Favoriting Pickled Herring with Ebba: Playlist from May 24, 2022 Favoriting

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Preserving some of the old with fresh sprigs of the new - From sweet Swedish folk songs to metal for those extra salty days, bites of pop and slurps of international grooviness. Sometimes you'll want to dance while you taste it and other times you may need a palate cleanser following those deep flavors. Pickled Herring is an acidic jar full of surprises!

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Favoriting May 24, 2022

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Artist Track Album Label Year Images
Donna Summer  Lucky   Favoriting Bad Girls  Casablanca Records  1979 
Candido Camero  Thousand Finger Man   Favoriting Thousand Finger Man  United Artists Records  1970 
Chris & Cosey  October (Love Song) ’86 version   Favoriting Take Five  Nettwerk  1986 
Miho Hatori  Tokyo Story   Favoriting Between Isekai and Slice of Life  Virgin Music Label And Artist Services  2021 
Janet Jackson  Empty   Favoriting The Velvet Rope  Virgin Records  1997 
Bent  K.I.S.S.E.S   Favoriting Best Of  Godlike and Electric  2009 
Your Dj spoke!!!           
Tara Clerkin Trio  In the Room   Favoriting Tara Clerkin Trio  Laura Lies In  2019 
Towa Tei  Technova   Favoriting Future Listening!  MACHBEAT.COM  1994 
Supreme Beings of Leisure  Never the Same   Favoriting Supreme Beings of Leisure  Palm Pictures  2000 
Mr. Scruff, Sneaky  Get A Move On!   Favoriting Keep it Unreal  Ninja Tune  1999 
Saâda Bonaire  Follow Your Mind   Favoriting 1992  Captured Tracks  2022 
Your DJ Speaks           
Uffie  Cool   Favoriting Sunshine Factory  Company Records  2022 
Melanie Charles  Petty   Favoriting The Girl With the Green Shoes  Hot Record Societe  2017 
Yung Lean, FKA twigs  Bliss   Favoriting Stardust    2022 
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs  Zero   Favoriting It's Blitz!  Interscope Records  2009 
Girlpool  Faultline   Favoriting Forgiveness  ANTI‐  2022 
Your DJ tries to speak           
Dungen  Du E för Fin för Mig   Favoriting Ta Det Lugnt  Subliminal Sounds  2004 
Lives Of Angels  Imperial Motors   Favoriting Elevator To Eden  Color Disc  1983 
Polyrock  Romantic Me   Favoriting Polyrock  RCA Records  1980 
Oto  Anyway   Favoriting   Le Soleil Et L'Acier  1984 
Grauzone  Eisbär   Favoriting Grauzone  EMI  1981 
Your DJ Speaks           
Martin Dupont  Inside Out   Favoriting Hot Paradox  Facteurs d'Ambiance  1987 
Dumbo Gets Mad  Makes You Fly   Favoriting Things Are Random and Time Is Speeding Up    2021 
Sunny & Gabe  Tropics   Favoriting Peace of Cake  Sunny & Gabe  2018 
Kid Creole and the Coconuts  I'm Corrupt   Favoriting Tropical Gangsters  ZE Records  1982 
Sandra Cross  Styler Boy   Favoriting Comet In The Sky  Ariwa Sounds  2005 
Liam Bailey  Ugly Truth   Favoriting Ekundayo  Big Crown Records  2020 
Pamela Maynard  Believe   Favoriting        
Ron Everett  Glitter of the City (Song by Tahira)   Favoriting The Glitter Of The City    1977 
Pat Metheny Group  Last Train Home   Favoriting One Quiet Night  Warner Records  2003 
Daniel Ögren  Annalena   Favoriting Fastingen -92  Sing A Song Fighter  2020   
Ahmed Fakroun  Ya Farhe Beek   Favoriting Mots D'Amour  Celluloid Records  1987   
Holger Czukay  Persian Love   Favoriting Holger Czukay  EMI Electrola GmbH  1979 
Moondog  Do Your Thing   Favoriting H'art Songs  Kopf  1978 
Nick Drake  Hazey Jane II   Favoriting Bryter Layter  Island Records  1971 
Bobb Trimble  One Mile From Heaven (Short version)   Favoriting Iron Curtain Innocence  Vengeance Records  1980 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Handy Haversack:

