Favoriting Bob Brainen: Playlist from July 9, 2022 Favoriting

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Disc jockey has a fondness for sound.

Saturday 11am - 2pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Sat. Mar 15th, 11am - 2pm: Bob Brainen and his Co-Host Doug Schulkind

Favoriting July 9, 2022: Bob Brainen & Pete Tomlinson Present the Music Of THE MOVE!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Hank Levine & His Orchestra w/ Timothy Leary  Image, Part One / The Psychedelic Experience   Favoriting   1961 / 1966     
The Move  Move   Favoriting   1968  song proposed for debut album but not included   
The Move  Message From The Country   Favoriting Message From The Country  1971     
The Move  Hello Susie   Favoriting Shazam  1970    0:09:05 (Pop-up)
The Move  Omnibus   Favoriting   1968  non-lp b-side of Wild Tiger Woman  0:13:55 (Pop-up)
The Move  Disturbance   Favoriting   1966  non-lp b-side of debut single: Night Of Fear  0:18:02 (Pop-up)
The Move  It Wasn't My Idea To Dance   Favoriting Message From The Country  1971    0:20:49 (Pop-up)
The Move  Walk Upon The Water   Favoriting The Move  1968  also b-side of Fire Brigade  0:26:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 





0:29:26 (Pop-up)
The Complete Single A-sides U.K. [1966-1972]
The Move  Night Of Fear   Favoriting   12-66    0:41:05 (Pop-up)
The Move  I Can Hear The Grass Grow   Favoriting   3-67    0:43:12 (Pop-up)
The Move  Flowers In The Rain   Favoriting   8-67    0:46:19 (Pop-up)
The Move  Fire Brigade   Favoriting   1-68    0:48:40 (Pop-up)
The Move  Wild Tiger Woman   Favoriting   8-68    0:51:03 (Pop-up)
The Move  Blackberry Way   Favoriting   11-68    0:53:40 (Pop-up)
The Move  Curly   Favoriting   7-69    0:57:19 (Pop-up)
The Move  Brontosaurus   Favoriting   3-70    1:00:03 (Pop-up)
The Move  When Alice Comes Back To The Farm   Favoriting   9-70    1:03:20 (Pop-up)
The Move  Tonight   Favoriting   5-71    1:06:55 (Pop-up)
The Move  Chinatown   Favoriting   10-71    1:10:15 (Pop-up)
The Move  California Man   Favoriting   4-72    1:13:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 





1:16:51 (Pop-up)
Electric Light Orchestra  10538 Overture   Favoriting The Electric Light Orchestra  12-71  issued in U.S. as 'No Answer" 3-72  1:32:39 (Pop-up)
Wizzard  See My Baby Jive   Favoriting   1973  non-lp 45  1:38:07 (Pop-up)
The Move  Lightning Never Strikes Twice   Favoriting   3-70  non-lp b-side of Brontosaurus  1:43:05 (Pop-up)
Electric Light Orchestra  The Battle Of Marston Moor [very short 1st take]   Favoriting Electric Light Orchestra - 20th Anniversary  1971 / 2001    1:46:14 (Pop-up)
The Move  The Words Of Aaron   Favoriting Message From The Country  1971    1:47:08 (Pop-up)
The Move  This Time Tomorrow   Favoriting   1970  non-lp b-side of Curly  1:51:59 (Pop-up)
Roy Wood  Nancy Sing Me A Song   Favoriting Boulders  1973  Some sources say album was recorded between 1969-1971  1:56:15 (Pop-up)
Idle Race  The Morning Sunshine   Favoriting The Birthday Party  1968  Jeff Lynne's pre-Move band  1:59:35 (Pop-up)
Wizzard  Angel Fingers (A Teen Ballad)   Favoriting   1973  non-lp 45  2:01:25 (Pop-up)
The Move  Beautiful Daughter   Favoriting Shazam  1971    2:05:49 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 





2:08:39 (Pop-up)
The Move  No Time   Favoriting Message From The Country  1971    2:24:28 (Pop-up)
Roy Wood  Forever   Favoriting   1973  non-lp A-side  2:28:06 (Pop-up)
Roy Wood  Why Does Such A Pretty Girl Sing Those Sad Songs   Favoriting Mustard  1975    2:32:24 (Pop-up)
The Move  Kilroy Was Here   Favoriting The Move  1968    2:36:52 (Pop-up)
Wizzard  Ball Park Incident   Favoriting   1973  debut single  2:39:37 (Pop-up)
The Move  Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart   Favoriting The Move  1968    2:43:12 (Pop-up)
The Move  Night Of Fear [stack 'o vocals]   Favoriting   1966    2:46:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
"frogs and more frogs" @ Joe Bauer's Ranch" 





2:48:25 (Pop-up)
  Dedicated To The Memory Of Carl Wayne & Rick Price.

