Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from August 16, 2022 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 16, 2022: With a little help from my friends <3

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
Neil Dick  I Love That Red Sauce   Favoriting The Future Is Now  Olive Juice Music  2006  CD   
Robert Haimer  A Bomb For Hussein   Favoriting          
Damaskas  Jim Morrison's Revenge   Favoriting     1981     
SuLu  (Time I Got A) Physical   Favoriting     1981     
The Emotron  Karaoke Night   Favoriting Vampire Lunch Lady Tits    2011  CD   
The Emotron  Brianna   Favoriting Teenage Jesus    2005  CD   
Greatbigpete  Sexy Cactus   Favoriting          
Bad Date  You'd Do The Same   Favoriting The Dazzling Effect    2006     
Bad Date  Motorbaby USA   Favoriting     2008    0:27:24 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  Los Discipulos   Favoriting Mundo de Colores    198X  Vinyl  0:28:32 (Pop-up)
Todd Wathen  Before It's Too Late   Favoriting With Loveā€¦ From Me To You (2013 Re-Release)  Swan Fungus  1979  Vinyl  0:32:24 (Pop-up)
Nihal  Behind The Mask (2021 Edition)   Favoriting     2021    0:36:51 (Pop-up)
Dino Palazzi  The Jailhouse Song   Favoriting Demo    199X  Cassette  0:40:56 (Pop-up)
Gary Wilson  The Lonely Park   Favoriting The King Of Endicott    2019  CD  0:44:00 (Pop-up)
Smokin' Cobras  Great Balls of Fire   Favoriting Futuristic Retro Blast    2017    0:47:02 (Pop-up)
Timmy-boo Henson  Carbon Chaperone   Favoriting     2015    0:49:11 (Pop-up)
Lyric Rogers  La Cornacchia del Canada   Favoriting     2021    0:52:39 (Pop-up)
Mello & Ponyee  Please Stop Sending Me CDs, AOL   Favoriting This Is What Friendship Sounds Like    2020    0:54:52 (Pop-up)
Emily Alice  Sugar And Vice   Favoriting Sugar And Vice (Single)  Records DK  2020    0:56:47 (Pop-up)
Moira Mello & Shae Tull  The Moomins Theme   Favoriting     2021    1:01:05 (Pop-up)
Citoletium  Barren Earth   Favoriting Ageless    2020    1:03:39 (Pop-up)
The Muckrakers  Dance Song   Favoriting Quarter Life Crisis    2021    1:08:35 (Pop-up)
Suicidal Rap Orgy  Blood Clot Lunch   Favoriting Genital Warfare (Re-Release)  Shitwank  2003  CD  1:13:35 (Pop-up)
Chicago Shop & Sid Yiddish  Living The Life I Bring   Favoriting     2016    1:18:40 (Pop-up)
In Memoriam
Philip J. Reed  Tunin' Out   Favoriting     2018    1:24:02 (Pop-up)
Imbecilicus Rex & Lvl80CatLady  LEVEL 80   Favoriting Distorted View    2019    1:27:14 (Pop-up)
Epitaph  Road To Tomorrow   Favoriting Pozz Tha Nation    2011    1:29:56 (Pop-up)
Holtzclaw & Adam Lore  Dawdling On The Boardwalk With My Dad's Best Friend   Favoriting     2016    1:35:08 (Pop-up)
Robb Frost Hobo Rockstar  Masturbation Time   Favoriting     2018    1:37:42 (Pop-up)
Sarah Marsh  Pins & Needles   Favoriting     2017    1:41:58 (Pop-up)
Weird Paul Petroskey  Pot of Macaroni   Favoriting As Heard In My Dreams    2009    1:45:25 (Pop-up)
Marley  Meow/Jump in the Toilet/Jack and Marley   Favoriting     199X    1:48:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Mr. Oxford:

Hello Miss Mei! hello everyone! Excited for today's show. Lovin' this track. This is new generation outsider music.
Avatar 1:03pm
Miss Mei:

This is Neil Dick, Incorrect Music alumni.
Mr. Oxford:

Are you going to play any Weird Paul Petroskey's music?
Avatar 1:07pm
Miss Mei:

You'll see! :)
Avatar 1:09pm
Miss Mei:

Technical difficulties. again :< Song names aren't showing up. I'm sorry everyone.
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Miss Mei:

Damaskas - Jim Morrison's Revenge!
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Miss Mei:

Susan "SuLu" Dubow - (Time I Got A) Physical, 1981
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Mr Fab:

Hey hey miss mei!
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Miss Mei:

Hey buddy! :D
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Miss Mei:

The Emotron - Karaoke Night !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

This's some good stuff :o]
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Miss Mei:

Tron is the greatest.
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Jan Turkenburg:

Hi everyone!
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Jan Turkenburg:

problem is about to be fixed :-)
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Miss Mei:

Heya Jan!
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Miss Mei:

The Emotron - Briana
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Miss Mei:

Greatbigpete - Sexy Cactus
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Jan Turkenburg:

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Mr Fab:

You got it!!
Mr. Oxford:

Mr. Fab, I have a question for you. Is Music for Maniacs your blog?
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Miss Mei:

Wow, I did something right for once, cut me an oversized wedge!
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Mr Fab:

Mr. Oxford: yep, that was mine. I stopped updating it after WFMU took over my life.
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Miss Mei:

I have my WFMU shirt on with the two girls listening to headphones. I like to tell people they're in love.
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Miss Mei:

More Pimpollin because I love clowns and that's just what has to happen.
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Miss Mei:

Canta conmigo!
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Jan Turkenburg:

I was only 17 minutes late, did you all notice that?
Mr. Oxford:

Wow, Mr. Fab! This feels quite surreal for me. I would visit your blog from time to time as far back as 2015 when I was still a youngin'. Can't believe I have come across the guy behind that blog so many times on Sheena stream and as a DJ on WFMU!
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Miss Mei:

I've visited that blog too. Good stuff, buddy.
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Mr Fab:

Thanks, Mr. Oxford! Yes, Music For Maniacs was one of the things that brought me here. Station Mgr Ken and a number of other DJs here were regular readers.
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Miss Mei:

I love the Spanish pronunciation of Judas Iscariot.
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Miss Mei:

"g na ba tuh lee nie"
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Mr Fab:

Miss Mei, where did you get all this unreleased stuff?
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Miss Mei:

I buy a lot of cassettes and other odds and ends.
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Miss Mei:

Shout out to Russell, the bassist to this rockin' band! That's my boy :)
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Hey Miss Mei, just discovered your new show here on Sheena'sĀ ā€“ this sounds awesome, thanks!
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Miss Mei:

Timmy-Boo up next!
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Mr Fab:

i am literally LOL-ing out loud to this.
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Miss Mei:

Timmy is a funny guy with an amazingly disgusting podcast that's been around for 2 decades
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Miss Mei:

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Miss Mei:

*Distorted, even
Mr. Oxford:

Yes to ukuleles
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Jan Turkenburg:

I second that, Mr Oxford!
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Miss Mei:

Yes to Lyric! Love ya girl <3
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Jan Turkenburg:

That was lovely!
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Miss Mei:

Yours truly on the talkbox <3
Mr. Oxford:

"Please Stop Sending Me CDs, AOL" is the best thing I've found this week.

I will also say this is my favorite song featuring the talkbox.
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Mr Fab:

yeah, great tune!
i used to use AOL CD cases to house my own music that I would send out. I would also include little collages n things in there along with the CD-R.
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Miss Mei:

It was recorded by a friend of mine from a few towns over. We recorded an album together but I took it down to re-release with some new vocals done on my part.
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Miss Mei:

Oooh, this is Emily, one of my close friends from Australia! She has drawn art for my music project a lot, designed stickers I had made :)
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Mr Fab:

I heard of death metal, but death-rap? Makes sense.
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Miss Mei:

It's been a thing since the late 80s actually.
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Miss Mei:

It really started to get popular in the late 90s I'd say
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Mr Fab:

i was a fan of the Geto Boys in the '80s and they were pretty sick, but they didn't do Cookie Monster-type metal vocals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

Hello miss Mei
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Miss Mei:

Ahahaha, Bushpig's voice became less cookie monster sounding as he got better at vocals.
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Miss Mei:

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Rich in Washington:

Oh wow. I missed the first couple of minutes. You played Neil Dick. That album's insane. He sorta disappeared when CD Baby imploded.
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Miss Mei:

I'm friends with him. He doesn't really do music anymore as far as I know. I am hoping he can send me more music.
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Miss Mei:

I am SO miffed at CDbaby for deleting all their shops. Crime.
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Miss Mei:

This one's for you, Phillie Tanner. :( <3
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Jan Turkenburg:

well said MM!
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Miss Mei:

A lot of music is lost forever.
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Rich in Washington:

Oh wow! I cherish my Future Is Now CD. At the time I was irritated that I couldn't buy it digitally but now I think it's worth every penny.
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Miss Mei:

I have the CD too. It's on display.
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Rich in Washington:

Yeah. There were some real treasures there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm

@MissMei I'm in a discord for solving unknown songs (we have recording but don't know them) and between Myspace and MP3 dot com a so much is lost
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Miss Mei:

It's awful how much we lost.
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Rich in Washington:

Didn't Neil once have a website where he documented - among other things - his fixation on a member of Three Dog Night who he went to high school with, or did I just dream that up?
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Mr Fab:

Spacebrother plays a version of the Billy Joel orig of this song where the ackackack part loops forever.
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Miss Mei:

He did, but it is lost and not on the Internet Wayback. His CD liner notes extensively mention Chuck Negron of TDN
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Rich in Washington:

I have an entire album of Billy Joel covers in German sung by a Czech singer.
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Rich in Washington:

That was it! The liner notes!
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Miss Mei:

He did have a site too though.
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Rich in Washington:

The Dick CD was among that list of CDs and LPs which were permanent residents of my radio crate. You never knew when you'd have to pull something out like 'Red Sauce' or 'Suddenly It's Springtime' to fill a gap before the next program took over.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm

There's a 80's punkish band called Invisible Sex that is in some documentary and that's the only recording, the guitarist currently plays in the Zombies.... the singer uploaded like 8 tracks to myspace but they lost it in the failed server migration
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
Rich in Washington:

That's not the band that was on Urgh! A Music War, was it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm

100% is
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Mr Fab:

Invisible Sex! The mystery band from "Urgh! A Music War."
Mr. Oxford:

Had to step out for a while and now I'm back and witnessing an interesting discussion in the chat on music on the internet getting lost.

I grew up on consuming music digitally through streaming platforms. But now I have started collecting physical media like CDs, at least for rare regional music. Because I'm afraid that someday the music online will disappear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Rich in Washington:

I vaguely remember reading about him/them emerging onto MySpace. Would be interesting to hear other tracks. Their sole appearance on Urgh! was sort of awful but maybe not an accurate representation of their schtick? I just remember consistently FF'ding through that bit as I found it super annoying and a bit cringey.
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Miss Mei:

Sometimes it does - see CDbaby, MP3.com, Myspace, personal websites where creatives put up their own songs, etc.
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Miss Mei:

Deleted YouTube channels is another way stuff gets lost
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Yup! We also have quite a few taped from radio and station identified but maybe never played again
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Rich in Washington:

One used to be able to purchase URGH! as an on demand DVD-R as a special product from the studio/owner, but with Splodgenessabounds scene missing for some reason. Maybe someone else omitted but not sure.
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Miss Mei:

There were quite a few songs that URGH! chose not to use, so there is more footage from it that we've never seen. IE Joan Jett and Klaus Nomi did more songs on it.
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Rich in Washington:

Archive Dot Org is probably the bestest, safest way to preserve something in perpetuity (knocks on simulated woodgrain veneer).
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DJ Guin:

fap to ya drap
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40pm

@Rich the guitarist is Tom Tooley who plays in the Zombies now. The singer was uploading to myspace (still unidentified)
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Rich in Washington:

Yeah there are two additional clips of The Cramps set and they're readily available on the Tubes of You.
Lux and Ivy had a funny story about appearing in it. Like the filmmakers insisting on doing their hair and makeup a certain way.
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Rich in Washington:

Yeah, that totally sounds familiar, MHLee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm

I've considered running a fill in show where I just play tracks we have not identified, stuff from r/lostwave
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Jan Turkenburg:

I think you should just do it MHLee!
Mr. Oxford:

Yes to more ukulele.
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Miss Mei:

That's me playing(adequately), it's from 2017.
Mr. Oxford:

You sound great on the uke Miss Mei!
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Jan Turkenburg:

Mis Mei, go into your comment editor and remove 'poorly', that's an order!
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Mr Fab:

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Miss Mei:

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Miss Mei:

I just calls it like I sees it.
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I wish I could play uke. I have two but covid got in the way of taking lessons
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Jan Turkenburg:

at ease MM ;-)
Mr. Oxford:

Ooh Petroskey
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Miss Mei:

The last 10 minutes of this program are likely going to cause some people to tune out - unless you're like me you won't want to hear it - you'll see why c:
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Miss Mei:

Because babbling 4 year olds on cassette = the entertainment I wanna hear.
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Rich in Washington:

<turning it up>
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Jan Turkenburg:

MHLee, do you have two hours of unidentified stuff? I might need a fill in for FDl this year
Mr. Oxford:

@MHLee I took up the uke a month ago and I'm already playing it well. It is easy to play. Trust me. Some main chords require you to only press one finger on a string. There is a chord for which you don't have to press on any strings at all! (the chord is Am7)

That is what's so great about Uke. It is easy to learn and play (and loads of fun too!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

I probably have two hours of unidentified plus I can play some of the solved but were super obscure
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Rich in Washington:

There was a comp out on Feeding Tube Records called The Weenie Man that was a collection of found little kid's cassette recordings.
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Miss Mei:

I am so happy Marley sent me this audio.
Mr. Oxford:

*I meant some chords on the Uke require you to only press one string. Some others, 2 strings max.
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Miss Mei:

He explained that when he said "I'm gonna go jump into the toilet" he pictured diving into the toilet. 4 year old him was a genius.
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Mr Fab:

boy did i pick the perfect time to eat my lunch!
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Jan Turkenburg:

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Miss Mei:

You picked the perfect time to jump in the toilet, actually.
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Miss Mei:

I am full-on ugly laughing right now, I haven't heard some of this in a while!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

I actually would love to get back into it. I picked up a banjo-uke for cheap because I wanted to play jugband music and the someone gave me a uke.

I run 3 radio shows at the moment weekly and two more on rotation. That's been my musical escape since grad school.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Similar here, MHLee. It's my insanity prevention plan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Rich in Washington:

Kid's recordings are hilarious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Rich in Washington:

They're 100 times more interesting that most performance artists.
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Miss Mei:

"I know, that's why I'm standing up here recording my farts." ~ Marley, 199X
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DJ Guin:

pot of macaroni farts
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Miss Mei:

"The real McCoy pee."
Mr. Oxford:

Sounds great MHLee and Jan. I completed Grad school recently while working my full time job. As I am growing older, I also feel I need a musical escape (I've started writing music to make my escape). I think we all need a musical escape. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

I remember when friends recorded over my mothers john hartford tape in 199x
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Mr Fab:

our own Otis FOdder compiled this:
Mr. Oxford:

Great show Miss Mei! Thank you and see you next week!
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Miss Mei:

Thanks for listening everybody. <3
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Mr Fab:

hey it's over, Thanks Mei!!
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Jan Turkenburg:

Thanks MM!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

Thank you
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dad gummit, work dominated me today. Praise WFMU for the archive.
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