Happy Garbage Day, Ebba and all the fish in the salt, salt seas! How lucky!
Avatar 9:01am

Good morning, fill-in Ebba DJ.
Avatar 9:01am

Good Morning fishy friends! :) Happy to be here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Good morning!
Avatar 9:02am

hmmm, this is not the usual garbage, something fishy going on here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Good morning baby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

good morning! I'm convinced this is the best double album ever
Avatar 9:03am

I am too, Nathan
Avatar 9:03am

Hey gang! Took the detour through the wormhole 🪱 🕳️
Peter from Dover NJ:

Hello, Ebba. Glad to have you back!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Is this Giorgio Moroder producing?
lazy pierogi:

welcome back, ebba!
Avatar 9:05am

TTom: Yes indeed. One of his masterpieces.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Handy Haversack:

hey, lazy pierogi. How your end of north Brooklyn treating you?

YB! Where are you this morning?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Good to have you back, Ebba. Your May 1 show was great
Avatar 9:07am

Hi, thanks y'all!!!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Yeti Bob ah I thought as much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am

been a while since I listened to this Candido record. Nice one! hi everyone.
Avatar 9:07am

Wikipedia says Donna Summer sang with a psych-rock band called "Crow" in the 60s. Would love to hear that!

Hi Handy! I'm in Santa Fe. A place I really enjoy. Even though it's a bit chilly and rainy today. Going to hang out here a few days before heading back to Chitown.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Paulo AD:

Ello all :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Radio Row and the fill-ins have just been tremendous this week so far. good morning, everyone.
Avatar 9:08am

Yeti, glad it's raining there. Have the massive wildfires subsided?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Webhamster Henry:

My garbage literally gets picked up Tuesday morning, but I'm happy to greet Ebba and garbage aficionados. No picture, but a heck of a sound.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Funkadelic morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Paulo AD:

We've got a mega sandstorm on the go here
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Handy Haversack:

YB, I only ever drove through on the highway in a snowstorm in my teens. Should go back one day.

Hey hey, Paulo!
Avatar 9:11am

@Webhamster Henry I stepped in someones soggy trash bag on the street on my way to the station this morning
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Somehow I feel "lighter" (physically and emotionally) when I'm out here, I don't know if it's the elevation or what.

TDK60: Sadly the wildfires are still a huge problem, and I doubt this rain will make much difference. It's affecting my route, the shortest path from Santa Fe to Chicago would go right through the fire zone so I'm going to swing North and go through Colorado, Nebraska and Iowa. (CP will love that!)
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Handy: maybe in 10 years when I retire you can come out here and visit me :-)
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Our great friends the Price's live in Santa Fe. Jody Price does a radio show on Radio Madrid kmrd.fm... Great guy, check out his show if you can. His wife Amy, was a WNTI DJ for years but now broadcasts weekly on homegrownradionj.com...
lazy pierogi:

heyo HH! all good here. been trying to woo a street kitty a few blocks over. she readily accepts treats and pets but is a little skittish still. might try to get her to the vet but i don't want to erode our trust!

how 'bout you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yeah so ...I hate Disco
...but - I missed sexy DonnaSummer ?!
- Dammit !! :D
Avatar 9:12am

Street cats are my people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Handy Haversack:

Greenpoint abides, lp! Been enjoying sitting outside since the mosquitoes have not quite awakened yet, though I think the check is in the mail. Had to work from home all last week, but back in Manhattan at least Tue.-Thu. now.

peace! happy to catch ya again @djpickledherring
Toothgrinder Tom:

The southwest is nice. I like the desert, the climate, the Mexican food, etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oh Handy - so true. Have to enjoy before the real heat & humidity settle in... I blow this every year...
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Sprattus Sprattus:

All these fill-ins... oh well I don't mind a herring with some goos tunes
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This makes me think of Kevin Smith movies
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The Oscar:

Good morning! I didn't have a chance to comment, but I just wanted to let you know that we had your last show on as we were preparing for our wedding, and it was a perfectly off-kilter soundtrack for the morning :)
Kat in Chicago:

LOVE these tunes.
Matt Warwick:

Thanks for covering for me Ebba!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

Miho Matto!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

A show of a few hours here or there goes quite quickly in the end - & it's the Station of Diverse Listening in the first place ...& then the entire Schedule gets completely harvested twice a year & a new crop of Programs planted anyhow...
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it is my sincerest pleasure, Matt!!!!
Avatar 9:20am

@The Oscar oh my goodness, that makes me so happy to hear!
lazy pierogi:

lovely HH! i've seen a few buzzing around these parts...get it while you can!

