Favoriting Acid Jazz Hands with Bronwyn Bishop: Playlist from October 21, 2022 Favoriting

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Musical theater from off the beaten path. Obscure and unusual show tunes from within the canon and without, flops, failures, and the newest works from up-and-coming artists—plus tried-and-true hits. Also, occasional appearances from songs that are not show tunes (but only if they go really well with show tunes).

Friday 7 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 21, 2022: Silly Synths

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
Reathel Bean & the Doonesbury Break Crew  Rap Master Ronnie   Favoriting Rap Master Ronnie  Silver Screen Records  1984  Music & Lyrics: Elizabeth Swados & Garry Trudeau 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Les Misérables Original London Cast  Red and Black   Favoriting Les Miserables (Original London Cast Recording)  Exallshow Ltd  1985  Music: Claude-Michel Schonberg Lyrics: Alain Boublil & Jean-Marc Natel (translated into English by Herbert Kretzmer) 
0:14:09 (Pop-up)
Bernadette Peters & Song & Dance Orchestra  Overture/Take That Look Off Your Face   Favoriting Song & Dance - The Songs (Original Broadway Cast Recording)  Masterworks Broadway  1985  Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics: Don Black 
0:16:49 (Pop-up)
Paul Nicholas, David Burt & Cantabile  Saladin Days/I Can't Wait to Be King   Favoriting Blondel - Original London Cast Album  Stage Door Records  2017  Music: Stephen Oliver Lyrics: Tim Rice 
0:21:56 (Pop-up)
Robert Locke & Blood Brothers Company  I'm Not Saying a Word   Favoriting Blood Brothers (New London Cast Recording)  BMG Music  1993  Music & Lyrics: Willy Russell 
0:28:35 (Pop-up)
Mark Linn-Baker  Baby Boom Boogie Boy   Favoriting Doonesbury A New Musical  MCA Records  1983  Music: Elizabeth Swados Lyrics: Garry Trudeau 
0:31:10 (Pop-up)
Varga Miklós & Marta Sebestyen  Véres kardot hoztam/Vezess minket, István!   Favoriting István, A Király - Rockopera, Boldizsár Miklós "Ezredforduló" C. Drámájának Felhasználásával  Gong  1993  Music: Levente Szörényi Lyrics: János Bródy    0:34:37 (Pop-up)
Elaine Paige, Tommy Korberg, Denis Quilley & Bjorn Skifs  Quartet (A Model Of Decorum And Tranquillity)   Favoriting Chess (The Original Recording)  3 Knights Ltd  2014  Music: Benny Andersson & Bjorn Ulvaeus Lyrics: Tim Rice & Bjorn Ulvaeus 
0:50:42 (Pop-up)
Stephanie Lawrence, Frances Ruffelle & Starlight Express Original Cast  He Whistled At Me   Favoriting Starlight Express  Polydor Records  1984  Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics: Richard Stilgoe 
0:53:29 (Pop-up)
Original Cast of The Gospel at Colonus  Numberless Are the World's Wonders   Favoriting The Gospel at Colonus (Original Cast Recording)  Rhino Entertainment  2005  Music: Bob Telson Lyrics: Lee Breuer 
0:55:21 (Pop-up)
Ilene Kristen, Nancy Giles & Keith Curran  Good Times   Favoriting Mayor (The Original Cast Album)  Harbinger Records  2014  Music & Lyrics: Charles Strouse 
0:58:54 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Des Grips Theaters  Mut zum träumen   Favoriting Linie 1 (Das Musical)  Polydor  1986  Music: Birger Heymann Lyrics: Volker Ludwig 
1:07:43 (Pop-up)
Aivars Brize  Tu vari palauties uz mani   Favoriting Rokopera Lacplesis  Zigmars Liepins  1988  Music: Zigmars Liepins Lyrics: Mara Zalite 
1:10:43 (Pop-up)
Murray Head  We're the U.F.O.   Favoriting Time  EMI/Capitol  1986  Music: Jeff Daniels Lyrics: Dave Clark & David Soames    1:15:21 (Pop-up)
Which Witch Ensemble  Possessed   Favoriting The Operamusical Which Witch - London Cast Album  Notabene Records  1993  Music: Ingrid Bjornov & Benedicte Adrian Lyrics: Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Helen Hampton, Piers Haggard & Ole A. Sorli 
1:18:17 (Pop-up)
Andrew Hill Newman, Barbara Walsh & Donna Murphy  Chekhov   Favoriting Birds of Paradise (Original Off-Broadway Cast)  Jay  1999  Music: David Evans Lyrics: Winnie Holzman 
1:20:34 (Pop-up)
Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman  The Phantom of the Opera   Favoriting The Phantom of the Opera  Polydor  1987  Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics: Charles Hart 
1:30:18 (Pop-up)
Mark Hardwick & Mike Craver  Dizzy Fingers   Favoriting Oil City Symphony: The Original Cast Recording  DRG Records  1988  Music: Mark Hardwick & Debra Monk 
1:32:35 (Pop-up)
Alison Fraser & Scott Bakula  It's Not Too Late (Reprise)   Favoriting Romance Romance (Original Broadway Cast)  Jay Productions Ltd.  1988  Music: Keith Herrmann Lyrics: Barry Harman 
1:35:03 (Pop-up)
Brian Lane Green & Starmites  Starmites   Favoriting Starmites  Original Cast  1998  Music & Lyrics: Barry Keating 
1:37:10 (Pop-up)
Charlotte d'Amboise, Gene Anthony Ray & Boys  Out for Blood   Favoriting Carrie the Musical (bootleg)  No Label  1988  Music: Michael Gore Lyrics: Dean Pitchford 
1:41:25 (Pop-up)
Attila Kaszas & Eva Igo  Orokre szepek II (Eternal Beauty II)   Favoriting A Padlas  Hungaroton  1993  Music: Gábor Presser Lyrics: Dusán Sztevanovity 
1:52:45 (Pop-up)
Lea Salonga & Simon Bowman  The Last Night of the World   Favoriting The Last Night of the World  Geffen Records  1990  Music: Claude-Michel Schonberg Lyrics: Alain Boublil & Richard Maltby Jr.    1:55:29 (Pop-up)
Cats Orchestra  The Overture   Favoriting Cats (Original Broadway Cast Recording)  The Really Useful Group Ltd.  1983  Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber 
1:57:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎭 6:55pm
Listener Gregory:

Hello, all. I have not yet had anything to drink, but I feel that Bronwyn could drive me to it with the proper selections.
Avatar 7:01pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

If this first track doesn't drive you to drink, the pig song from Carrie later in the program definitely will
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Rapmaster Doctorjazz checking in for duty!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Martini per tutti! I feel like I remember this. I must have heard it at some point.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

Hi RM DJ! I'm going to put on my WFMU apron, and one oven mitt (like MJ)
Avatar 7:03pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi rapmasters doctorjazz and diciassette!!!!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

That time already? Good, means I can sign out from work.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

I *do* remember him being the master of bad hair dye!
Avatar 🎭 7:12pm
Listener Gregory:

@diciassette, he certainly did it better than Rudy Giuliani.
Bronwyn, yes, the sound of Ronnie's voice is enough to send me into apoplexy.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

@diciassette-I was going to change my picture to one with the bib and glove, but I can't find the button to change my icon.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

I'd still take him over a walking Orange Cheeto, anyday.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

doctorjazz, glad to hear you're in such good shape! I'd better catch up.
Listener Gregory:

I don’t know Les Mis (the musical) at all, but these lyrics do not seem good to me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

Ronnie had sensible words about assault weapons, on or off Broadway
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

When I was dating my wife, she was in LOVE with Le Mis, took me to see it 3 times (that was long enough ago that I can listen/watch it again). She did the same with Once On This Island, saw it 3 times.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

