Favoriting Cheek In Tongues with Barno and DJ Kreightoven: Playlist from October 24, 2022 Favoriting

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Humor With A Great Sense of Music

Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting October 24, 2022: CiT 023 Randoarama

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Artist Track Approx. start time
The Cramps  Don't Get Funny With Me (edit)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Marc Plainguet  Amebas in Love   Favoriting 0:00:51 (Pop-up)
The Coneheads  I USED TO BE A CHEESPUFF   Favoriting 0:04:05 (Pop-up)
1 Trait Danger  Stoney Bologne   Favoriting 0:05:32 (Pop-up)
Goldie Lookin Chain  Self Suicide   Favoriting 0:08:08 (Pop-up)
The Dead Milkmen  Big Deal   Favoriting 0:11:54 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Speaks    0:14:56 (Pop-up)
100 gecs  money machine   Favoriting 0:18:17 (Pop-up)
ShiSho  Rocks N Penalties   Favoriting 0:19:40 (Pop-up)
The Garden  Orange County Punk Rock Legend   Favoriting 0:22:30 (Pop-up)
Ween  Ocean Man   Favoriting 0:24:08 (Pop-up)
Wesley Willis  NFL Shit   Favoriting 0:26:37 (Pop-up)
The Vandals  F'd Up Girl   Favoriting 0:28:40 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Speaks    0:35:15 (Pop-up)
Atom and His Package  Does Anyone Else In This Room Want To Marry His or Her Own Grandma   Favoriting 0:35:45 (Pop-up)
Destroy Nate Allen  Boobie Bar   Favoriting 0:36:14 (Pop-up)
King Missile  Take Stuff From Work   Favoriting 0:36:57 (Pop-up)
Harvey Danger  Flagpole Sitta   Favoriting 0:39:39 (Pop-up)
Frank Black  Ten Percenter   Favoriting 0:42:39 (Pop-up)
toof  Starfish   Favoriting 0:45:42 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Speaks    0:51:45 (Pop-up)
Liam Lynch  Still Wasted from the Party Last Night   Favoriting 0:52:22 (Pop-up)
The Dead Milkmen  Passport ot Depravity   Favoriting 0:52:57 (Pop-up)
Soul Coughing  Casiotone Nation   Favoriting 0:55:05 (Pop-up)
Coolzey, MC Frontalot and Mega Ran  Apocalypse Bards   Favoriting 0:59:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Hello cheekies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm
Barno in Akron:

Hello Aitch!
Avatar 8:04pm
Mr Fab:

Yo Barno, and fellow cheeky listeners!

Best song about amoebas since The Adolescents. But really, how can you go wrong with a song about amoebas?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Barno in Akron:

That's what I always say, Mr Fab. I'm always saying that - Hahaha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Barno in Akron:

It's good to see you here, Mr Fab.
Avatar 8:06pm

Hey gang! The only way to cap off a great day is with great radio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Barno in Akron:

Yay! It's HyperDose! It's not a party until HyperDose arrives
Avatar 8:09pm

Aw shux, Barno 😳 Cleaned, showered, and got to make good on a promise to my best friend. Now it's beer time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Barno in Akron:

Beer and songs about amebas, it doesn't get better than that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
Barno in Akron:

"Big Deal" One of my all time favorite songs.
Avatar 8:12pm

I'm jealous of Barno because he basically admitted to living in a punk house earlier. You lucky duck!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
Barno in Akron:

Hahaha we've had some fun guests at our home over the years, Tommy Stinson, Joe Jack Talcum, Kepi Ghoulie, this weekend Jeffrey Lewis and the Voltage are crashing here...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Austin Rich:

Better Later Than Never?
Avatar 8:16pm

So you're saying I need to start a band so we can have a sleepover? On it! haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Austin Rich:

"HyperDose & The UnReals."
Avatar 8:18pm

Yeah Unwound was taken (thanks again for introducing me to them!)
Avatar 8:18pm
Mr Fab:

my brother used to live in a hair-metal house. Hey, it was LA in the late '80s...