Wow Matt’s musical taste suddenly got lots better

Oh, Hi Ebb!
Avatar 9:28am

Hi Ebba! Congrats on your second show! Sounding great!

*Hi EBBA! …damn autocorrect
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Webhamster Henry:

Other Weavers tunes need this treatment!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

Man this is some great stuff, thank you Ebba
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Glistener MW:

Great show, Ebba!!!
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Passaic River Blues:

Nice Tara Clerkin Trio bed music! Love, love that song.
Avatar 9:34am

This is the MOST PLEASANT scheduling curveball 🥒🐟
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Happy Herring Time everybody, feel better Matt
Windy City:

I love pickled herring
Avatar 9:34am

Favorite beans?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Disco: subversive urban music, or just another boring pop genre?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am

(I believe that disco was far more subversive than punk)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am
Glistener MW:

A good topic for approximately seven to eight minutes from now would be the importance of the number 9 followed the number 42.
Avatar 9:36am

so far I'm really excited about the favorite beans suggestion
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am
Asheville Jon:

Happy 2 year anniversary of the Revelation of The Power of 9:42!
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what did everyone eat for breakfast? any incredible call outs?
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I'd love to describe it to the listeners
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Asheville Jon:

i'm enjoying my typical tuesday coffee, and english muffins with butter and apricot preserves
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Handy Haversack:

Usual workday breakfast: water. Crap, forgot to bring my midmorning orange!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

cocoa beans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am
Glistener MW:

!!! Has it really been two years, Jon? whoa! To paraphrase Bart Simpson: "Boy, time sure flies when you're reading... THE BIBLE?... of 9:42."

Coffee with kitty cats here
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That's bean soup in a mug, coel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

Back on a 16/8 intermittent fast diet again, so no breakfast for me...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am


I saw posts about “No mow May” from friends in NH and Canada today . Give the pollinators a chance before cutting your lawn . Let’s just stop mowing grass altogether .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am
queen mcsteve:

omelette with mint, goats cheese, honey + microdose of acid in grapefruit juice :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

right on Hyper!
lazy pierogi:

half a cheeseburger (leftovers) and some room temp coca cola. but i did ride my bike 20 miles this morning so i think it all works out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Asheville Jon:

yes glistener, two years (technically it was may 26, but this is the closest garbage time to that date)
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Red beans & rice.
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Passaic River Blues:

WOW, the Towa Tei throwback. Very nice selection here.
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Claire from Montclair:

Turkey and ham sandwich on WW Boule with horseradish, capers, pickle, mustard, and broccoli sprouts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am

Loving the female DJ vibe:), thank Ewe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am

Rico and suave set!
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At some point today I would like to acquire an Italian sandwich and family-sized bag of peanut M&Ms.
Avatar 9:41am

Cocoa beans! 🙌 good call.
Avatar 9:41am

alright I think I have to close breakfast submissions but I think I've got some great material here
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Thank you all my herrings
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Handy Haversack:

And lo. Our hour is come round at last. Preserved, in brine and briar, clinging to the WFMUoment, which extends itself from Garbage to Herring, from Tuesday to Tuesday, always one day long, and on that day the sun never sets, though we settle in.

And also with you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Asheville Jon:

may the bliss of 9:42 be yours on this special day.
Avatar 9:42am

HAPPY 9:42!!! That's right. We're trojan horsing this shindig!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am
Glistener MW:

happy 9:42, all! ☁️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am

Something about 9:42 just feels a bit different today...
Avatar 9:43am

Enjoying some coffee beans right now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Handy Haversack:

I hope 9:42 was restorative for Matt!
chresti - in Frisco:

Morning! here coffee is on!
The Swede:

Just finished my pickled herring breakfast!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Jaydot Kaydot:

I'm pretty sure I had both that Towa Tei song and this Supreme Beings song on the same mix CD at some point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am

Enjoying the show Ebba!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am
Glistener MW:

Ebba, it's like you've gone back in time and raided my circa-2000 CD library. <3
Windy City:

Avatar 9:49am

Is Matt covidtagious?
chresti - in Frisco:

Pickled herring sounds healthy
Avatar 9:50am

Huh, this Mr, Scruff, Sneaky has a Moondog (Louis Hardin) sample.
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Sprattus Sprattus:

Aaahh! haven't heard this in ages!!<3
Avatar 9:51am

Funny you should mention - Moondog just might be coming up ;)
chresti - in Frisco:

I had this mr scruff at some point
Toothgrinder Tom:

Heck of a sound.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...ThePremiers knew from their pickled herring...
chresti - in Frisco:

I love the whaling track we something about a whale?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

Love the Moondog saxophone bite on this one. Even the original uses repitition, making this callback work even better.
Avatar 9:56am

Tasty herring biscuits
chresti - in Frisco:

*or something
The Swede:

From negative to plus here … love your choice and voice Ebba
Avatar 9:59am

Oh right the lost Saâda Bonaire album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Asheville Jon:

favorite beans? greasy beans!!! got many plants growing right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Black beans are what oats eat when they need fiber.

What brand?
Avatar 10:02am

Can’t go wrong with British baked beans on toast
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Handy Haversack:

I think it was Beta Brian who pointed out that a vanilla soy latte is a three-bean soup.
Avatar 10:02am

Grew a lot of green beans as a kid, but wax beans were my favorite.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Glistener MW:

more Zelda music's always welcome, and on-brand a Matt timeslot fill-in! :)
chresti - in Frisco:

A toast to toast
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I like most beans so can't participate. (Yep, lima beans too.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

I am intrigued by fava beans
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am

Late to the chat party, but wow. Supreme Beings of Leisure was a *throwback* and it resonated.
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"intrigued" really is the perfect word for how I feel about them
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am
Paulo AD:

Really enjoying this show :)
Avatar 10:06am

Thank you :)
ben & Reba:

Enjoying the show Ebba, hi from Pittsburgh

What a great surprise!! I just tuned in and saw your ID pop up! I heard you a few Sunday mornings ago and totally enjoyed it!! Thank you!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am

I've been making falafel with only chickpeas, what will happen when I start throwing some fava beans in there? Will I go 100% fava? Will I not notice the difference? Is there some optimal proportion?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am

Yung Lean, not to be confused with Mung Bean
Avatar 10:07am

Panther! Ken passed your message to me - made my day!

Avatar 10:09am

Fava with falafel. Sounds like a experiment I am willing to try
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We are loving Pickle Herring! Thank you!
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Claire from Montclair:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am
Handy Haversack:

I suppose I mostly cook kidney, pinto, and S. American red beans. Might make a kidney bean curry tonight. There was a request!
Avatar 10:12am

im endeavoring to make a 40 bean soup, but I can only find 30 varieties at the stores in my neighborhood
Avatar 10:13am

i may have to move to include peas

King City Pinks are my bean du jour
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I want to like lentils - but something in them is hard for me to digest - not a real big deal but noticeable. The iron? I wonder.
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"Many people experience digestive discomfort after consuming lentils because they are rich in fiber" 🔎🥫💨
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Paulo AD:

Puey lentils is where its at
Avatar 10:18am

I thought you said Paulie Lentils at first. Like a Sopranos character.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am

Some Beans you have to imagine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am

Kalustyans in manhattan is the place for more beans than you can shake a stick at, if you feel like shaking sticks at beans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lentiles just dense then...
Usually go with frijoles negros when given option - til I want for variety (& reckon variation is more nutritious).
chresti - in Frisco:

ranjit, I love shaking sticks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am
Handy Haversack:

Poor Threemoons is missing the bean convo. She'd have Opinions!
Avatar 10:21am

good point, at kalustyans you could probably make a 250 bean soup
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I get bored with just danceytrax (tho it's good wakeystuff) - so I'm good with moody. :D
chresti - in Frisco:

Mayacopa beans (sp?)
chresti - in Frisco:

Pinquitos too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

"Oh, don't get me started on beans..."
chresti - in Frisco:

Where’s Franco the bean expert?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

I hope Matty “would eat the bathbeans” Warwick is having hot bean soup today and tea and feeling better
garlic lover:

What’s a bath bean?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hendrixfans +
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Morning all. Getting a later start today. Nice surprise RE the fill-in today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

bathbeans are beans used top recreate the cover of TheWhoSellOut.
The question then being do you consume them or waste them utterly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 10:28am

