prof.fuzz @11:34
Hey prof! I've retrofitted the FuZZZmobile into a Storm Chaser. Hope you don't mind.

Why did [Pink Floyd] Careful with That Axe, Eugene replace Meg's choice of Dogs?? not a joke...

Just got the reason = 17mins long....
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Son Of Pantz:

↳ morphe' @11:40
Maybe because Dogs is 17 minutes long?
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Hughie Considine:

↳ morphe' @11:41
short title, long song
Barefootin’ 🌈 Along:

↳ Franco Twinkie @11:38
Good morning, Franco Twinkie 🌈 all!

Uncle John’s Band, too
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Barefootin’ 🌈 Along @11:42
"See that girl..."
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tim from washington:

↳ Song: "Hughreysting (Consolation), Op. 66" by "Iceland S...
Is there anything they can't do fantastically in Iceland?
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tim from washington:

↳ Franco Twinkie @11:45
Wait! That's not the Dead. That's TV Eye!
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ tim from washington @11:46
Haha, you're right!

I can and have listened to Bill Evans all day.
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Joe McG:

↳ timbk @11:48
Me, too!
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↳ timbk @11:48
Everybody digs Bill Evans!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Franco Twinkie @11:47
I thought it was ABBA!
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↳ tim from washington @11:46
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Yetz @11:48
Some say he's boring & doesn't have enuff Jazz. Whatever.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @11:49
he played with Miles, he has enuff Jazz
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↳ tim from washington @11:40
hell yeah!
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Wonderful show today Joe, thanks for the Meg Baird interview and cozy music on a cold rainy winters morning
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:18
Rev Rab, see my note to you from the past! (11:18)
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:49
Well, I think EVERYBODY is silently saying that in their brain. If you're not, you have no warm blood in your veins.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Yetz @11:50
Right. Yer on 'Kind of Blue' it's kind of a done deal.
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tim from washington:

↳ Yetz @11:49
What's a surf? ;)

Thanks Joe and all !!!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:52
Yes I heard !
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Joe McG:

↳ Joe Mulligan 🦀 @11:51
You bet, Joe. Enjoy the MB show!
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Handy Haversack:

And thanks for a fantastic show, Joe! Really wonderful radio today. All warmed up for Marathon!

Stay on top, Surfactants!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Joe McG:

Songs from Meg's playlist we didn't get to:
Saint Etienne: Spring
David Axelrod: Human Abstract
Ann Peebles: Trouble, Heartaches and Sadness
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Thanks, Joe!
And Meg!
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Son Of Pantz:

Thanks, Joe! I'll have my wallet out next week. Be careful of the moths flying out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am


Thanks Joe. I've enjoyed the show. Hoping you and WFMU have a great marathon.
Avatar 🎸 11:55am

huge thanks to Meg Baird, Joe McG, and all of WFMU for making my Monday morning
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↳ steveo @11:55
oops, sorry, wrong window
thanks for the show!

Lovely show today Joe, thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am
Joe McG:

Thanks for listening and commenting today, all! See you next week for my first marathon show with special guest Matt Fiveash!
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Crownless Gander:

Ditto, great show today, even though I was only able to catch the last bit of it. Thank you!
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tim from washington:

↳ Song: "Idle I'm - Colorama Coloured in Remix" by "John S...
I really like this!
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↳ steveo @11:55
now we have your password!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Dreamy show, Joe. Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Thanks Joe!
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↳ Yetz @11:56
unless that's his mother's maiden name...
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Franco Twinkie:

Double jackpot! Perfect show for a Monday morning under a threatening sky, AND we're going to see Meg on Friday!

Thanks Joe, I owe you one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

↳ Yetz @11:56
haha there's only $16 in there anyway
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tim from washington:

Thanks, Joe! I can't wait to dig into the archives.

Looking forward to Weekly World Surface Noise next week!
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Wish we could see you and Christi at the same show Franco! Maybe another time soon
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Thank you Joe, great show!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ JoeMcG ~
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Joe. Keep your typing and mouse fingers warmed up for the marathon!
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"Seamus" has a dog ...
loved hearing RHP earlier.
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listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Joe (and Meg!)!
listener monica:

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↳ Joe Mulligan 🦀 @11:58
That'd be great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

what was the song that was 45 mins long?
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:38
Franco:even before 'The Music Never Stopped' reverse tribute CD (the year we lost Jerry?), I appreciated those deep folk roots
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