Favoriting Currents with Brian D: Playlist from August 21, 2022 Favoriting

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Music inspired by life and current events

Saturday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sat. Mar 15th, 6am - 9am: Brian D and his Co-Host Alan 6

Favoriting August 21, 2022: "Free yourself/that leash is long..."

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Images Approx. start time
Yeah Yeah Yeahs  Buried Alive (feat. Dr. Octagon)   Favoriting Mosquito  Dress Up/Interscope      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
X-Ray Spex  Germ Free Adolescents   Favoriting The Anthology  Sanctuary      0:04:59 (Pop-up)
Slits  Life on Earth   Favoriting Return of the Giant Slits  CBS      0:08:14 (Pop-up)
The B-52s  Rock Lobster   Favoriting The B-52s  Warner Bros.      0:15:25 (Pop-up)
Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros  Shaktar Donetsk   Favoriting Global A Go-Go  HellCat      0:22:21 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: CBS-War in Ukraine enters new phase   Favoriting n/a  n/a      0:28:03 (Pop-up)
Mommyheads  People Who Cry (live at CBGBs)   Favoriting Swiss Army Knife  Simple Machines      0:29:49 (Pop-up)
The Damned  Don't Cry Wolf   Favoriting Music for Pleasure  Stiff      0:33:11 (Pop-up)
Peaches  Kick it (feat. Iggy pop)   Favoriting Fatherf*cker  XL      0:36:11 (Pop-up)
Joy  DIRTY   Favoriting Joy  Girlsville Records      0:38:46 (Pop-up)
Momma  Brave   Favoriting Household Name  Polyvinyl      0:42:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
James Murphy 

Golden Years   Favoriting

While We're Young motion picture soundtrack 




0:46:08 (Pop-up)
The Jam  Town Called Malice   Favoriting The Gift  Polydor      0:53:10 (Pop-up)
Thin Lizzy  Whiskey in the Jar   Favoriting Thin Lizzy at the BBC  Universal/BBC      0:56:05 (Pop-up)
Cosmo Jarvis  Tell Me Who To Be   Favoriting Think Bigger  25th Frame      1:02:39 (Pop-up)
Pillow Queens  Try, Try, Try   Favoriting Leave the Light On  Royal Mountain      1:06:12 (Pop-up)
n/a  WION-Interview with Salman Rushdie attacker   Favoriting n/a  n/a      1:11:07 (Pop-up)
Big Thief  Little Things   Favoriting Dragon New Mountain I Believe You  4AD  Peter van Agtmael photo essay on life under Taliban rule for Vanity Fair 
1:12:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
James Murphy 

Golden Years   Favoriting

While We're Young motion picture soundtrack 




1:17:59 (Pop-up)
Linus Pauling Quartet  Slave to the Die   Favoriting Ampalanche  Vincebus Eruptum   
1:25:49 (Pop-up)
Weird Nightmare  Holding Out   Favoriting Weird Nightmare  Sub Pop   
1:33:39 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Sky News-Kabul mosque attack kills at least 10   Favoriting n/a  n/a      1:41:15 (Pop-up)
Saajtak  There's a Leak in the Shielding   Favoriting For the Makers  American Dreams   
1:42:48 (Pop-up)
Q Lazarus  Goodbye Horses   Favoriting Married to the Mob  Mon Amie Records  R.I.P. Q Lazarus: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/q-lazzarus-diane-luckey-goodbye-horses-dead-obituary-1234577321/ 
1:48:50 (Pop-up)
Gabber Modus Operandi  Pariah   Favoriting PUXXXIMAXX  Yes No Wave  From National Geographic feature: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/a-2000-mile-journey-across-the-talibans-afghanistan-feature 
1:51:51 (Pop-up)
Gleaming Spires  Watch Your Blood Beat   Favoriting Songs of Spires  Omnivore   
1:56:42 (Pop-up)
Atom  Rot   Favoriting Neuer Mensch  Raster Music   
2:01:57 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Vox-US and Canada pollute river in indigenous lands   Favoriting n/a  n/a      2:08:09 (Pop-up)
The Medicine Singers  Sanctuary   Favoriting The Medicine Singers  Stone Tapes   
2:10:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
James Murphy 

Golden Years   Favoriting

While We're Young motion picture soundtrack 




2:16:04 (Pop-up)
Kite  ((( (( ( eternal death ) )) )))   Favoriting People You Must Look at Me  Unheard Records   
2:20:46 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: CBC-Academy apologizes to Native American woman who declined Brando’s Oscar   Favoriting n/a  n/a      2:33:33 (Pop-up)
Raven Chacon  Pinefire Song   Favoriting An Anthology of Chants Operations  Ouidah Label      2:34:50 (Pop-up)
Keiko Higuchi  the still 05 esashi oiwake   Favoriting Vertical Language  Black Editions      2:47:26 (Pop-up)
REM  Fretless   Favoriting Out of Time  Warner Bros.   
2:53:14 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
James Murphy 

Golden Years   Favoriting

While We're Young motion picture soundtrack 




2:58:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05am

G'day Brian & Currents Crew!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05am
Brian D:

Scott! Phillip!

