Favoriting Dimestore Radio Theater with Austin Rich: Playlist from December 5, 2022 Favoriting

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Join us for two hours of old time radio dramas, as we present four different pulp fiction stories, every week! Noir Stories with everymen getting wrapped up in dangerous adventures! Sea-faring Tales that are as two-fisted as they are filled with romance! Mysterious Magicians from the Far East, or maybe a Science Fiction yarn from the Atomic Age! Dimestore Radio Theater offers a chance to engage in Theater of The Mind, and enter a world of incredible tales from both yesterday and tomorrow!

Monday 9 - 11pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 5, 2022: Holiday Film Fest!: "Meet Me In St. Louis!" & "Rogue's Gallery"

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
Lux Radio Theater  "Meet Me In St. Louis"   Favoriting 2 December 1946  NBC 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
John Kirby and is Orchestra  Bounce Of The Sugar Plum Fairy   Favoriting    
0:59:30 (Pop-up)
Biography Channel  Bogart & Bacall: Hollywood's Golden Age Part 2   Favoriting Three Documentaries Edited Together.   
1:12:03 (Pop-up)
Command Performance  "The Christmas Eve Show" Excerpt 1   Favoriting 24 December 1942  AFRS 
1:22:33 (Pop-up)
Rogue's Gallery  "Fortune In Furs"   Favoriting 20 December 1945  NBC 
1:31:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good Hello!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Austin Rich:

Good Hello, Arvo! I don't start for another hour, but it's good to see you early!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Austin Rich:

I hope everyone has their Lux Soap! Time to do the laundry, as we listen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

G'day Austin & Audience!
Avatar 9:02pm

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Austin Rich:

Nice to see ya'll in the chat, Charles and Scott67!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Austin Rich:

Imaginos! Great to see you in the chat!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Austin Rich:

I was just reading your e-mail about your Bryce Lynch story. I'm so behind on my e-mail...
Avatar 9:04pm

I guess so. I figured you'd be busy at the book store with the holiday orders.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm
Austin Rich:

Lux Radio Theater was an hour long show, that was on NBC for YEARS, and re-enacted currently popular films, usually with as much of the original cast as possible. We've heard a couple Lux episodes on the show before, but it's probably only going to air on Dimestore Radio Theater for special occasions.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Austin Rich:

There were 927 episodes made over 21 "series." From 1934 to 1955.

I was just about to write how I enjoy these special features in part because they're on more rarely. Feels extra special.
Avatar 9:08pm

I'm trying to remember if Kitty Foyle was one of them.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Austin Rich:

Cecil B. DeMille took over hosting Lux Radio Theater in 1936, and quit hosting in 1945. He was the most high profile host, There were four other hosts over the run of the show, but this program is still associated with Cecil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

How much have i missed
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Austin Rich:

Most of the episodes were adapted from their screenplays by George Wells & Sanford Barnett, but usually, the scripts stick pretty close, save for cutting scenes and editing the content to fit into an hour.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
Austin Rich:

Often, successful movies would get adapted for radio a number of times, either in hour long versions, 30 minute versions, and in some cases, 15 minute versions. Sometimes, actors would be invited on to play out a single scene from a popular movie on a variety show. Radio was the next best thing, if you couldn't afford to got to the movies.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Austin Rich:

Over the course of the series, the show was directed by Antony Stanford, Frank Woodruff, Sanford Barnett, Fred MacKaye, Earl Ebi, and Norman Macdonnell. However, in some cases, guest directors would come in and do the job, like we'll see in another holiday episode coming later in the season.

