Favoriting Currents with Brian D: Playlist from July 3, 2022 Favoriting

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Music inspired by life and current events

Saturday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 3, 2022: "And here's to the life that's not saved..."

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Pixies  Here Comes Your Man   Favoriting Doolittle  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Waiting for the Man   Favoriting Bowie at the Beeb  0:03:06 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  Home of the Brave   Favoriting The Legendary Lou Reed  0:08:31 (Pop-up)
Ramones  Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio?   Favoriting End Of The Century  0:16:17 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Various-Canadian radio station launches format change with 30 hours of Rage     0:20:07 (Pop-up)
Velvet Underground  Rock 'n' Roll   Favoriting The Best of the Velvet Underground  0:21:12 (Pop-up)
The Modern Lovers  I'm Straight   Favoriting The Modern Lovers  0:25:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Velvet Underground 

Loop   Favoriting

And So On 

0:30:12 (Pop-up)
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever  The Way It Shatters   Favoriting Endless Rooms  0:39:36 (Pop-up)
  Clip: KSAT-Migrants die in truck in Texas     0:43:55 (Pop-up)
Widowspeak  Salt   Favoriting The Jacket  0:45:43 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  Oh Jim   Favoriting Berlin: Live at St. Ann's Warehouse  0:49:13 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  White Light, White Heat   Favoriting Bowie at the Beeb  0:57:35 (Pop-up)
Rentals  New York   Favoriting JD Twitch's 60 Minutes of Fear  1:01:24 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Sonnet: O City. City by Delmore Schwartz     1:04:21 (Pop-up)
Velvet Underground  Heroin   Favoriting Peel Slowly And See  1:05:21 (Pop-up)
  Clip: CNN-Police fire teargas at pro-choice protestors     1:19:18 (Pop-up)
Fontaines D.C.  Black Angel's Death Song   Favoriting I'll Be Your Mirror: A Tribute To Velvet Underground & Nico  1:20:39 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Lou Reed reads excerpt of “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities” by Delmore Schwartz     1:23:51 (Pop-up)
REM  Femme Fatale   Favoriting Dead Letter Office  1:25:49 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed  Waves of Fear   Favoriting The Blue Mask  1:39:12 (Pop-up)
  Clip: City News-Pride marchers in Oslo show defiance     1:43:19 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed and John Cale  Open House   Favoriting Songs for Drella  1:44:27 (Pop-up)
Robert Pollard  Feel Not Crushed   Favoriting Our Gaze  1:48:48 (Pop-up)
Dream Syndicate  Tell Me When It's Over   Favoriting The Days of Wine and Roses  1:51:51 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Reuters-Russian oil exports     1:55:22 (Pop-up)
The Ukrainians  Chekannya (Venus in Furs)   Favoriting Live in Czeremcha  1:56:31 (Pop-up)
Sprints  Modern Job   Favoriting A Modern Job  1:59:54 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Channel 4-UK rail strikes     2:26:02 (Pop-up)
Feelies  Forces At Work   Favoriting Crazy Rhythms  2:04:43 (Pop-up)
Aunt Sally  Essay   Favoriting Aunt Sally  2:18:11 (Pop-up)
Particle Kid  King of Ashes   Favoriting Time Capsule  2:21:08 (Pop-up)
  Clip: NBC-Biden to visit Saudi Arabia     2:28:45 (Pop-up)
Gus Englehorn  Exercise My Demons   Favoriting Dungeon Master  2:30:33 (Pop-up)
REM  There She Goes Again   Favoriting Dead Letter Office  2:33:22 (Pop-up)
Velvet Underground  Pale Blue Eyes   Favoriting And So On  2:36:26 (Pop-up)
Joyfultalk  Take It to the Grave   Favoriting Familiar Science  2:42:54 (Pop-up)
  Clip: PBS-Excerpt of Jon Stewart's acceptance speech for Mark Twain prize     2:50:03 (Pop-up)
Queers  Sunday Morning   Favoriting MP3  2:51:44 (Pop-up)
Courtney Barnett  I'll Be Your Mirror   Favoriting I'll Be Your Mirror: A Tribute To Velvet Underground & Nico  2:56:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01am

G'day Brian & Currents!
tom tom the pipers son:

hello dj brian

Hello, way past my bedtime.
tom tom the pipers son:

i remember watching elvis costello's talk show when he had lou reed on. they both got on stage to do a song and lou reeds prescence just made elvis costello look like such a poser
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am

Maybe I’m getting a bit old… well, middle-aged… but that’s completely normal “stunting” in the commercial radio world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am
Brian D:

Hello Scott, Tom Tom, Katharsis and all! Welcome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am
Brian D:

Hello Ike, and indeed: cliche almost.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23am

I have no idea why an ordinary bit of format-change stunting got all those headlines. Haven’t commercial stations stunted much lately? Did it fall out of favor for a few years, causing newspaper editors to forget about it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24am

SBS Public TV in Australia do their own version of May 4th. On the 5th they play the Fifth Element film all day.