Sorry everyone, I simply have to look away from the bean talk or I will get too hungry! I honestly love beans So much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Ebba. Nice to have you here today. Might want to put your bean hat on, Threemoons!
Avatar 10:29am

Bathbeans? Like that Who cover, with Daltry in a tub with a huge can of Heinz beans?
Avatar 10:29am

Put an extra shot in there for ya, 3M! 💨☕☕
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...we've all bean there...
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Hyperdose thank you
Avatar 10:30am

Loving this Lives Of Angels track😀
Avatar 10:31am

There's a new Greek place in Hoboken that sells a side of "Butter Bean Fava" that is so awesome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Hydroplane sounds like Greek Gigante beans. I have them done oven-baked in olive oil and they are sooooo good. Also if we're gonna talk about beans, head over to the Rancho Gordo website for some serious bean porn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Is Fava like Humus ?? (Pardon my ignorance.)
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Hey there Hydroplane!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am

Nice! I love this Polyrock album!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am
Hughie Considine:

Ah, Polyrock ... from that brief moment before the '80s became (sonically anyway) the 80s. The Necessaries too.
Avatar 10:36am

The best use for fava beans is Ethiopian Ful Medames.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

Just gonna point out the Polyrock album cover here is the color of baked beans. Coincidence? I think not...
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I think Teddy's Place here in Bayonne will be my next attempt at finding a good gyro. Need to find a shawarma place too
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@Threemoons indeed and it's delicious though I'm always hesitant because $6 feels pricy for that side but I don't know how to calibrate the proper cost for such a thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Hughie Considine:

Philip Glass, who produced Polyrock, often munches on dried fava beans while composing his symphonies.
Avatar 10:39am

Hey there Phillippe, HyperDose, and Threemoons.
Been running around all morning and just now registering who all is here, but somewhat piecemeal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Musicians have to eat ...& most of what they eat is brown & lumpy'...
- Zappa

Loving this set!! Thank u
Avatar 10:41am

I want to do everything Philip Glass ever did - maybe if I adopt his habits I will live a peaceful and successful life? What do we think?

This is everything
Avatar 10:42am

He honestly looks great

Is that so?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Passaic River Blues:

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Handy Haversack:

Hey hey, ChukAmok!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

hello Ebba and all! sounds good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Hughie Considine:

Interesting theory, pickeldherring! I can tell you that Glass was habitual about watching his grandkids play in Tompkins Sq. Park in the early '00s, so you'll have to become a grandfather (and a doting one at that).
Avatar 10:44am

Oh , the chilly tears of the Ice Bear
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I do think I have some grandfather energy already
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Handy Haversack:

Yo, spodi!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...if 'habits' includes brutally intensive early study of Classical Music & Piano you might be off to a start in some direction...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am
The Oscar:

Speaking of ice-bears, I just learned this morning that the Old English/Greek word for bear is "arktos," and that "Arctic" and "Antarctic" mean "towards the bear" and "away from the bear."

Nice tracks ebba <3
Avatar 10:46am

Hey there Handy!
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Paulo AD:

Is there a cover of this or is this the cover?? It's bugging me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Hughie Considine:

You're on your way then, d.j!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

yo, Handy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

The Oscar: thanks, I did not know that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oscar I think the Bear in question is the Northern Constellation in fact ...tho I would like it to be the fuzzy animal. Perhaps all are connected.
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no piano unfortunately. I think the only achievable things I can do are bean and park-related
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Sounds good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am
The Oscar:

@RRN63 That maybe makes more sense, but I like to imagine ancient explorers doing whatever they could to avoid getting eaten by a polar bear :)
rx scabin:

Good morning, Ebba and Everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I believe 'Arthur' is a word with roots in Bearness ...& is say Ursula from another direction in languages...
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I encountered Philip Glass on a NYC subway in the 1990s. He did not look great. It was like looking at a Chuck Close painting.
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oh no.....
Avatar 10:50am

perhaps I need to rethink
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Philip Glass by numbers...hmmm, you'll have to be a New York cabbie for a period of time to pay the bills, which will be huge because there's no more cheap loft space in which to build a performance culture. Also, identify and study with today's equivalent of both Nadia Boulanger and Ravi Shankar. Also find today's equivalent of Chuck Close to make a giant portrait of you to tour the world so everyone knows you before they've even heard of you. Then you're running on some of Phil Glass's tracks....the rest is hard work and chance.
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maybe he's mellowed. he had on a maybe-too-big army surplus jacket and appeared to be carrying the weight of the world.
rx scabin:

Sorry, pickled herring.
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Handy Haversack:

I imagine the explorers who set out to get eaten by polar bears are less likely to have made the societal memory, but maybe they should have.