I used to call it the Bill n Ted Party Pad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
Austin Rich:

They are stellar, and so worth spreading the gospel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Austin Rich:

I just listened to an interview with "Bill S. Preston, Esq." and found out he's a HUGE movie nerd. Makes sense, but he seems like a cool dude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
Barno in Akron:

Hahaha, HyperDose, start a band and we'll set you up with a house show here
Avatar 8:20pm

@Austin As a staunch supporter of the post-hardcore and metalcore movements, it's nice to get a history lesson. Which is what I view your Tuesday show as.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Austin Rich:

I'd go and see HyperDose in Akron. Which is either the band name, or the truth of the show?
Avatar 8:21pm

I used to have dreams of playing house shows. Unfortunately life had other plans for me.
This bass line also sounds like something off blink-182's self-titled album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Barno in Akron:

Rocks N Penalties by ShiSho featuring one of your favorite DJs
Avatar 8:22pm
Mr Fab:

Oh yeah Austin, Alex Winter has made a lot of cool films. He did one with the Butthole Surfers. he did the epic Zappa documentary few years back. I used to see him at shows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Austin Rich:

I should do another 90's math / noise / emo show. There were a lot of excellent bands you just don't hear so often these days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Austin Rich:

He was talking about Zappa A LOT in the interview, and then I was like, "I guess he's a Zappa fan?" Then I looked it up: OH. He made a movie about Zappa. Got it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Barno in Akron:

...one of your favorite DJs on vocals.
Avatar 8:24pm

I cheated and googled haha wow didn't know she was a radio DJ AND celebrity rockstar. You must be proud :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Austin Rich:

Seeing Ween live was the closest thing to seeing The Greatful Dead live that I have ever gotten.

The Parking Lot scene was comparable, and at the show, all the fans started taping the show. Afterwards, I saw all these dudes selling Ween Bootlegs. It was wild.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Barno in Akron:

LOL, HyperDose. She won't let me play she and her sister's songs while she's on the mic. She'll give me shit for playing it. But if you search ShiSho in WFMU's archives, they did a live set on the air back a few years ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm
Austin Rich:

My old radio station hosted Wesley live, for a show in Eugene! I got to meet him and everything. Bought a CD from him. The show was great! He really did want to put on a fun show, which was apparently.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm
Austin Rich:

* was apparent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm
Barno in Akron:

Austin, that would be a blast! I went to one of his shows but never gained the courage to say hi
Avatar 8:30pm

How did you get into music, Barno? Did you grow up playing in bands? I want to hear your stuff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Austin Rich:

He was really friendly, but also, pushing hard for you to buy something. He had a handler, too, which still didn't work, because he almost wandered off with some fans who wanted him to stay the night. It was a fun show, but you did get a glimpse into what life with Wesley must have been like, day to day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
Barno in Akron:

I was always a fan of live music but never a musician :(
Avatar 8:32pm

At least we can live vicariously through your uber kewl rocker family lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Barno in Akron:

I'm friends with Wesley's handler around 1996/97. Maybe he's the same person you met, Austin
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
Austin Rich:

I remember you mentioned this tribute show trivia. I was trying to remember what I remember rock bands doing on Halloween in the old days. I know I played a Halloween show in 1994, but we were a sort of noisey experimental / industrialish band with a couple of punky songs, and as I recall, our singer dressed up like a woman in a tennis dress, I was wearing a skirt too (for some reason), and we played a few covers, but not as a "gimmick." We always did stuff like that.

I know I saw other bands play Halloween shows in the early 90's, but I don't recall anyone doing anything weird or unusual, save for the fliers usually having a Halloween theme.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Austin Rich:

Oh, I only met Wesley, not the handler. I just knew there was a handler around, helping keep Wesley on track, because our station set up the show. But I was mostly an enthusiastic DJ in those days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Austin Rich:

This King Missle song was my mantra for decades, but now I like my job, and I work at a cool bookstore, so I don't take anything from them... except a paycheck. And I buy books from them, occasionally.
Avatar 8:39pm

We're on the alt streams so I can say it....FUCK YEAH!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Barno in Akron:

Austin, I think Local H is the first band to perform as a band, like Nirvana, and the Double Door would put Nirvana on the Marquee / If I'm wrong Scott will set me straight. Hahaha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
Austin Rich:

I always think of the Wally Pleasant song, "Stupid Day Job," in conjunction with that King Missle song.

