Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from August 17, 2022 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 17, 2022: Who Left Him for a Horse Dealer

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Horacio Salgán  A Fuego Lento   Favoriting Evita's Tango  Milan  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Willem Breuker  Rit Over Het Bodenmeer: Tango Superior   Favoriting Baal Brecht Breuker Handke  BV Haast  0:04:09 (Pop-up)
Jake Tobin  Pain, On Leave   Favoriting Torment  Chill Mega Chill  0:12:18 (Pop-up)
Beauty Pill  The Prize   Favoriting Beauty Pill Describes Things As They Are  Butterscotch  0:14:25 (Pop-up)
Kahimi Karie  Mirage   Favoriting Nunki  Victor  0:18:33 (Pop-up)
U.S. Maple  Lay Lady Lay   Favoriting Purple on Time  Drag City  0:22:54 (Pop-up)
Omo Smart Idonigie and His Happy Moving Stars  Gwe-Mosimhelamhe   Favoriting Omo Smart Idonigie and His Happy Moving Stars  Kabakar Sounds  0:28:16 (Pop-up)
Orchestre D.O. 7 Shirati Jazz  Luo Union F.C.   Favoriting Elizabeth  Editions Jicco  0:36:34 (Pop-up)
Re Niliu  Caravi   Favoriting Caravi  Robi Droli  0:45:19 (Pop-up)
Cheb I Sabbah  Maname Diname   Favoriting Krishna Lila  Six Degrees  0:52:34 (Pop-up)
Kahil El'Zabar / Billy Bang  The Dream Merchant   Favoriting Spirits Entering  Delmark  0:58:11 (Pop-up)
Nicolas Gaunin  Kapuku   Favoriting Hulahula Kāne  Moon Glyph  1:03:07 (Pop-up)
Colored Music  Heartbeat   Favoriting Tokyo Dreaming  Wewantsounds  1:05:27 (Pop-up)
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom  Everything’s Been Leading To This   Favoriting Reset  Domino  1:11:16 (Pop-up)
Eric Random & The Bedlamites  Destination   Favoriting Time-Splice  Doublevision  1:16:14 (Pop-up)
Max Tundra  Acorns   Favoriting Mastered by Guy at the Exchange  Domino  1:21:34 (Pop-up)
Martina Lussi  Higher Energy   Favoriting Diffusion Is a Force  Latency  1:30:49 (Pop-up)
Jake Muir & Evan Caminiti  Noxious Phantasm   Favoriting Talisman  Dust Editions  1:36:56 (Pop-up)
Reinier van Houdt  Dream Tract   Favoriting Hallow Ground presents: Epiphanies  Hallow Ground  1:39:24 (Pop-up)
Shiroishi/Tiesenga  open wide, o earth   Favoriting empty vessels  Full Spectrum  1:45:41 (Pop-up)
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano  Water Ladder   Favoriting Water Ladder  Alien Transistor  1:51:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

It IS later than I thought...
Be here for a bit, finishing my PT/Yoga, then off the Mindspace land, back later.
Hi Sam and Horsemen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Sam Segal:

We're happy to have you for as long as we can keep you, Doc!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:05pm

Have to pause the exercises, just ADORE this Breuker (and the Kollektief in general). Have this, Love it!!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:06pm

Just because of the album title, I extra like this tango.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Sam Segal:

Had a very hard time picking a track off of this album. The whole thing is great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Sam Segal:

Howdy, WR!
Avatar 10:07pm

dick's caddy shack is now nys dept of motor vehicles now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10pm
Doug Schulkind:

Happy 347th, Sam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Sam Segal:

Thank you, Doug! I couldn't have gotten to 347, 350, 1, or any other number without you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Sam Segal:

Well, I'm glad that space at least remains focused on automobiles, NGH.
Avatar 10:16pm

seems just like yesterday, some young punk minneapolitan posited the question of losing our equines....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Sam Segal:

And look at us now, NGH...still no sign of that damn horse...
Avatar 🥁 10:20pm
DL in LA:

Tardy. My horse was slow.

Good evening! This is definitely the first show since I've started counting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Sam Segal:

At least you have a horse, DL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Sam Segal:

Good work, rw. Keep up the counting.
Avatar 10:28pm

@Sam: Sorry, I was in Iaian Sinclair's "Horse Spittle". (pychogeography is sort of my thing) www.jstor.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
Sam Segal:

"From Horse Spittle (The Eros of Maps)" is something I wish I'd titled one of my 347ish episodes.

E. Fordham Rd. these days: https://goo.gl/maps/GP1EbiWjwDq1AYoN6

I am no fan of cars, but just this week I've seen two Cadillacs that impressed me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm
Sam Segal:

Vintage caddies, Dean?