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Listener comments!


Good morning, Bob and Pete. Looking forward to a great program on this glorious summer morning/afternoon.

Good morning all. Time to move for The Move

Good Morning Bob, Pete + fellow listeners. Hey, believe it or not, I think I can hear the grass grow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Bob! Pete! Drummer Streamers! Let's Move!
Avatar 11:02am

Good Morning, 1whoknewcthulhu, dan, Jeff (and everyone!) I ALWAYS hear the grass grow!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:02am
Irene Trudel:

Hi Bob and Pete! Looking forward to your Move special. You might need to change your playlist info for commenting though. Looks like you've got the playlist set in the finished mode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Pauly from Clifton:

Good soggy morning, Bob, Pete, folks!

Hearing the grass grow on Blackberry Way.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:03am

Mornin' Bob and Pete. Groovin' and Movin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am
Andrew in Toronto:

Good morning Bob, Pete and all other listeners!!
listener james from westwood:

How do, all!!
Avatar 11:05am
Bob Brainen:

Irene, how do you change that?
Franco Twinkie:

Howdy Bob!
Avatar 11:05am

Good Morning, WR, Irene, Pauly, wmfromD, Andrew! Thanks for the heads-up, Irene. Will change playlist placement ASAP.
Robbie White:

Good morning Bob. Thanks for playing my request
Avatar 11:06am

listener james, Franco Twinkie, Robbie: Good Morning!
Avatar 11:06am
Bob Brainen:

Morning all!
Avatar 11:06am

Hey Ho bb & crew! Soundin' dyno bb ! 8-)
Avatar 11:07am

Hey, SmokinJ. Can't go wrong with the Move!
Avatar 11:07am
Bob Brainen:

OK got!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Irene Trudel:

Bob, as I was typing instructions it got corrected. As you were...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:07am
Franco Twinkie:

PT Cruiser ,hey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

'morning Bob & Pete and movers, shakers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am
Gina Bacon:

Morning, Bob, Pete and Saturdaypeople!
Todd E:

Movinā€™ in Miami! Morning all!
Avatar 11:09am

@Franco, I in fact owned a PT Cruiser for 15 years. Initials were pure coincidence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Irene!
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Bob Brainen:

And I thought the car was named after you, Pete!
Avatar 11:11am

Hello Todd E, coelacanthĆø, Gina B (and Hello Susie!)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:11am
Irene Trudel:

Hey Andrew and other streamers! A rare day free for me to listen in real time.
Avatar 11:12am
Bob Brainen:

flanged drums!
Avatar 11:12am

Bob, I'm still waiting for my royalties from Chrysler!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:12am

Bev Bevan!
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Bob Brainen:

and the trusty Fender XII!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:14am
Franco Twinkie:

So PT, can you talk about said cruiser from the remove of a former owner? I realize that's kind of like giving up on an ex-wife, but hey we're all grown ups here.
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@wmfromD, I still find it kind of odd that Bev later played with Black Sabbath (briefly). Fellow Brummies, I guess.
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@Franco, I have much to discuss re: the Cruiser, but it'll have to wait for a non-show time.
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Roy Wood and his beloved wah-wah!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:17am

@PT, I did not know that. He's a unique player. I appreciate his playing more and more over the years.
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Bob Brainen:

wmfromD, plus he holds his right hand stick in a singular way!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:19am
Franco Twinkie:

Fine with me.
Avatar 11:23am
Bob Brainen:

It's his left hand! Stick between his index and middle finger. Crazy man, crazy!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:23am

Hi, Bob, Pete, and Movers!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:24am

@Bob Brainen, indeed!