Dimestore is a peach of a show, a peach of a show.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Austin Rich:

Thanks Charles.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Austin Rich:

I do enjoy my old radio shows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm

I recognized that little snip of piano
Avatar 9:18pm

OTR is quite fun to listen to. It forces you to use your imagination.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Austin Rich:

What was it, MHLee?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Austin Rich:

I agree, Imaginos. I think you have to engage with it more, and as a result, it draws you in more.
Avatar 9:19pm

Indeed. The only show nowadays that does that is Bandersnatch.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
Austin Rich:

A TV version of the program, Lux Video Theater, was launched in the 50's, and overlapped a little with the radio show. The TV version was only 30 minutes, and I don't think it was always film adaptations, though I haven't seen it, so I have no real clue what that show was like. But it was another outlet for the stars of Hollywood to promote their work.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
Austin Rich:

From all the old movies I've watched, and of course because of Wizard of Oz, I grew up with a BIG crush on Judy Garland. I have NO idea how these leading men aren't just throwing themselves at her.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm

At Austin, I'm looking through the album on hundred songs, I'm pretty sure it's on austin
Avatar 9:22pm
Mr Fab:

Ah, thanks for clearing up that mystery. I thought it was playing the actual film. I didn’t realize that they made radio adaptions out of movies.

I just remember the paperback book or comic film adaptations, ha.
Avatar 9:23pm

Can you imagine a comic book adaptation of old musicals?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Austin Rich:

One thing that contextually helps with following the "slower" pace of "Meet Me In St. Louis" is that it is set in 1904. And, I believe it was based on a stage show that had been around for years, so I believe the story was well known... for audiences in the 40s.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Austin Rich:

(And it makes the awful stuff the little girl does seem VERY wild.)

Hey Austin, been listening to you in the archives a bunch, thanks for doing this show!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Austin Rich:

Wasn't "Heavy Metal" a comic book adaptation of music?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Austin Rich:

Thanks wenzo! I do enjoy programming this one.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Austin Rich:

Mr. Fab: I read plenty of paperbacks and comic book adaptations. It was my bread and butter as a kid.
Avatar 9:26pm

Yes. Among other things. Heavy Metal took the phrase "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" very seriously.
Avatar 9:28pm

This is certainly taking a dark turn.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Austin Rich:

Since it's only the 5th of December, and this movie is sort of set, "throughout the year," we will "ease" our way into holiday stories.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:30pm
Austin Rich:

See, Imaginos? It's all a joke! A horrific, potentially lethal joke!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

Have been listening for about 20 minutes and have no idea what I am hearing.
Avatar 9:30pm
Mr Fab:

I didn’t think that β€œHeavy Metal”
comics literally had anything to do with music. Was more Franzetta type fantasy
Avatar 9:30pm

Thank goodness.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
Austin Rich:

Ahem. Can Judy Garland beat me up someday?
Avatar 9:31pm

The early editions had a series that featured aliens that were a parody of The Beatles.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Austin Rich:

"Heavy Metal" is totally more Frazetta fantasy than actual heavy metal... I guess because the stories are sort of like what some metal songs are about.

There were a lot of music references, and characters named after songs, lyrics quoted, etc. So it was as close to music as you can get in a comic.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Austin Rich:

WR: hopefully it'll start to make sense!
Avatar 9:34pm

I'd like to see an edition of HM that focuses on the Soft Doctrines.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Austin Rich:

I've got a few cheaper collections, but there are so many back issues, and the older ones are really hard to find... occasionally I get a few issues here and there, but really, I've read maybe a fraction of what they've published.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm

Should remember that "Heavy Metal" was primarily a USA version of MΓ©tal hurlant (literal translation: "Howling Metal")

Great Xmas Sheena holiday story.

Stab me with hot pokers!
Avatar 9:38pm
Mr Fab:

WR, I’m that way with every episode of β€œChandu.” Apparently it’s a story that’s been running for months, they never do a β€œpreviously on” recap, and I can’t listen to every moment of it. So it’s basically nice organ music and some cool stand-alone scenes for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

The song was Under the Bamboo Tree from 1902
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
Austin Rich:

Way to go, MHLee! That's rad!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

I kept skipping it because I didn't think it would be that old
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

Judy Garland actually comes up singing it when you search it google
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Austin Rich:

Mr. Fab: The good thing about Chandu is that nothing really happens, so usually, the story has only advanced about an inch every month or so.

