Favoriting Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers: Playlist from December 18, 2022 Favoriting

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Nu Jazz, Electronic, Funk & Soul, etc.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 18, 2022: #35 America is Waiting for a Psycho Killer

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      Color Red Radio Show with Mike Rogers! 世界的に有名なWFMU日曜日午後4時PM ESTでのマイクロジャースとのカラーレッドラジオ番組放送時間は2時間! Nu-Jazz, Funk, soul & more! ニュージャズ、ファンク、ソウルなど! www.wfmu.org/sheena 日本時間:月曜日 6 - 8 am #mrskor !!! 
      Kaminari Japan Film Festival! Dec. 26 ~ Jan. 8, 2023. Watch all the films for FREE! https://soundsurf.com/station/kaminari-japan-film-festival-9nbGTgPf9uLQYPb8T 
      Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel! Interviews with famous and upcoming musicians and film makers! https://www.youtube.com/user/mikeintokyo2004 お願いがあります! 私のYoutubeをチャンネル登録してください。https://www.youtube.com/user/mikeintokyo2004 
Vitamin String Quartet  Kool Thing   Favoriting    
0:01:01 (Pop-up)
Dry Cleaning  Sombre Two   Favoriting    
0:04:39 (Pop-up)
Sunaregt  Envy   Favoriting    
0:06:41 (Pop-up)
Laurent Lombard  Toxic Twist   Favoriting    
0:10:59 (Pop-up)
Pere Ubu  Non Alignment Pact   Favoriting    
0:12:22 (Pop-up)
      He told me "Pere Ubu is a Top 10 charting Band." 
0:16:05 (Pop-up)
Ken Nishikawa  Covid 19 - 1st Wave   Favoriting    
0:16:16 (Pop-up)
Cameron Morse  Each Day   Favoriting    
0:18:28 (Pop-up)
Moog Cookbook  Ziggy Stardust   Favoriting    
0:23:09 (Pop-up)
Sp acewolf  Jacob's Ladder   Favoriting       0:27:04 (Pop-up)
Laurent Lombard  Citizen Kid   Favoriting    
0:28:57 (Pop-up)
BimBamBoom  Oh! No!   Favoriting    
0:30:35 (Pop-up)
Lunice  Compensate   Favoriting       0:36:25 (Pop-up)
Takada Fu  939 National Holiday   Favoriting    
0:36:41 (Pop-up)
Baauer  No Delay   Favoriting Baauer   
0:38:16 (Pop-up)
Ken Nishikawa  Covid 19 - 6th Wave   Favoriting    
0:42:04 (Pop-up)
Mozart Heroes  Muse Uprising Swan Lake   Favoriting    
0:44:20 (Pop-up)
Laurent Lombard  Children's Games   Favoriting    
0:48:02 (Pop-up)
Paddy Isle  Stargaze   Favoriting    
0:49:25 (Pop-up)
Galactic  Bakerr's Dozen   Favoriting    
0:53:05 (Pop-up)
Dry Cleaning  Liberty Log   Favoriting    
0:57:36 (Pop-up)
S-Type  I Like It   Favoriting    
1:07:07 (Pop-up)
Vitamin String Quartet  Sunday Morning   Favoriting    
1:07:11 (Pop-up)
Mosis  Psycho Killer   Favoriting    
1:09:59 (Pop-up)
Big Lazy  Skinless Boneless   Favoriting    
1:14:53 (Pop-up)
Laurent Lombard  Baby Moog   Favoriting    
1:17:43 (Pop-up)
Tucker  Solid Party   Favoriting    
1:19:01 (Pop-up)
Post Modern Jukebox  Seven Nation Army   Favoriting    
1:21:30 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & David Byrne  America is Waiting   Favoriting    
1:24:46 (Pop-up)
Seiho  Stick in the Water   Favoriting    
1:28:29 (Pop-up)
Sp acewolf  Apparition   Favoriting    
1:31:55 (Pop-up)
Julie  Johnny Guitar (Waves on Canvas Remix)   Favoriting    
1:32:55 (Pop-up)
Chris Ianuzzi  Edge of the Earth   Favoriting    
1:36:49 (Pop-up)
MK Groove Orchestra  Party on 69th Floor   Favoriting    
1:42:04 (Pop-up)
Laurent Lombard  Soul Beat   Favoriting    
1:46:48 (Pop-up)
Sister Paul  Who Goes To War?   Favoriting    
1:48:15 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber  You're a Mean One   Favoriting    
1:50:00 (Pop-up)
Nick Campbell  Sunday   Favoriting    
1:53:52 (Pop-up)
Tokyo Groove Jyoshi  My Tears were lost on You   Favoriting    
2:00:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 1:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Good morning everyone!
Avatar 3:15pm
Mike Rogers:

Merry Christmas everyone!
Avatar 3:22pm
Mike Rogers:

This has been a tough year. I pray all your dreams come true in 2023.
Avatar 3:22pm
Mike Rogers:

The best thing we can do in 2023 is try to be healthy.
Avatar 3:54pm
Mike Rogers:

It's so cold! I'm wearing 3 sweaters!

Mike-san Good morning, everyone.
Avatar 4:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Kool Thing! I'm cold!
Avatar 4:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san!
Good morning!!!! How are you?

It's cold and it's in the futon.
Avatar 4:02pm
Mike Rogers:

A bit more weird rock today!
Avatar 4:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. I think I saw a UFO this morning.

I'm fine somehow.
Avatar 4:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Didn't you go to a show the other day? How was it? Last night was the Stepahnies and ummm. I forget.
Avatar 4:04pm

Good morning Mike, thanks for the lovely welcome this morning.
Avatar 4:05pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Laura san!
It's very cold here. How about where you are?

I didn't go yesterday either,

Tsushima Mire is a tour live in Shin-Okubo

I think it was the final.
Avatar 4:06pm
Mike Rogers:

My fingers are really cold. Hope I don't press the wrong button!
Avatar 4:07pm
Mike Rogers:

It's too cold to go out for me!
Avatar 4:07pm

It is actually summer here, but we are having a very cold summer. I should be at the beach but it is only 20c (68F), and I am still wearing lots of layers. I love summer, so I am mad.
Avatar 4:08pm
Mike Rogers:

And why go out? You just wind up coming home anyway?
Avatar 4:08pm
Mike Rogers:

&8 is kind of chilly... Especially for the beach!

The room is heated, isn't it?
Avatar 4:08pm
Mike Rogers:

Yes, the room is heated, but I am a cheapskate and turn it all the way down.
Avatar 4:09pm
Mike Rogers:

I mean "68 is kind of chilly" See? My fingers are frozen!
Chri Ianuzzi:

Konichiwa Mike San!
Avatar 4:11pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san!
Avatar 4:12pm
Mike Rogers:

You coming up later in the show, Chris!

So is my workplace.

Because the set temperature is 19°C

I wear a lot of clothes and work.
Chri Ianuzzi:

Me? yay!!
Avatar 4:12pm

Hi Mike-san. It's 21°f it's a little cold here
Chri Ianuzzi:

Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, Mochy san! Stay Warm!!!
Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

Non Alignment Pact! I'm only supposed to play Jazzy stuff, but who is counting?
Avatar 4:14pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Shineman san! 21 degrees? Fahrenheit???
Avatar 4:14pm

Yes it's Wisconsin

Thanks.mike-san, don't let your body cool down..
Avatar 4:16pm

This is trippy
Avatar 4:17pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman san! That's way below freezing!!!!
Chris Ianuzzi:

I like this
Avatar 4:17pm
Mike Rogers:

Is there good fishing in Wisconsin? I dream of fishing!
Avatar 4:17pm

Next week the teens
Avatar 4:19pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Chris, that was Ken Nishkawa. He is my best friend and we make movies together!
Avatar 4:19pm

Oh yeah mostly up north though
Avatar 4:19pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman, do you go ice fishing?
Chris Ianuzzi:

Great Stuff. I've heard him before on here
Avatar 4:20pm
Mike Rogers:

Next week, the teens? Is that a concert or a bad weather report??? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Avatar 4:21pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san, Ken made my soundtrack for the Yoko Ono movie. It is almost done. Weird music!
Avatar 4:21pm