And then Lou and Laurie had this little thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26am

Reckon it may have been the song choice & timing that was 'news worthy' Ike.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28am
Brian D:

Took the words right out of my mouth, Scott. The song choice and the fact it came on the heels of layoffs at the station...
LiXiviated Life:

Hello listeners in the darkness
Avatar 3:29am

Lousy Hippy Johnny always scammin' on my babes.
Diezel Tea:

Hey Brian and friends! Perfect day and soundtrack on FMU for a minor trip up north in the country.

thanks for the heads-up about the NYPL archive show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34am

@Scott, that’s odd, here radio stations only do it if they’re switching formats. With which layoffs often come, so that part shouldn’t be unusual, so I wonder if the station intentionally spread these rumors that it was a protest — that would have been smart to add a new (fake) twist.
Avatar 3:37am

Morning Brian and modern lovers, Ben reporting from the beginning of his workweek in Tel Aviv. Sun up, run done. Smoothie blended, AC blasting...and I'm on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38am

The exception is WFMU of course, where a DJ might play a song on a loop to drive listeners bonkers, like the iconic nutcase and sonic prankster Kenny G, long since departed. From FMU that is, not from Earth. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41am
Brian D:

Greetings Lix, Diezel, Spec...
LiXiviated Life:

Wrong song?
What’s that?
There are NO wrong songs
Avatar 3:48am

Hello Brian . I feel very embarrassed and ashamed. From a mistake without big importance , I made it a tragedy ! (Francis from France) . Hello all listeners !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51am
Brian D:

Not at all, Fout/Francis. It is I who should be embarrassed. Wanted to do right by Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever and Widowspeak, too.
Avatar 3:56am
Michael of Cologne:

Good morning, Brian. Lou's got a great groove goin' there. Greetings to all.

@Ike I think of it like a kind of training when there is difficult listening music. It helps me navigate the microcosm.
LiXiviated Life:

NYC in July and August ?
I’ll pass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05am
Brian D:

Hello Michael!
Avatar 4:09am

Great ! Thanks Brian !

Macrocosm I mean; the small scale being a practice ground for how to navigate the larger environment.

thanks for lou reed..niece worked for him from '13 to 2017..saw him dylan tribute at msg and prospect park free show. met him one time.

Wait what are these demos called ??
LiXiviated Life:

The pain of listening to Lou Reed trying to be Bob Dylan is that I know at some point he finds the courage to be himself.
And that epiphany changes everything
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22am
Brian D:

From the Peel Slowly and See box set, Vinnie: en.wikipedia.org...

Thanks Brian great stuff at this hour
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26am
Brian D:

Thanks Vinnie. Glad you like it.

most likely next time you will intervene..

i interact all the time with the homeless in denver
LiXiviated Life:

your story is incomplete
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40am
Brian D:

I hope so Mark. And good for you. The world needs more people like you.
JetBoy of Brooklyn:

It’s a sad state of the state that we’ve come to in terms of legitimate fears for one’s safety being in tension with the urge to help a person in distress. I understand your regret.
Avatar 4:45am

Don’t beat yourself up Brian, like you said, there were other people there who helped. Too many can be overwhelming for the person in crisis.
No doubt in this life, you may get another chance to step in, and you’ll be more ready to take the leap. 💕
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46am
Brian D:

Thank you, Jet and Nikita for the kind words. So many struggling these days.
JetBoy of Brooklyn:

P.S. smashing show, thank you! The Lou Reed is hitting particularly hard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53am
Brian D:

Glad you're enjoying, Jet. Thank you.
LiXiviated Life:

I don’t know man.
Like I said before, the story lacks detail but
my guess is that this person may have had problems that nobody was gonna solve in a sushi restaurant.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57am
Brian D:

That's really all there is, Lix. We literally high-tailed it out of there. And, you may be right. But better to do something than nothing.
LiXiviated Life:

maybe the best we can do is care for the people in our everyday lives.

even with other people there one could just go over and say hang in there man, we love you

beautiful venus in furs!!!

MarkMTL - just tuned in ... what is " NYPL archive show!?"
LiXiviated Life:

Ok but that seems like it would help me feel better about myself more than that guy.
The world is f’d up and it breaks people.
I don’t have that high an opinion of myself that I think I can swoop in and solve problems like broken people with just some words.
Stuff like that takes commitment and time.
But what the hell do I know.
LiXiviated Life:

Thanks for this show.
Appreciate the time you put into each one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18am
Brian D:

Thank you, Lix. A labor of love for me, to be honest.

- for later ... BBC Outlook (audio) did a 1 hour interview with Ted Brown about being Black and gay in London in the '60s ... 1972 "Kiss In" ....

Article here from last year:

disagree...short message of love penetrates the subconcious .might actually help.especially two people..
definitely not thinking of oneself. personally helped homeless their faces light up with appreciation..nobody helps them..i know its different

situation situation situation
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25am
Brian D:

Belated hello Morphe. Lou Reed: www.nypl.org...

great choice..love this song.
great show!
LiXiviated Life:

Thinking now
of St. Andrew Warhola
Parton of young artists and the fragile hearted
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44am
Brian D:

Thank you, Mark.

90.1FM is down..all static since at least 8:35PM last night. https://fsd.servicemax.com/2012/11/29/field-service-at-1700-feet-radio-tower-repair/

Thanks Brian and for spinning too of course...
LiXiviated Life:

Be “The banana peel in the coal mine”

Lix ... I too was going to make that echo. So its is only Shakespeare and Jon Stewart who can mix metaphors..
LiXiviated Life:

morphed 🏆
Avatar 5:56am

Lots of songs I loved in your show Brian . I have a special affection for R.e.m. 's album Dead Letter Office. It was So good to hear two Velvet Underground's covers from this album . Thank you !
LiXiviated Life:

(I hate autocorrect)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am
Brian D:

Alright folks. I'm off before I break something. Thank you for listening. Have a great week and stay safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am

Thanks Brian!🍻😎🤙🌻

tasteful show..
one of the best on wfmu
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