Reggae people, please HELP!
I'm seeking Artist/Title of long-ago dancehall tune w/ this chorus:
"Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
The indica, the indic, the indi-ca!"
Any help will help me get it outta my skull and onto my playlist.
Anyone plz, abeg:
Reggae people, please HELP!
I'm seeking Artist/Title of long-ago dancehall tune w/ this chorus:
"Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
The indica, the indic, the indi-ca!"
Any help will help me get it outta my skull and onto my playlist.
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Listener comments!
Mu Major:
alan the painter:
Big Kat:
I'm seeking Artist/Title of long-ago dancehall tune w/ this chorus:
"Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
The indica, the indic, the indi-ca!"
Any help will help me get it outta my skull and onto my playlist.
alan the painter:
Ken From Hyde Park:
alan the painter:
Big Kat:
Reggae people, please HELP!
I'm seeking Artist/Title of long-ago dancehall tune w/ this chorus:
"Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
Gi mi the indica/
The indica, the indic, the indi-ca!"
Any help will help me get it outta my skull and onto my playlist.