Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from February 21, 2023 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 21, 2023: Payasos por los Niños

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
Brozo El Payaso Tenebroso  Rap De Brozo   Favoriting Venga por lo Suyo  Polydor  1991  Cassette  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Los Medios De Transporte   Favoriting Vacaciones  Grupo Pypsa    Cassette  0:18:19 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Animales en Extincion   Favoriting Por Siempre  Apodaca    CD  0:20:59 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Vacaciones   Favoriting Vacaciones  Grupo Pypsa    Cassette  0:24:05 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Hoy Es Tu Cumpleaños   Favoriting Por Siempre  Apodaca    CD  0:26:30 (Pop-up)
Payaso Carnavalito  Hoy Que Es Tu Cumpleaños   Favoriting 10 Exitos    1995  Cassette  0:29:00 (Pop-up)
Payaso Carnavalito  Las Papas   Favoriting Las Papas/La Tos  Carnavalito Records  1986  7"  0:31:32 (Pop-up)
Payaso Carnavalito  Yo Quiero Jugar   Favoriting 10 Exitos    1995  Cassette  0:34:14 (Pop-up)
Payaso Carnavalito  La Tos   Favoriting Las Papas/La Tos  Carnavalito Records  1986  Vinyl  0:37:00 (Pop-up)
Tolocho y Colocho  La Vaca Lola   Favoriting         0:39:32 (Pop-up)
Tolocho y Colocho  De Cachibu de Cachivaca   Favoriting         0:41:37 (Pop-up)
Tolocho y Colocho  El Burrito de Belen   Favoriting         0:44:31 (Pop-up)
Tolocho y Colocho  La Vaca Lechera   Favoriting         0:47:05 (Pop-up)
Payaso Globito  Si Soy Pobre Pero No Cochino   Favoriting Globito  Discos Disa  1984  Vinyl  0:49:49 (Pop-up)
Payaso Globito  Un Gran Millonario Soy   Favoriting Globito  Discos Disa  1984  Vinyl  0:52:12 (Pop-up)
Payaso Globito  Yo Soy El Payaso Globito (Remix)   Favoriting     2017    0:54:13 (Pop-up)
Payaso Globito  Tengo Un Amigo   Favoriting El Gallo Travieso  Discos Disa  1986  Vinyl  0:57:13 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  Canto, Salto y Danzo   Favoriting Manejamos El Carro      CD-R  0:59:49 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  Manejamos El Carro   Favoriting Manejamos El Carro      CD-R  1:02:15 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  La Risa   Favoriting Fui Lobo Feroz      CD-R  1:04:03 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  Corre Corre Corre   Favoriting Fui Lobo Feroz      CD-R  1:07:21 (Pop-up)
Payaso Tommy  Quito Quito   Favoriting       Cassette  1:09:52 (Pop-up)
Payaso Tommy  Un Vaquero Soy   Favoriting Tommy  Discos Roble  1986  Cassette  1:12:15 (Pop-up)
Payaso Tommy  La Familia Unida   Favoriting Tommy  Discos Roble  1986  Cassette  1:14:47 (Pop-up)
Payaso Tommy  Baila Amiguita (en vivo 1988)   Favoriting     1988    1:17:06 (Pop-up)
Cepillín  Mi Amiguito Habla Ingles   Favoriting Mundo De Niños  Orfeon  1990  Vinyl  1:19:45 (Pop-up)
Cepillín  Fiebre En La Escuela   Favoriting Cepillin Night Fever  Orfeon    Vinyl   
Cepillín  Triste Payasito   Favoriting El Vaquero Infantil        1:25:23 (Pop-up)
Cepillín  El Pingo Colorado   Favoriting Un Dia Con Mamá        1:27:59 (Pop-up)
Bozo el Payaso  Tabla De Multiplicar Del 7   Favoriting Aprende Cantando Y Bailando Las Tablas De Multiplicar  Discos Rex  1980  Vinyl  1:30:56 (Pop-up)
Bozo el Payaso  Adios Don Pepito, Adios Don Jose   Favoriting Siempre Con Nosotros        1:33:10 (Pop-up)
Bozo El Payaso  La Fiesta   Favoriting Siempre Con Nosotros        1:36:26 (Pop-up)
Bozo El Payaso  Óyelo, Escuchalo   Favoriting Siempre Con Nosotros        1:38:00 (Pop-up)
Los Payasos de la Tele  Animales Futbol Club   Favoriting Los Payasos De La Tele        1:41:03 (Pop-up)
Los Payasos de la Tele  El Auto Nuevo   Favoriting Los Payasos De La Tele        1:44:28 (Pop-up)
Bozo de Brasil  Clube de Bozo   Favoriting Clube de Bozo  RCA  1984  Vinyl  1:48:01 (Pop-up)
Bozo de Brasil  Lobo Do Mar   Favoriting Clube de Bozo  RCA  1984  Vinyl  1:51:16 (Pop-up)
Las Muñequitas Elizabeth  Hola Amiguitos   Favoriting Muñequitas (Versión Clásica), Vol. 1 y Vol. 2        1:55:08 (Pop-up)
Las Muñequitas Elizabeth  El Radio   Favoriting Muñequitas (Versión Clásica), Vol. 1 y Vol. 2        1:56:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:49pm
Mr. Oxford:

Latin American clown music extravaganza! Yo soy feliz!
Avatar 1:02pm
Miss Mei:

Starting momentarily...
Avatar 1:04pm
Mr Fab:

Muchas payasos ahora? Ay chihuahua!
Avatar 1:04pm
Mr. Oxford:

The volume and sound quality dropped down all of a sudden. Not sure if it's the stream or the track itself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Jan Turkenburg:

hi everyone. just got home, just tuned in.
Avatar 1:07pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:04
That's really odd. Is it any different now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Jan Turkenburg:

↳ Miss Mei @1:07
it does sound a little 'watery' like very low bitrate. Is that right?
Avatar 1:10pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Miss Mei @1:07
The volume increased a bit in the Pipo track I think but the sound quality is still a bit iffy. Maybe it's just on my end? Hopefuly someone can confirm if their stream is working fine.
Avatar 1:10pm
Mr Fab:

not sure if it's supposed to sound like this. Like a really primtive RealAudio file.
Avatar 1:11pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Jan Turkenburg @1:10
Yep that's what it sounds like for me also.
Avatar 1:11pm
Miss Mei:

The quality is poor on some of these tracks to begin with from poor audio sources. I'm going to restart the stream and see if I can get it sounding any better.
Avatar 1:13pm
Miss Mei:

Ok, started back up... How is it?
Avatar 1:14pm
Miss Mei:

Never mind, checked on my phone and the quality is WAY worse than the source audio. I'll see if I can figure this out as I hadn't changed any settings.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:16pm

Seems like something funny going on here.
Avatar 1:16pm
Miss Mei:

↳ WR @1:16
I am very confused. I checked my setup and nothing has changed but for whatever reason the audio sounds really bad when I open the stream on another device.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Jan Turkenburg:

we're hearing the auto DJ now, I assume?
Avatar 1:17pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Jan Turkenburg @1:16
Yes. I stopped playing because I went into the BUTT app to see if anything changed in my settings.
Avatar 1:18pm
Miss Mei:

I think we are just gonna have to listen to this in "water-damaged cassette" quality for now.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Don't know if this helps you figure anything out, but looking at properties, your stream is 40 k/b instead of the normal 128 k/b
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:23pm

↳ WR @1:22
I meant to write kb/s...
Avatar 1:23pm
Miss Mei:

↳ WR @1:22
That is weird, because I never set it to 40 before. At any rate, I just tried to change it to 128 so I hope it sounds better now.
Avatar 1:23pm
Mr Fab:

something just got better
Avatar 1:24pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Los Medios De Transporte" by "Pipo"
The chorus in this song is quite catchy.
Avatar 1:24pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:23
This is not the first time BUTT decided to change its settings on its own.
Avatar 1:24pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:24
It is one of my top 5 fav Pipo songs.
Avatar 1:24pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:24
oh believe me, I know!

it has rebelled against us many times.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:25pm

Yes, what I see in VLC now is 128 kb/s.
Avatar 1:26pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:24
Good to know it isn't just my ineptitude then.
Avatar 1:27pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:26
Nope, your show only displays eptitude.
Avatar 1:37pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Las Papas" by "Payaso Carnavalito"
I performed this song at an open mic 2 weeks ago. Was a lot of fun :D
Avatar 1:39pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:37
tis a good tune! Do you have a recording of your version?
Avatar 1:40pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:39
I do! I have a demo recorded prior to then and the live recording.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:22pm

↳ Song: "Un Vaquero Soy" by "Payaso Tommy"
This is the ear worm for me today. Well known melody with slight twist and can't get it out. LOL.
Avatar 2:24pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Mi Amiguito Habla Ingles" by "Cepillín"
I was wondering when Cepillín songs were going to make an appearance. He is my favorite.
Avatar 2:26pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:24
Many people would agree with you. He is by far the most famous one on the playlist.
Avatar 2:28pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Fiebre En La Escuela" by "Cepillín"
Didn't know Cepillín had a record called Cepillín Night Fever. I already imagine what the album cover would be like before I looked it up. Saw it and it was exactly how I had imagined it to be.
Avatar 2:28pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Miss Mei @2:26
I also feel Cepillín has some of the most solid tunes. At least from what I've heard so far on this show.
Avatar 2:30pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:28
He is definitely the most consistent when it comes to good tunes. Completely devoid of any so-bad-its-good vocal deliveries.
Avatar 2:36pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:28
Avatar 2:58pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Lobo Do Mar" by "Bozo de Brasil"
Bozo de Brasil has some solid tunes too.
Avatar 3:03pm
Mr. Oxford:

Thank you Miss Mei for a great show!
Avatar 3:04pm
Mr Fab:

muchas gracias, mi amigo!
Avatar 3:04pm
Miss Mei:

Thanks all for joining. Sorry about all the tech issues.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

Thank you! Thank you!
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