I think Roy Wood, Bev Bevan and Trevor Burton need to reform The Move for future dates. Bevan and Burton had done so in the 2000s, but I think there needs to be a farewell tour.
Avatar 11:24am

Hey doctorjazz!
Gerry from Miami:

Is that a processed oboe in "Wasn't My Idea to Dance?"
Avatar 11:26am

@dan: Ain't gonna happen. Lots of bad blood there, and IIRC Trevor's in poor health. Still, it seems that every band re-forms at some point these days!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26am
Andrew in Toronto:

@dan. I`d go to see that!
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Hi Bob & Pete. I don't know much about The Move. But I love that heavy bass sound. So, listening...
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Hey Gerry from Miami! Yes, oboe, kind of amazing that Roy picked up such a notoriously difficult instrument.

There's bad blood between Jeff Lynne and Bev Bevan. Is there any bad blood between Bevan and Wood?
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Good Morning TDK60!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:28am

The first Move LP never gets enough love. Patchy, but not bad.
Avatar 11:29am

@dan: There's bad blood between Bev and EVERYONE due to Bev's playing shows under the ELO and Move's names.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:30am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning Bob, Pete, and all... listening, but tired

Somehow this makes the drama with The Little River Band seem tame by comparison.
Gerry from Miami:

It wasn't always easy to get Move records in the States. I had to buy imports until I got "Message From the Country" on US Capitol.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:33am
Franco Twinkie:

Or the Pete Frame genealogy. More satisfying to look at.
Mark R from New Paltz:

Looking forward to the rest of the show and all the 'useless information.'
Gerry from Miami:

Pete Frame's rock and roll "family trees" are indispensable and authoritatively accurate.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:38am

They came to the States around the time of Shazam, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am

sounds like the omnibus bass line was a direct descendant of that of "waiting for the man" by velvet underground

I do remember hearing the _Moveā€™s_ (not ELOā€™s) version of ā€œDo Yaā€ on WABC-AM, gentlemen. Must have charted some kinda way, no?
Mark R from New Paltz:

I compiled for myself a collection of cover versions of Move songs . . . that I titled "Re-Do Ya."

Hey Mark R - I went to SUNY New Paltz starting in the fall of 1971. I fell in love with that place (the town + countryside not the school). I still love it all these years later!
Gerry from Miami:

I am sure you will get around to playing "Cherry Blossom Clinic" before you're through today. WFMU's Terre T took the name of her show from this record's title.
Avatar 11:42am

Will the Sound Guy, Mark R, Kathryn, Jeff: Good Morning!

Sounds like early Bee Gees.
Avatar 11:43am

@Kathryn, I believe Do Ya was The Move's only charting US single, reaching the lofty perch of #98! I too heard it on WABC AND WKBW in Buffalo.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:44am
Brian in UK:

Hello Bob & Pete. Pete Frame started Zigzag magazine, one of the first and arguably the best fanzine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

i thought i could hear the grass grow before, but it was a groundhog chewing on the house
Gerry from Miami:

There they are slyly slipping the motif from Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" into "Night of Fear."
Avatar 11:44am

Am I right in guessing they were influenced early by The Who and the Mod culture?
Avatar 11:45am
John L:

Love the Move! And I also live in New Paltz. Playing WFMU at work at we speak. Don't tell the boss.
Avatar 11:46am

Hey, Brian in UK! We're sure aware of Pete Frame, Zigzag and his Family Trees. Absolutely priceless stuff.
Avatar 11:46am

Hey, John L! Too late; your boss has been alerted.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:47am
Brian in UK:

PT, still got some early copies of Zigzag. First time I saw it was going into a Love gig, early 1970, their first tour here. Arthur Lee on the cover, had to buy it.

Flowers In The Rain was the first song to be played on BBC1 radio, so for the 15th Anniversary concert for BBC1 at Hammersmith Odeon, Carl Wayne opened the show with a riveting live version of "Flowers In The Rain". His voice had gotten so much richer in that period of time.
Mark R from New Paltz:

If the Move were still around I wonder if they'd be trashing Boris Johnson. I'd like to think so.
Avatar 11:48am
Bob Brainen:

Brian, Pete Frame is one of our idols!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:48am

This song is 1967.
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@coelacanthĆø: Don't make me spit out my coffee! @TDK60, I think you're on the money re: the Who influence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49am

Hi Bob and Pete and braineniacs!
My ex was fond of the Move, as a result these songs are quite familiar.