I fact we have 4 huge lakes around the city
Chris Ianuzzi:

:) a pop
Avatar 4:21pm

I used to
Avatar 4:22pm
Mike Rogers:

You are so lucky, Shineman san!
Chris Ianuzzi:

I am curious, How did you make a Yoko Ono movie?
Avatar 4:22pm
Mike Rogers:

All the good fishing places in Japan are owned by the local fishing collective, if they catch you fishing in their areas, they're brining an ass kicking along with them
Avatar 4:23pm

I wouldn't eat the fish here
Avatar 4:23pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman, why? Pollution?
Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 4:24pm

We used to go to Canada to fish
Avatar 4:24pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san, I think starting a movie is extremely difficult. Finishing a movie is even more difficult, getting it screened at a film festival is a miracle.

Chris Ianuzzi:

I can imagine
Avatar 4:25pm
Mike Rogers:

I went to Canada when I was a little boy to fish. Great memories. Thanks dad!
Avatar 4:25pm
Mike Rogers:

MK san!
good morning!
Avatar 4:26pm
Mike Rogers:

I miss Bowie a lot!
Avatar 4:26pm

Yes and farmers over fertal8 and the lakes get a poison algae
Avatar 4:27pm
Mike Rogers:

That's a tragedy.... Chemicals everywhere!
Avatar 4:28pm
Mike Rogers:

Really Chris san, just finishing a movie is a good way to learn patience.
Chris Ianuzzi:

I had just intr0duced Bowie's music to my daughter and we were listening to the last album all the weekend before... we were shocked when the news came through
Avatar 4:29pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. I was shocked. I cried.
Avatar 4:29pm

My Dad loves to fish would take me out a 5 in the morning and we would be out till noon,never liked it then but I was like 7
Chris Ianuzzi:

We drove past where his apartment was to see all the people and stufff collected
Avatar 4:30pm
Mike Rogers:

My daughter called me and she was crying and she said, "I thought aliens didn't die!"
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

I had always loved fishing... Not really into hunting though.
Chris Ianuzzi:

Makes me want to cry now
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san! Did you take photos?
Chris Ianuzzi:

no, I did not do
Avatar 4:32pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman, you know the difference between a relies man and a spiritual man? A religious man goes to church and day dreams about fishing. A spiritual man goes fishing and wonder "Why?"
Chris Ianuzzi:

probably should have
Avatar 4:35pm

Just saw a video of the Dinah show with Iggy Pop and Bowie was playing piano it was cooler then I would have thought
Avatar 4:35pm
Mike Rogers:

I mean, "Shineman, you know the difference between a religious man and a spiritual man? A religious man goes to church and day dreams about fishing. A spiritual man goes fishing and wonder "Why?"
Avatar 4:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman san! I cut school that day just to watch that TV show!!!
Avatar 4:36pm

Oh I get it today a great meditation but at 7 it was too much
Avatar 4:37pm
Mike Rogers:

It's OK. You have photos in your mind, Chris san. Those are probably better anyway...
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

I wonder where Sheena is? She hasn't been showing up recently! Maybe the time isn't convenient.
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, I go fishing and of course, I want to catch a fish.... But as I get older, it's just good to be in the great outdoors.
Chris Ianuzzi:

My first year in New York and saw him at The Mudd club and The Nursery
Wild Times
Avatar 4:42pm

I need to tàke my grandkids they want to fish
Avatar 4:42pm
Mike Rogers:

Wow! Chris san! That would be so cool!
Avatar 4:43pm
Mike Rogers:

Shinean san, YES! Take them and make memories they will keep for a lifetime!
Chris Ianuzzi:

I was in shock. NY was very different way back.
Avatar 4:44pm
Mike Rogers:

How different?
Avatar 4:45pm
Mike Rogers:

Japan has changed, but society hasn't changed so much in these 40 years.... The cities have changed, new buildings, new businesses, but basically the same excepting lots more foreigners.
Avatar 4:46pm

I have to get them to want to fish with a cane pole they want a rod and reel
Avatar 4:46pm
Mike Rogers:

When we had the Fukushima disaster there was no looting.
Avatar 4:47pm
Mike Rogers:

Tell then they have to basic train first and grandpa taught you with a pole so that's how they have to do it! ;)
Chris Ianuzzi:

It was normal to see famous musicians and local rock and rollers hanging out. The Nursery was a mix of strippers getting off work. Rock stars. Saturday Night live people. Belushi smoking a cigar nearly knocked me over
Chris Ianuzzi:

Drinking age was 18 too
Clubs had a wide variety
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

that day is over now, Chris? Is it because of crime?
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

I would love to meet Belushi in a restaurant too!
Avatar 4:49pm

That's cool Chris I would have to stop myself or I would be like a school girl no offense
Chris Ianuzzi:

I don't know
New York scene has The Hells Angels and they had there own rules
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, me too, Shineman san! I can't even imagine being in the same place with Bowie and Belushi!!!!
Avatar 4:51pm
Mike Rogers:

The Hells Angels keep the peace don't they?
Chris Ianuzzi:

I should say "had" I don't know what really exists of that
Avatar 4:51pm
Mike Rogers:

That is similar to Japan, the Yakuza used to keep the peace... But they are basically gone now.
Avatar 4:52pm
Mike Rogers:

The Yakuza has rules and they didn't fuck with regular people. I thought they were good.
Chris Ianuzzi:

There was behavior laws
If it was crossed then I don't think so peaceful
Avatar 4:54pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san, don't the biker gangs only fight with each other? In Japan, the gangs only fight with each other. Never fight with regular people.
Chris Ianuzzi:

I saw some ugly scenes where people fcked with them and learned
Avatar 4:56pm
Mike Rogers:

Regular people? What are they stupid?
Chris Ianuzzi:

some people want to test to feel cool.
usually drunk
Avatar 4:56pm
Mike Rogers:

In Japan, the Yakuza are obvious by their hair and the way they act (super polite) and dress.
Chris Ianuzzi:

Don't they have Tattoos?
Chris Ianuzzi:

I don't know what the dress is
Avatar 4:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, but they usually don't really expose them in a public place.
Avatar 4:59pm
Mike Rogers:

They wear kind of old fashioned suits. Well not really old fashioned, but they look different.
Chris Ianuzzi:

sounds almost a Mafia.. but Yakuza is a Japanese Mafia ?
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

The Yakuza were one reason why Japanese neighborhoods are so safe
Avatar 5:02pm

Hey Mike san, hey guys! Sorry I can't hang out today. Work, work, work!!! Have a great show!!
Avatar 5:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, a Japanese Mafia. But as a rule, they never messed with regular people and left us alone... Especially left foreigners alone.
Chris Ianuzzi:

yes, Little Italy is very safe.
Hells Angels had a clubhouse and street in NYC that was super safe
Avatar 5:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Super polite!Kind of like Clint Eastwood polite. Kinda scary
Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 5:05pm
Mike Rogers:

So what happened to the Hell's Angels?
Avatar 5:05pm
Mike Rogers:

Howdy Elmo san! You are coming up in about 20 minutes!
Chris Ianuzzi:

They got bought out an moved out of Manhattan. There were mostly Viet Nam vets and kind of old now
Avatar 5:07pm
Mike Rogers:

Ah? Vietnam Vets? Makes sense. Cool guys.
Avatar 5:08pm
Mike Rogers:

They had a rough time. I knew a few vets. Kind of messed up from what they had to go through...
Avatar 5:09pm
Mike Rogers:

I would have ran away to Canada instead of going to a war with people who hadn't done anything to me.
Chris Ianuzzi:

People that lived in a different reality and did not want to join the way outside of that
Avatar 5:11pm

My blood pressure would have kept me out
Chris Ianuzzi:

I am lucky to have missed all of that
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

Well, my mom was Japanese and so, EXTREMELY antiwar.
Avatar 5:12pm
Mike Rogers:

The Japanese are not pissed off at Americans. They are still pissed off at their government for getting them into a big assed war!
Chris Ianuzzi:

I saw that you are interviewing a guy from Blondie? They used to go to The Nursery
Avatar 5:13pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. Clem Burke is Blondies drummer. I hadn't met him in 44 years!!!!
Avatar 5:14pm
Mike Rogers:

He is a nice quiet guy! Not crazy wild at all.
Avatar 5:14pm

Love Blondie I was really surprised when I learned that most of their hits were covers.
Avatar 5:16pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. Blondie were Fab. Do you guys know who Rodney Bingenheimer is?
Chris Ianuzzi:

I moved to NY just as Blondie, Talking Heads, Patti Smith, Ramones had really gone over the top. There was a vibrant scene that they left
Avatar 5:16pm

No Mike-san
Chris Ianuzzi:

I know now who Rodney Bingenheimer is
Chris Ianuzzi:

Television was great!
Avatar 5:20pm

I'm on a phone don't leave me guessing
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

Rodney is arguably the most famous DJ in the world (most famous in L.A.) I was his assistant in 1980 until early 1982. He introduced me to everyone!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 5:21pm

What station
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

Rodney was on KROQ. But now on Sirius XM.
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

He is credited for breaking almost all the bands we have been talking about!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Being an assistant is great. I served as Suzanne Ciani assistant at the same time. then I worked recording for commercials from that
Chris Ianuzzi:

I met so many people and had so many experiences being around her
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

At that time, I never thought how legendary that time was. It just never occurred to me.
Chris Ianuzzi:

Mike, Do you still have contact with Rodney?
Avatar 5:26pm
Mike Rogers:

Yes. I am his curator now!
Chris Ianuzzi:

I didn't know either.
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Suzanne Ciani is way cool!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Yes, I was in school and read about her in a Contemporary Keyboard Mag. I thought thats it!. I am going to move to New York, be her assistant a use her studio.
Avatar 5:29pm
Mike Rogers:

So, now I am curator, so I got a job raise after 42 years! ;)
Chris Ianuzzi:

I did! It took a year or so
Avatar 5:30pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san, do you have music you want me to send to Rodney?
Chris Ianuzzi:

After 42 year!! :)
Chris Ianuzzi:

I don't know, lets think about that
Chris Ianuzzi:

This is really Great!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Suzanne gave me some great opportunities
Avatar 5:35pm
Mike Rogers:

That's really good! Life is funny that way!

Avatar 5:38pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san!
Avatar 5:39pm
Mike Rogers:

”read about her in a Contemporary Keyboard Mag. I thought thats it!. I am going to move to New York, be her assistant a use her studio.” See? It's simple as eating Cake! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 5:40pm
Mike Rogers:

I asked Rodney if I could be his assistant (no assistant's got paid) and he said "Sure!" I was so shocked!
Chris Ianuzzi:

There are more stories :)
Avatar 5:41pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh do tell!
Chris Ianuzzi:

:0 some other time
Avatar 5:44pm
Mike Rogers:

Ok. I got one. So I has to answer the door when guests came. Ramones, Blondie, tons of bands. One day the light above the studio went off and that meant someone was at the door. I one to answer the door and there was some guy who looked like my dad! I was totally rude to him, "What do you want?" It was Phil Spector!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Thanks for playing Edge of the Earth!!!
Avatar 5:45pm
Mike Rogers:

Thank you, Chris san!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 5:46pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey, I have an excuse. I was a suburban boy, I didn't even know who Phil Spector was.
Avatar 5:49pm
Mike Rogers:

I didn't realize I was being rude until they said on air, "The Beatles!"
Chris Ianuzzi:

I like that Elmo!
Avatar 5:53pm

Avatar 5:54pm
Mike Rogers:

I am just an idiot sometimes.
Avatar 5:56pm

Great show Mike-san!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Great Show.. Have a great day!
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Shineman san!
It was fun chatting with you. I envy you that you have grandkids that you can take fishing! Take them and make dreams to last a lifetime!!!!
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Chris san!
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san! Thank you so much!
Avatar 5:58pm

I will thanks Mike-san
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san! Played your Grinch song!!! Thanks!
Avatar 5:59pm
Mike Rogers:

MK san!
Thanks so much!
Avatar 5:59pm

That was cool
Avatar 6:00pm
Mike Rogers:

Laura san!
Thanks for coming by!
Avatar 6:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Shineman san!
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