Kinda, I think. Good shape. Unlike most cars, they seemed inviting.
Avatar 10:47pm
still b/p:

Years ago I saw a great outdoor show/line-up of Caddies at a transportation museum -- seemed to be an open invitation thing for the cars. Shining beautiful burly 30s-40s-50s models with great hood ornaments; the mighty mighty fin examples from a bit later, of course; right up to 70s beaters with patchy rust.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50pm
Sam Segal:

Imagine the pride you'd feel showing off your very own beaten up Cadillac.
Avatar 10:50pm
still b/p:

Cadillac design today -- and they ain't alone - seems utterly indifferent and invisible. Says aging Mr. Cranky Keys.
Avatar 10:51pm
still b/p:

Yeah, Sam, and with exhaust trouble for the fuller aesthetic win.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Sam Segal:

Is there a single new vehicle in 2022 that is truly aesthetically appealing? I'm not aware of any.
Avatar 10:54pm

Cheb I Sabbah! (got to dj w/ him once).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Sam Segal:

Oh man, that's really cool, NGH. I'm not familiar with his work beyond this album...would like to explore more.

I don't find cars per se aesthetically appealing, so don't ask me. However, I simply adore drag races.
Avatar 11:07pm
still b/p:

Went to the dragway in NH just once as a teenager. The special extra attraction of the day was jet-powered car, motorcycle and go-kart. At 200+ MPH, not sure those are rides I would try.
Avatar 11:10pm

The first race of the season of the NHRA since 1970 is the Gatornationals in Gainesville. I almost went in 2018, but, I was no longer curious about redneck culture. (maybe if i had a group of friends...)
Avatar 11:13pm

good to see this PB/SB album get play (although it sounds more panda bearish on first listen).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16pm
Sam Segal:

Definitely a heavy Panda Bear sound. Super fun record. Panda Bear is on a good streak with this and the last Animal Collective album, which I also liked a lot.

I went to Irwindale back in the...'70s? Then to various grand prix races, including one at Riverside where I saw Evel Knievel jump a bunch of cars. Utterly formative experiences for me.
Avatar 🥁 11:18pm
DL in LA:

I was obsessed with drag race cars in fourth grade, and used to draw custom dragsters of my own design. Fun times.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:19pm

Back for a bit, well meditated!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:19pm
Sam Segal:

The mindful doctor returns!
Avatar 11:23pm
still b/p:

A buddy in 5th grade drew cool trim dragsters, so I tried and mine STINK STANK STUNK.
Avatar 11:28pm
still b/p:

Don't remember what pointed me to Cheb I Sabbah, but I picked up Shri Durga more than 20 years ago when it was still fairly new. Reminder to hear it again.
Didn't know til just now he passed away 2013.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

greetings Sam and horse thieves
Avatar 11:30pm

@still b/p: I had no idea either. I picked up an album of his back in '96(?) and got to dj w/ him in 2005.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm

-it'd make even less sense if it was 11.28 then 11.26 after a blink of an eye
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31pm
Sam Segal:

You're right about that, Coel. That only happens once year, during leap minute.
Avatar 11:32pm
still b/p:

ngh, where?
Avatar 🥁 11:33pm
DL in LA:

Sam, you're a Japan collector, right? Ebba did a great Japan show recently. I've been getting into her show recently. Here's her Japan show: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:36pm

So many shows, so little time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36pm
Sam Segal:

I like Ebba's show a lot too, DL! This playlist looks excellent...some names I know, many I don't. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:37pm

No way just to keep up with WFMU, much less all the other stuff going on in the music, and rest, of the world.
Avatar 11:41pm
still b/p:

How so many commenters find time to do all the evident FMU listening and keep researching, finding and buying other music and listening to it independently....I dunno.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:41pm

Hi Sam and horse burgers! Been fashionably lurking. Thanks, enjoying the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm
Sam Segal:

Chresti, you always know how to make an entrance. Welcome!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:47pm

And I'm going to hit the hay (of the other houses haven't already devoured it), catch the show tomorrow at work, thanks Sam, night all!

Gotta go. My dog is hitting me up. Thanks Sam! Good night everyone!
Avatar 11:48pm
still b/p:

Going to be involved in someone's short film soon and it involves genyoowine live horses. No riding, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48pm
Sam Segal:

Happy trails, Doc and RW!
Avatar 11:49pm

@rw: i told you getting your dog a phone was a bad idea...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm
Sam Segal:

Hooh doggie, live horses, SBP. So this isn't a short western, I take it?
Avatar 11:51pm
still b/p:

It is a western. A little scary spoofy.
Avatar 11:57pm

This was superb Sam. many thanks! g'nite!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thanks Sam!
take care
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01am

check box for this one, Sam. Thank you.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:59pm

Great show (listened this morning), thanks Sam!
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