My favorite Les Mis is the Japanese version which featured Takeshi Kaga, best known perhaps as The Chairman" on the original Japanese Iron Chef.
Avatar 7:22pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Garry T should find a new composer (RIP Liz) and do Rap Master Donnie
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

doc, if you were to question her about repeated attendance of a musical, I'm sure she can question your tendency to see a musician or band repeatedly. 😆
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

She could complain about seeing Abdullah Ibrahim more than once (except that they were great performances, she'd have no leg to stand on). It's more the "out" jazz stuff she's been stuck at that would be her main complaint.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

(She has seen Steven Bernstein a few times in different conglomerations, but they are all different enough that it wasn't redundant, at least I don't think so).
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
diciassette RM:

[my internet research is still a few songs back]

Peters "persuaded him to do one last 'Vargas Girls' portrait... She just went to his California retreat, asked him to do one more, he looked at her and said, 'You ARE a Vargas girl!'"
Listener Gregory:

“Saladin Days” is a witty title. Not surprised that Tim Rice was involved.
Listener Gregory:

I had heard about Starlight Express, but I now see I really had no idea.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
diciassette RM:

"He really blew it!"
Avatar 🎭 8:19pm
Listener Gregory:

I think drum machines may have an affinity for demonic musicals.
Avatar 8:22pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Drum machines are instruments of Satan, confirmed (this makes them even cooler)
Avatar 8:26pm

@listener gregory: make sure your drum machine circle is arranged in a pentagram...
Avatar 8:28pm

"...they made sounds just like drums, now you're older and i'm wiser, we designed synthesizers.... (stephin merrit[as sung by dean wareham])
Listener Gregory:

This Phantom cut illustrates the use of a synthesizer to play what could be played better (IMHO) by actual instruments. The best synth parts are those that make sounds that have never existed before, as by Sun Ra, say. That is just my opinion.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Bronwyn B and synthdicate. Bronwyn C teamed up with Hearty White last night. Definitely need more Bronywns!
Avatar 8:33pm

@Listner Gregory: what about mellotrons? (not synthesizers, but....)

There's another Starlight Express, Elgar's. Well worth playing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Starlight_Express
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Webhamster Henry:

Back from giving my lecture and catching your last act....
Listener Gregory:

@NGH, I am working on a statement regarding mellotrons, as soon as I know what they sound like.
Avatar 8:39pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hey Ken, Henry and Dean!!! :D
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
diciassette RM:

@ngh the 6ths, innit!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Webhamster Henry:

The Acid Jazz Hands Carrie Moment.
Listener Gregory:

The only way this show *could* end is in buckets of blood.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
diciassette RM:

so. much. blood.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:47pm

The use of synthesizers, instead of musicians, sometimes has some positive musical aspects, but generally is a cost cutting move. 1 musician can replace a dozen or more.
Avatar 🎭 8:49pm
Listener Gregory:

There is a fine line between a synthesizer being used to purposely cheesy effect and one that just sounds cheesy in a shuddery way.
Listener Gregory:

Thinking of all the ways my life would be different if I had been named Attila…
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
diciassette RM:

"He just wants a calculator
But he's got an oscillator
He doesn't want to play no tune
Just cause it's 1982"
Listener Gregory:

Wonderful show, Ms Bishop! It never drove me to drink, though during the Starlight Express song I thought I might be tripping. Thanks!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm

We've come to the Grand Finale, thanks Bronwyn, catch you all on the chat boards! Great weekend, all!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
diciassette RM:

Thanks Bronwyn!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Webhamster Henry:

I'm sure Bronwyn pointed out that the use of synthesizers in (I think) Cats meant that the union made them hire musicians who didn't play.
Avatar 8:58pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

thank YOU darlings!
Avatar 8:59pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

@Henry: I did not know that, what a fact!!!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Webhamster Henry:

@BB Fact check me though!
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

That would negage any cost savings, of course (but I'm guessing if it's true, it's an exception, not the usual situation with using synthesizers. I could be wrong too, though).
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
Webhamster Henry:

Yes, the producers weren't saving any money on that one. Too bad CATS closed before they could make back their investment. Oh wait.
Avatar 🎭 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

Thank you! Bronwyn!
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