The song would be called "Boring Boris" and it would be sung by Roy Wood with a chorus of boos.
Avatar 11:51am

Hello chresti!

And the last lyric would be "Them's The Breaks"
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@dan: I'm sure you know that Carl Wayne was Allan Clarke's replacement as the Hollies' vocalist c. 2001. Unfortunately, he passed away before too long, but I thought he was an inspired choice.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:53am
Brian in UK:

I saw a cartoon the other day of a gravestone with the ambiguous words 'HERE LIES BORIS JOHNSON'

One legend replacing another.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Brian in UK:

I have a soft spot for Curly!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:56am
Brian in UK:

This could be the Idle Race.
Gerry from Miami:

I'm hearing "Your Mother Should Know" while listening to "Blackberry Way."
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Brian in UK:

Bob, so pleased to read your comment at 11.48.
Avatar 11:57am

Am I right in guessing they had some paisley pills by '67-'68?

I can relate to this song because I learned the recorder in school like everyone did in the NYC Public School system and this song has the recorder as the riff.
Avatar 11:59am

@TDK60: "Paisley pills", hah! I've heard that, while several Move members were known to partake, Roy Wood was most definitely NOT one of them, and he wrote the tunes!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Brian in UK:

TDK60, no doubt, but you still must have the talent.
Gerry from Miami:

I would like to hear Clay Pigeon play his recorder along with "Curly." T'would be nice!
Robbie White:

Benny Hill did a good Roy Wood impression
Mark R from New Paltz:

For those who may not know the story, my previous reference to Boris Johnson was a reference to their brouhaha with Harold Wilson (and the subsequent lawsuit).
Avatar 12:01pm
Bob Brainen:

Robbie, so did Macca!
Avatar 12:01pm

@Robbie White: I completely forgot about that Benny Hill sketch! Benny in Wizzard gear!
Avatar 12:02pm

PT_ Didn't know that @ Wood teetotaler? Yeah Brian-UK talent. / One of the great bass riffs here.
Robbie White:

Bob - in the COMING UP video!!! I had forgotten.

Brontosaurus charted in Canada, but in the US. The 1960s had British artists and groups like The Small Faces, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich and Cliff Richard have top hits on the Canadian charts, but hardly make a dent here in the US.

*not in the US
Avatar 12:04pm
Bob Brainen:

Robbie yes! Good fun!!
Robbie White:

Dan, that is the case today with Paul Weller. A superstar in the UK and a cult performer here.
Avatar 12:04pm

@TDK60: He enjoyed a drop of distilled spirits, so not completely teetotal. I have no inside info on any of this, I should stress!
Gerry from Miami:

@dan. I think you meant to type "but NOT in the US."

Here comes the ELO precursor sound.

I corrected myself above
Avatar 12:06pm

Roy W was a pretty snappy slide player, don't you think? I believe he played it on his lap a la D Gilmour.
Gerry from Miami:

I see that, dan! Just keepin' you on your toes! Great show, huh?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Brian in UK:

Saw the Move at my first gig, it was a charity show at the Royal Albert Hall. Gram Parsons last date with the Byrds. There was a girl behind us who would not stop shouting Treveeeer.
Gerry from Miami:

"Tonight" sounds like a precursor to the Traveling Wilburys style.
Avatar 12:10pm

@Brian in UK: What a memory that must be!

Chinatown sounds like a precursor to 1980s ELO
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm
Brian in UK:

PT it was weird we were seated behind the bands, normally where the orchestra would have been.

@Dan - I, too, played the recorder in elementary school in Bklyn in the early ā€˜60s. I was pretty good. It mightā€™ve been my calling. I shouldā€™ve stuck with it

California Man sounds like Rock And Roll Is King
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@Brian in UK: I've noticed in photos that the RAH did that. Madison Square Garden did that too, in fact they still may.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Brian in UK:

Tony Blackburn was the DJ on that day.
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Wow, Brian in UK -big place for a first show.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Brian in UK:

TDK60 started big & got smaller. Like small venues nowadays.
Avatar 🥁 12:21pm
(Mr) Bill:

Sorry (for myself) Iā€™m late, and glad finally to be here.
Gerry from Miami:

Cheap Trick released a single of "California Man," but it didn't chart in the States. Even quoted "Brontosaurus" in the bridge.