Insomnia😔 expired heavy cream
Avatar 3:08am

Hi Brian, Keri and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10am
Brian D:

Greetings Fout!

Finally/Again remembered to tune in on time!!!
Only about 6 months ago did I discover that Johnny Rotten was Ari Up's stepdad???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12am
Brian D:

Hello Morphe. Yes, he helped care for her at the end of her life.

I'm looking at abbys home planet from my window
tom tom the pipers son:

saw ari up perform in a bar, walking on top of tables, tables collapsing, total anarchy... inspiring

"ROAM" by the B52s is a better song than "rock lobster"
Avatar 3:18am

Sorry Brian, Keri Blakinger will be with you on Currents next Saturday! I hope her book Corrections in Ink will be translated into French.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19am
Brian D:

Had originally planned to play "Roam," Phillip. Guess that'll learn me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20am
Brian D:

Yes @Fout, Keri will be on next week. Her book is fantastic, so I hope it's translated as well.

First I heard "rock lobster" was on saturday night live. Laraine newman and gilda radner introduced the band the B52s

Yes I'm that old😁
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26am
Brian D:

I am too, Phillip.

09:26 in Madrid.. must go to the bakery for bread for Mini-Glistener Simon's bread ... he'll tell me what I missed .... I too thought the interview was today...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31am
Brian D:

Please pick me up a pain au chocolat.
tom tom the pipers son:

was captain obvious inspired by captain sensible?

Never heard this slower version before... nice ...

Phil Lynott sculpture in Dub

cannot past -address = too big

Whiskey in the Jar

Never heard this slower version before... nice ...

Phil Lynott sculpture in Dub

cannot past -address = too big
Avatar 4:07am
Don in Tampere:

Hello to Brian and the Currents gang! In finland, the most recent ridiculous brouhaha was because someone posted videos of our prime minister singing, dancing and, God forbid, drinking (though not obviously drunk like previous president Kekkonen) and the right-wing trolls are up in arms about inappropriate behavior. Fer chrissake, she's a 36-year-old woman, why shouldn't she party? And that's pretty much exactly what she told the press.
Avatar 4:08am

@Brian: have you seen The Pusher film trilogy by the Danish film director Nicolas Winding Refn? Pusher III: I'm the Angel of Death is one of my favorite dark and violent film, but this film has also funny moments!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08am
Brian D:

Hello Don. I read she volunteered to take a drug test as well. Glad we're focusing on the important things... not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09am
Brian D:

I haven't seen them, @Fout. But will check them out. Thank you.
Avatar 4:11am

@Brian: I will check The Shadow of Violence, thank you too!

Niall Stokes on Philip Lynott, Music and Racism in Ireland
Full article below:
"I was thinking about Philip Lynott last week. Had he lived, the great Irish rock star would be 70 years of age, on 20 August 2019. Seventy fucking years. To anyone who knew him well, that is an astonishing thought."

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14am
Brian D:

Have the article open now, morphe. Thanks.
tom tom the pipers son:

salman not salmon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16am
Brian D:

Good catch @tom tom. Fixed.
tom tom the pipers son:

hey, its 4am
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24am
Brian in UK:

Hello Brian.

Dan in Tampere. If that was a man, would there be a fuss. Guess there are folks in Finland that resent her getting the job.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26am
Brian D:

Hello Brian. And agree. Double standard. As usual. Shameful.
tom tom the pipers son:

@don in tampere... that story reminds me of when the republicans went after aoc for a music video she was in in college. it backfired in them. its just misogyny
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29am
Brian D:

Great analogy tom tom. And yes, equally stupid going after Ocasio-Cortez for that video.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29am
Brian in UK:

Why are the Taliban so scared of women.