Really, it's just good organ music and FX.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

From this very musical lol.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
Austin Rich:

So, the last 20 minutes of the story is "Christmas" themed. Not sure if that makes this officially a "Christmas" movie, but... I like it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Austin Rich:

The kid is the best part of this movie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm

This kid is wild lol
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Austin Rich:

I mean: she's like most kids I knew when I was a kid.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
Austin Rich:

You can tell this story is set in 1904, because not having a suit is preventing him from going to a dance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

Oh did I miss that it was set in 1904? That makes under the bamboo tree a good choice for inclusion
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Austin Rich:

I think they cut a bunch of stuff from the end of the story for this presentation, because suddenly all the problems are resolved moments after they are introduced.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Austin Rich:

They only mention it was set in 1904 during the introduction before the story starts.
Avatar 9:47pm
Mr Fab:

Too bad Lux Interior didn’t host this show. I mean, It was named after him.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
Austin Rich:

I've been trying to figure out how to do some Lux Radio / Lux Interior cut ups, but I just haven't done the legwork to make it work. Yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

Honestly I love the crooning romance christmas songs
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Austin Rich:

Listening to Judy sing Christmas songs makes me realize why I associate Wizard of Oz songs with Christmas, too. It's her voice... it's just nostalgic and wonderful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

The snowmen deserved to die
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm

Tudy is still alive. Younger than my grandmother.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Austin Rich:

I was wondering about that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Austin Rich:

There's the second reference to the date.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Austin Rich:

Can you imagine seeing electricity for the first time? Lightbulbs turning on, for the first time?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

It would be shocking.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Yes, MHLee, 1904, the year of the World's Fair being in St. Louis
Avatar 9:56pm

That had to be spectacular.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

To be honest that was half the attraction to most of the "Luna Parks" of the era
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

There were so many Luna Parks but I think none still operate
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Austin Rich:

Margaret undermines my VO count down. Oh well...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Norman is no longer a very common name but there are three in my family
Avatar 10:03pm

Lux Interior's band was called "the Cramps". I wonder if you could work that into your cutups.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm

I've only heard of it because Jan played a Spike Jones broadcast from it
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Austin Rich:

We're only 1/5th of the way into Bogart's biography and he's been married three times, and already has a thirst for alcohol stronger than anyone I know.
Avatar 10:18pm
Mr Fab:

When men were men…
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
Austin Rich:

I can only imagine what a night at the bar with Bogart and John Huston must have been like.

Hi everyone! I've been tuned in doing a little craft project here! Awesome show. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas get me every time.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Austin Rich:

Heather! I suspected you might be lurking...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:20pm
Austin Rich:

Ahhhh.... domestic violence, glamorized so much by these old guys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20pm

That's umm a lot to process with the laughing there
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Austin Rich:

Though, by all reasonable accounts, Mayo sounded like she was pretty violent herself. Though I can only imagine that you'd have to be able to keep up with Bogart.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:23pm
Austin Rich:

AFRS Broadcasts, with very few exceptions, were not heard in the United States, except on military bases. AFRS Broadcasts were not like the mono, high-quality broadcasts that most people were familiar with, but were shortwave broadcasts, often only for one military base or one small area, and were much more informal, hosted by a couple of local military folks, and relying a lot of pre-recorded material. "Command Performance" was very popular, because they answer letters from soldiers who would write in, which really won over GIs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23pm

They remind of the disney animators talking about stuff... they always say wild stuff and laugh it off... and ot's like "Oh yeah Walt was a bastard, love it"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24pm
Austin Rich:

We get to hear Walt himself on Lux Radio Theater in a few weeks.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24pm
Austin Rich:

Listening to so much old radio, I'm a sucker for Bob Hope. Those Road To... movies are hilarious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25pm

Have you ever watched the youtube channel defunctland?
Avatar 10:25pm

Hope is timeless.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:26pm
Austin Rich:

Is that the old Disney Attractions that are shut down, MHLee?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm

Covers the rise and fall of amusement parks, history of muppets, disney, looney tunes, etc
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:26pm
Austin Rich:

I think I've seen some links to it, but haven't watched any yet. Would recommend?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