Rick Price just passed away recently.

I saw ELO at Radio City in 2016 and 10538 Overture was one of the highlights
Avatar 12:34pm

@dan: yes he did. RIP Rick Price. Interesting that he and Carl are the only two Move members who have passed away.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Will the Sound Guy:

Bob & Pete are killin it today... I knew a bit of The Move, but not all the stuff you guys played...
Avatar 12:36pm

@(Mr) Bill: Never too late!
Avatar 12:38pm

Those early ELO slabs were so heavy.
Gerry from Miami:

PT, Roy will be 76 in November, Jeff 75 in December

Saw ELO three times in the '70s. Opening acts were Little Feat, Steve Hillage, and Widowmaker.
Avatar 12:43pm
John L:

Is it me, or did Cheap Trick cop some of the chords from 10538 Overture for Downed? I know they are fans, so maybe.
Avatar 12:44pm

@Gerry from Miami: at my age, 75 and 76 doesn't seem that old!

@John L
Not sure, but someone I do know that used the chords of 10538 as the backdrop of their song was Paul Weller with "Changingman"
Gerry from Miami:

Hearing a bassoon in this one. Roy?
Gerry from Miami:

"Message From the Country" is such a classic! How US radio overlooked it is sinful!
Mark R from New Paltz:

Roy's first solo album "Boulders" is an overlooked classic. I believe it was recorded but not released while the Move were still active (altho I could be wrong).
Avatar 12:51pm
John L:

I was looking up how much Move was still in print and it appears almost everything is, except Message From The Country. Both the cd and lp are OOP. That's insane.
Avatar 12:52pm

@Mark R: Yes, Boulders was recorded somewhere between 69-71. Prolific!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Will the Sound Guy:

25 or 6 24 esq bass line in The Words of Aaron...
Avatar 12:54pm

@John L: And Message From the Country is unavailable on the streaming services, in the US anyway. Legal issues, I guess.

But it's available on this program in the archives, so who cares about other streaming devices?
Gerry from Miami:

@John L. I could believe that US Capitol deleted "Message From the Country." But out of print in Britain as well? Shakin' my head.
Avatar 12:58pm

"Message"--Maybe needed, a reissue from an outfit like Sundazed Records that specializes in bringing back?
Avatar 12:58pm

@John L: I have a 2005 UK reissue of Message, with a few (non-essential) bonus tracks. I guess it wasn't in print for very long.

Iā€™m hearing a lot of Phil Spector Wall of Sound influences

Was Wizzard sort of like a Sha Na Na type band?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

please please me /be my baby
Avatar 1:05pm

@dan: Wizzard kind of WERE a Sha Na Na type band, though using Roy's original material.
Gerry from Miami:

Anyone got a copy of Roy Wood's second solo album, "Mustard?" I never saw it in the record store racks. Reportedly has his signature dense, heavy sound and a couple of guest vocals from Phil Everly and Anniie Haslam (Renaissance).

Phil Everly AND Annie Haslam? How did Roy snag those two?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

There's a neat version of Beautiful Daughter performed on Colour Me Pop.
Gerry from Miami:

"Shazam," another album for the ages!

Just reading a book on ELO that I bought at Barnes and Noble.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm
Will the Sound Guy:

šŸø šŸø šŸø

All this time, I thought that was Roy Wood that sang Beautiful Daughter

David Fricke in Rolling Stone, Nov. 29, 2007:
"British singer-guitarist-songwriter Roy Wood was still in the Move and some years from co-founding the Electric Light Orchestra when he completed his solo debut in 1969. Issued in 1973, Boulders (Harvest) was an all-me feat that, in the making, predated Paul McCartney's all-solo bow in 1970."

In an interview published in The Word, Jan. 2012, Wood states, "I recorded Boulders in 1969." I'll forward article to you, BB.
Avatar 1:25pm

@Dean: Nice find! Really, Boulders pre-dated McCartney and Emitt Rhodes AND Todd Rundgren in the one-man-band area.
Avatar 1:26pm
Bob Brainen:

JCM, how is that book? And does the Move get much mention?
Avatar 1:26pm

Pete Townshend picked up the guitar smash ideas after he went to art school in London where Gustave Metzger taught about auto-destruction. The era of the piano drop, etc.
Avatar 1:26pm

@Dean: I LOVED The Word! I'm sure I still have that issue.
Avatar 1:27pm
Bob Brainen:

The amount of music, songs & sounds coming out of Roy at that time was absolutely astounding!