I remember the near constant feeling of optimism when the USSR collapsed and was oft thinking of the possible goodness = so much less spending on weaponry and war = housing, eduction, health, well beingNESS and then abruptly 09/11 and all went to shite and these last few years ... feels like Global Terminal Illness ... Meanwhile ... people wait in line for hours for weekend Brunch ... I look on the bright side ... I "haven't got long to live..."
Avatar 4:44am
Michael of Cologne:

Good morning Brian & all. Misogyny is so so easy to mobilize! The men who do it are shooting themselves in the foot and displaying their utter ugliness. Loving my woman is a (or even the) great joy in my life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45am
Brian D:

Good morning, Michael. Agreed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46am

Good morning Brian and listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46am
Brian D:

And morphe, I think you sum up a lot of how most of us feel. Those of us who remember the so-called Cold War celebrated its end, only to see it replaced with something worse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47am
Brian D:

Fred! Welcome back from self-imposed exile!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02am

I will clarify that my going into hiding was not spurred by leaked videos of me dancing or singing, as there are no such things (thankfully)
Avatar 5:04am
Michael of Cologne:

Yes, something worse, @Brian. I hear listeners on C-Span saying they're reminded on 1930s Europe. And I am observing the steady, relentless hollowing out of the democratic institutions by the GOP in the U.S., the cultivation of a misled, resentful mob of which the more moderate powers, or even the judiciary, is scared.
Chris Crisco:

I suppose that is why Finland is rated the happiest country they don't get hung up on all this horseshit. Haven't seen any such videos from our New Zealand PM Jacinda yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06am
Brian D:

That's funny, Fred. Sadly, there's a really awful video of me drunkenly air-guitaring somewhere. A friend occasionally takes it out to keep me humble.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09am

To be fair, videos of a country leader dancing should probably be avoided, as a rule, for everyone's sake (including viewers). YMCA anyone?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10am
Brian D:

Generally agree, Fred. But the Finnish PM moves pretty well.
Avatar 5:10am
Don in Tampere:

Actually, the right-wingers, including the National Coalition Party, which has led the government multiple times, have gotten all up in arms about it, but I think everyone else thinks they are being stupid. Marin (like Obama) actually has some pretty good moves. Though, based on the video soundtrack, pretty crappy taste in music....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16am

There is actually a dance video where I briefly appear, but as a standing onlooker only (with a WFMU T-shirt, obviously)
Avatar 5:18am
Michael of Cologne:

What do you call it when one political party does not accept that there is a second political party there to oppose it?

Fred - ya should be encouraging folks to watch the ex- us -president's YMCA clips ...
Chris Crisco:

Putinocracy? That's what I've been calling it.

Afghan mosque bombing - most of the Afghan and Pakistan Mosque, school and specific neighborhood attacks are directed at Sh'ia, Sufi and other smaller religious affiliations by Sunni Muslim groups..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22am

@morphe': That would be cruelty. I heard that "white man dance" was not exactly praise, but "orange man dance" is hard to watch (though the "dance" part may not be the main reason)

Fred - putting "dance' in quotation marks in relation to "orange man" is editorially and stylistically correct...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27am

I would love to see a Bernie dance video, in part because it could only happen over the grave of the capitalist system
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29am
Brian D:

I'd dance with him there, Fred.
tom tom the pipers son:

heading out.... thanks for the show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39am
Brian D:

Thank you, tom tom.
Avatar 5:44am
Michael of Cologne:

What would that grave look like, @fred?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47am
Brian D:

Probably something like this, @Michael. www.northjersey.com...

Mosque Bombing Correction: the 2 most recent Mosque bombings were done on Sunni Mosques - the Mosques are part of the "Hanafi" branch ..

"The most prominent casualty of the massive blast was Mullah Amir Mohammad Kabuli.

Kabuli was an important cleric, belonging to the Hanafi school, one of the most moderate among the four schools of thought in Sunni Islam."

Full article:
Avatar 5:53am

What a beautiful song!
Avatar 5:53am

What a beautiful song!!!
Avatar 5:54am

Excellent set! Thank you Brian! I cannot wait for next week Currents show!
Avatar 5:55am

That Keiko Higuchi was very well recorded. Brought to mind Diamanda Galas a bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am
Brian D:

Thank you @Fout. And thank you all for joining me. Stay safe and have a great week. Oh, and stay tuned for Carol!

Thanks Brian and all !!!
WFMU online Uni... !!!
Avatar 5:57am

@Fredericks: yes , a bit, and Archie Shepp with Jeanne Lee on Blasé album too.
Avatar 6:00am

You're right about the Archie Shepp/Jeanne Lee Blasé. I'd forgotten about that record.
Avatar 6:00am

@ Fredericks: the song My Angel, to be more precise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

Thanks Brian!✌️😎🤙🌏
Avatar 6:17am

@Fredericks: I did a mistake, I was thinking at first of the song Blasé in fact, not My Angel. Blasé is closer in the atmosphere. But this Keiko Higuchi song could even get closer to some Mal Waldron/Jeanne Lee duos songs.
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