Was reminded up it between the disney animators and the electric lights on luna park
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Austin Rich:

I'm also a sucker for the Andrews Sisters, but I mean... come on! Who isn't?
Avatar 10:27pm
Mr Fab:

I used to watch any Road movie that came
on tv when I was a kid. β€œRoad to Morocco” was my fave. The surreal β€œMoonlight Becomes You” scene is great (and good tune, too)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

It's a very good production, has plenty of clips of interviews
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Austin Rich:

"Road To Morocco" is the one that I own still! Time for a re-watch.
Avatar 10:28pm

My favourite song from way back then is "Don't Bring Lulu".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

Funny, I think I've always heard the Frank Yankovic version
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Austin Rich:

I think this was a standard, so everyone probably did it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Austin Rich:

Was this the clip you were talking about earlier? I'm sure Jan has played this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30pm

I have a few early versions of Don't Bring Luli... I think the Happiness Boys and Billy Murray who is probably the original version
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30pm

I think it was a different episode, but I didn't catch every episode
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Austin Rich:

Whoops! I talked too long, so it looks like I'll go over by thee of four minutes. Sorry everyone... it's a Christmas miracle, I guess?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

10-27 and 10-17-42 were the ones
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Austin Rich:

Ahh! I'm sure Jan will be happy to know there's some Christmas material for them to use.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

I don't think he's played the christmas one yet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35pm

1000 dollars is steeep
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:36pm
Austin Rich:

Yeah. I was thinking that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:38pm
Austin Rich:

The "gimmick" for this show was that he was offering listeners a "glance" into his "gallery" of cases. Though I think even that gimmick isn't precisely mentioned each show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39pm

"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:41pm
Austin Rich:

Another "gimmick" for this show - which won't really make sense unless I explain it up front - is that once an episode, Rogue usually gets knocked unconscious or is drugged, and is visited by a hallucination, Eugor, who gives Rogue clues to cracking the cases, sort of like a split personality.

Except, in this episode, he isn't knocked unconscious... and they only address it at the end, so fans won't get upset that Eugor doesn't appear.

Yeah... it's ridiculous, for such a serious show. Old radio was like that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm

Dick Rogue
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm

Very puny
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
Austin Rich:

Lot of "Princeton vs. Harvard" references in our shows today, a rivalry that, as a west coaster, I do not understand.
Avatar 10:44pm

Reminds me of Dirk Gently and Gilks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm

The cop was in the right there lol.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:46pm
Austin Rich:

According using inflation as our guide, $1000 in 1945 would be worth about $16,556.22 in 2022. A $1000 retainer is a NICE chunk of cash for Rogue, a a BIG motivator for someone who admits to being "broke" at the beginning of the show.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:46pm
Austin Rich:

I do love Dirk Gently stories.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48pm

He's a nasty guy
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:48pm
Austin Rich:

A lot of "domestic violence" talk in the shows I picked today. Should have put a warning on this show.
Avatar 10:50pm

According to The Salmon of Doubt, he was supposed to get involved with a case with a cat named Gusty Winds.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:50pm
Austin Rich:

I read that. I would have liked to read that third Gently novel, but he never finished it.
Avatar 10:52pm

I wonder if it was a crossover. That ginger sounded a lot like a certain towel toter.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:52pm
Austin Rich:

Oh, I guess he does get hit. But he "hangs onto consciousness." That's right.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Austin Rich:

Usually this would be where Eugor... Rogue backwards... would appear.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:01pm
Austin Rich:

Thanks again for indulging me, everyone! See ya'll again tomorrow night... and next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01pm

Thanks Austin
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Austin Rich:

Here's your moment where knowing about Eugor pays off...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

Man parties
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Austin Rich:

$10,000 is his final pay. In 1945 money... he had a VERY nice vacation.
Avatar 11:03pm

Thanks again for a great show.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
Austin Rich:

Thanks Imaginos and MHLee!
Avatar 11:03pm
Mr Fab:

Thank Austin, you lovable rogue, you!

Awesome show!! Good night all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04pm

Thanks Austin
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