Can't say I'd heard of it until today. It's a good interview.
Avatar 1:27pm

@TDK60: Gustave Metzger, yes! I was close, anyway.
Avatar 1:28pm

(sorry Gustav; no 'e'.)
Gerry from Miami:

"Forever" could be a Beach Boys song! Who is singing back-up vocals? Carl Wilson?
Avatar 1:32pm

@Gerry from Miami: all vocals Roy! I think I read that Forever was supposed to be a Neil Sedaka/Carl Wilson mashup.

Roy Wood in Beach Boys territory
Gerry from Miami:

Roy does a damn good Carl, that's for sure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm
Andrew in Toronto:

@TDK Thanks for that.
Gerry from Miami:

Wood and Brian Wilson would have been an epic pairing. Still not too late!
Gerry from Miami:

"Cherry Blossom Clinic(Revisited)" on deck?

Oct. 4, 1971, Rolling Stone review by John Mendelsohn of Moving On and Message From the Country, proclaims that the group "at various times are decidedly Creamy and Beatlish and Byrdsish and just slightly Bonzo Doggy..." He concludes, "Don't deprive yourself of them for another instant."
Avatar 1:42pm
John L:

Ah, after a bit more research and I found a budget 5 disc Roy Wood set that included Message From The Country, the first ELO, Boulders, Wizzard's Brew and On The Road Again.
Gerry from Miami:

@Dean. Don't miss the upcoming "re-debut" of Creem Magazine. Great stuff!

Well, this is Bonzo Doggy, isn't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Andrew in Toronto:

Thanks for another awesome show Bob and Pete!!
Mark R from New Paltz:

Nice 'stack o vocals'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

i gotta move on

Thanks Bob! Thanks Pete!


Great show Bob and Pete

@Gerry from Miami. Roy Wood DID play on "It's OK" on 15 Big Ones
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm

Marvelous to hear the isolated vocals on Night Of Fear!
Gerry from Miami:

"Cherry Blossom Clinic" will have to wait, I guess.

Thanks Bob + Pete!
Mark R from New Paltz:

The Move based their "Zing" on the Coasters' version, replete with the bass vocals

Pretty sure I first heard "Zing" on Judy's Carnegie Hall album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

"Cherry Blossom Clinic" is the opening theme song for a program on the Rock n Soul WFMU stream. Terre T, Wednesday at 6pm.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:53pm
Will the Sound Guy:

Thank you Bob & Pete!!! Great show, be well everyone!!!
Avatar 1:55pm

"Kilroy was here." I saw a documentary on that--I think it started as a hobo graffiti on freight rail cars, in the US West. / Thanks Bob & Pete.
Mark R from New Paltz:

Some originals or versions the Move nicked: THE MOVEā€™s Record Collection

1. Hello Susie AMEN CORNER
[recorded and released before The Moveā€™s version: 1969]

2. Fields of People ARS NOVA [1968]

3. Donā€™t Make My Baby Blue FRANKIE LAINE [1963] (the original)

4. Last Thing On My Mind TOM PAXTON [1964]

5. Weekend EDDIE COCHRAN [1959]

6. Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart THE COASTERS [1958]

7. Itā€™ll Be Me JERRY LEE LEWIS [1957]

8. Somethinā€™ Else EDDIE COCHRAN [1959]

9. Donā€™t Make My Baby Blue THE SHADOWS [1964]
(version known by The Move?)
Gerry from Miami:

@WR. Check my post from earlier in the show at 11:40. I'll just throw my copy of the "Shazam" LP on the turntable. Later, everybody. Super tribute, BOB and PT!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

Great great show Bob and Pete!
Mark R from New Paltz:

Great show, guys
Avatar 2:00pm

Thanks for listening and commenting, everyone! I (we) had a blast!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm

@Gerry from Miami, sorry, had not kept up with all the comments.

Bob and PT, thanks so much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Wendy S:

As usual, thanks for the education and development of appreciation for a group I wasnā€™t very familiar with.

Also, this show led me to listen to the first ELO album. What a great listen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJs BB & PT ~
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