Is this Harvey Danger song funny? I always thought it was pretty brill.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
Barno in Akron:

FUCK YEAH! You can, HyperDose :)))
Avatar 8:40pm

Love how Harvey Danger started as a college band and the drummer didn't even have kit. He'd just bang on a big plastic paint can 😂
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Austin Rich:

I think Local H is the originator; I was just trying to remember what other bands did before that. I know I went to shows on Halloween.. just... no memory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

Peep Show theme as well, now that's a funny show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Austin Rich:

Peep Show. <taps side of nose>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Barno in Akron:

HAHAHA! Banging on paint cans. When the will is greater than the skill
Avatar 8:41pm

Super Hans is my spirit animal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Barno in Akron:

Peep Show is Hillarious, Aitch! I love that show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

Super Hans one of the greatest characters ever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Austin Rich:

When I used to run Karaoke for a couple of local bars, this Harvey Dnager song was one of the tunes I would do. Along with "Poisoning Pigeons In The Park."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm
Austin Rich:

xxx ooo: Frank Black.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

Saw Frank Black tour this album at the time and still in my top 5 gigs ever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Barno in Akron:

I need to find that song that Jez recorded and play it on Cheek in Tongues! Hahaha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Austin Rich:

Jealous. Never seen Frank in any of his bands; the cover is usually a little steep, and / or I couldn't make it.
Avatar 8:44pm

I lost my mind when I first heard that Frank Black and the Catholics album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Barno in Akron:

Austin, did you know that Frank lived in Eugene in the early 2010s?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Austin Rich:

I should do a "Secret True History of The 1990's" show. There's a lot of albums that don't get a lot of lip service these days but were CRUCIAL at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Austin Rich:

He used to live just outside of Salem; there's a guitar dealer here in town, Tim Knight (who also used to play with John Fahey), who sold guitars for Frank. The drummer from White Zombie lives around here, too. And one of the guys who played in REM grew up in Salem.
Avatar 8:46pm

I want to hear more of your angsty side, Austin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm
Austin Rich:

I never stopped being angsty, I think?
Avatar 8:48pm

Oh no, you're still more punk rock than me. I don't own any leather or bow ties. Still got my Chucks though!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Barno in Akron:

The only other Eugene bands I know of are YOB and The Cherry Poppin Daddies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Austin Rich:

Scott Bakula's son lived in Salem, and is a musican, too. I played a show where the kid played piano along with me. Scott used to have breakfast with his son around town, as the kid was going to Willamette University. I think he has graduated and moved away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm

Frank Black had Eric Drew Feldman playing with him at the time. Support band was aussie band Custard who he went on to produce a couple of really good albums for.
Custard are worth a listen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Austin Rich:

YOB is incredible. The Daddies have an appeal, but aren't for me. (I think their first album is really the good one.)
Avatar 8:49pm

Love me some ska. Discovered Cherry Poppin Daddies on a Punk-O-Rama comp. Those and Warped Tour comps raised me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
Austin Rich:

Custard rings a faint bell. I should look into them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
Austin Rich:

100 years old! Damn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
Barno in Akron:

My collection of pornography extends as far as the eye can see - Funny lyrics
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm
Austin Rich:

Rodney always delivers.
Avatar 8:55pm

April 1991 best Playboy cover of all time don't @ me 😌
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Barno in Akron:

googling that now, HyperDose - hahaha! j/k
Avatar 8:57pm

Barno would NEVER haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Austin Rich:

Great show, as usual! Thanks!
Avatar 8:59pm

Soul Coughing is def something I'd work out to. Appreciate that double Milkmen. Thank you Barno. Will definitely be there Friday for the YT show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Fun show, thanks Barno
Avatar 9:00pm
Mr Fab:

^^ Wot Aitch sez!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Barno in Akron:

Thank you all for being here tonight. It was a lot of fun!
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