Great music today thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

Handy Haversack: they survived the arctic, but only because of Minimalism
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Koyannisqatsi alternate cover by Cris Shapan (from Glass' IG): www.instagram.com...
The Last Phillip:

Hmm🤔little matty warwick and olivia both out? Coincidence,? I dont think so
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

I recommend piano lessons, and being yourself, which is more important than anything...and you're already doing great in that dept. :)

Knee Play...........1981....college listening library, over and over demurely trying to hide the thrill of the hooks.........lol........ Chris and Cosey to Janet Jackson to Polyrock and back...........nice fill in!!!
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Joe McG was out yesterday.
The Last Phillip:

Thats nice😁 an on station romance🤩
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@drr That alternate cover is hilarious. Thank you.
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@Threemoons thanks for the ranchogordo.com suggestion. What a cool site.
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Hey Chuk!
The Last Phillip:

Philip Glass? Oh noo did he pass away too😱😱😱
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Good morning from sunny Pittsburgh
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Your piano teacher was a dick!
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neighbor's kid was rocking some phil glass on the recorder yesterday
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Hey Chuk! Look up Cris Shapan/Deluxe Fuxley. Hours of fun.
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He is alive!! Don't worry!
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Philip Glass is alive and well. 85 years old!
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Will do, drr!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hey ! I had a friend whose fingers were congenitally missing an entire segment. Like - they only bent in one place - not two. & guess what? He played majestic Bach stylee pianer. So there.
The Last Phillip:

I'm still devastated over Vangelis😔😭
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@drr Is Cris Shapan the person beind Liartown USA?
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I got kicked out of piano about age 8 because I wouldn't play the assigned tune "Speedboat" as written (middle C played on every fourth beat); I wanted to give it a little bounce. I was too undisciplined.

I went on to play music all my life, learned a few instruments, but only now am I starting to pick up piano. And that finger size thing is bullshit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am

A) Your piano teacher was dead wrong. B) Go to the library and get a copy of Phil's 'Metamorphosis'. It's six little pieces that are related, and you can play chunks of it slowly almost immediately. It's like instant Phil Glass. A beginner CAN do it. It's rewarding, just to feel a little bit of it under your fingers.
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My music theory teacher in college had very small hands & she could play anything on the piano.
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Handy Haversack:

karlward: Ironic, since they had put their hopes in Manimalism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am

Love, love, LOVIN' your show, Ebba!!! Thank you!!!!
The Last Phillip:

How about Bass guitar like that Brazilian lady Paz Lenchartan

Porcupine Tree did a song, Piano Lessons … about the evil, draconian torture.
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Hughie Considine:

I took guitar lessons from the guy who taught Al Di Meola. He preferred teaching prodigies.
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Chuk! I'm glad you asked that, because they are kindred spirits, but no. That guy is named Sean Tejarachi.
If you ever read that funny thing Banksy supposedly said about swiping from adveertising, it was actually Sean Tejarachi who said that.

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I lived about a block away from the Peabody Conservatory where Phillip Glass studied, though a couple decades later. That's about as close as I got to him. Really reaching for a connection...
The Last Phillip:

This kinda sounds like the on hold music my HMO plays. Emblem health
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"I'm corrupt" is a great song title.
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That's right! Sean Tejarachi does ring a bell. Very funny stuff out of both of them.
And wow, quite the throwback to Gawker.
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Some may take that as an insult but I am glad to share the musical taste of healthcare professionals
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I used to see Glass on the streets in the East Village all the time. In fact, the day I moved out of NYC, I went to a store to buy boxes, and he was right in front of me in line. I thought about asking him what Aphex Twin is really like, but I didn't. I'm sure he gets that question all the time.
A Bee:

I just wanted to say this whole show has been the music version of caffeine for me today and has really helped me get moving and groovin on some stuff I did not want to do. Thanks for the jams :)
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it's got a healing vibe
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How are things in 'nap, Phillippe? Met a couple folks when I was checking IDs at an event who lived in the neighborhood where I grew up.
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karlward: you should have asked him what Philip Glass is like, so he'd wonder who you thought he was.
The Last Phillip:

@pickledherring no no no please dont consider it an insult. Maybe I spilhd have said what the Cuban cigar bar plays
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Ah, thank you so much!!! Makes me so happy to hear :)
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@ both
rx scabin:

Great fill in as you all know.
The Last Phillip:

I live on top of a Cuban cigar bar.
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drr: I asked the guy at the register if he knew who that was. He said, "that guy, he comes in here all the time." I told him who he was and he was like "that guy, a famous composer? he comes in here all the time."
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Hughie Considine:

I love that so many of us have Philip Glass sightings. He truly is a New Yorker and a true out-and-about person. Like Luis Guzman, who I used to see almost as often.
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I love the Guzman.
The Last Phillip:

I'm still in mourning over Vangelis. 😭
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When I lived in NYC, I was sitting in a cage in Union Square with my visiting mom. She asked if I saw many celebs. I said, "Well, there goes Ric Ocasek", and he strode by, as if on cue.
What's weird is it wasn't my first Ocasek sighting.
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sorry, in a CAFÉ!!
The Last Phillip:

Cant we give ebba a slot on one of the streams so we can hear more?
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Hughie Considine:

@drr, had a similar thing happen with my mom and a passing-by Sean Lennon. Sometimes NYC just kicks ass.
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@Chuk weather hasn't been wonderful all spring. Kinda cool, and windy every freakin' day. Only been out on the water 2x. How are things where you are?
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i have a soft spot in my heart for this song.
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Hughie Considine:

btw, this cover is something else

Did someone Piano Lessons? https://youtu.be/3CpAlN5qAhs
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Hughie: yeah, it's nice when the town delivers for the tourists!
A Bee:

I second giving ebba a slot!
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Handy Haversack:

drr: I was wondering! "Why have I never taken any of my relatives cage sitting downtown? Do they resent it?"
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The Oscar:

@drr Here in Boston Peter Wolf sightings are as common as squirrels; funny enough, the first time I saw him, I thought, "Is that Ric Ocasek?"
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Ric Ocasek lived across from my work on 8th street and 6th avenue. I used to see him everyday.
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I can see that!
Red Rover:

as a connoseir of Cher "Believe" remixes, this version has something good going on.
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That's where I saw Ric O. 8th street. Coming out of a bookstore while I was going in. Hard to not gawk at that coif.
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Seen David Bowie a few times around the Puck Building, where I'm told he lived.
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I used to live on W. 8th in NYC, just down the street from Electric Lady and would see Ocasek all the time. Held a job at a fancy clothing store on 5th & 16th and he came in a couple times and I was so nervous that all I could do was make small talk, if any sound at all.
Avatar 11:19am

@Ryansterlingvirtue Where did you work, and what year?
rx scabin:

@drr my wife, daughter, and I were on a college tour with Ric Ocasek and his son. In fact, Ric Ocasek out of everyone on the tour took one of my wife's hands, I had her other hand, tohelp her down a hill. Also, his son is unnaturally beautiful.
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I was listening to Gina's Someday Matinee a few weeks ago and, if I remember correctly, she looked out her window during the show and one of the artists that she had just played was pushing a baby carriage on the sidewalk across the street.
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It's like Ric O. is....watching out for us.
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Handy Haversack:

I never see any celebs. Once I saw Rick Moranis rollerblading in Central Park. And Max von Sydow and I used to like the same diner. And once I wouldn't give my friend's chair to Bjork at the Knitting Factory, and he got mad at me when he got back from the bathroom.

Though I saw Ric Ocasek on campus when I was in college.
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Handy, that's not never.
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1 Bjork sighting > 20 other celeb sightings
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Handy Haversack:

It's not *never* but I have been here a long damn time.
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Hughie Considine:

nice story, @rx
Red Rover:

I see celebs a lot apparently. One of my faves was seeing Phillip Seymour Hoffman getting a Mr. Softee off the truck at Astor Place.
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Parker Posey asked me if I had pot at a club, and I was so disappointed that I did not.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

I am super dupr DUPER busy at work but I have to jump in with my celebrity sighting brag. I once had a gig end in the middle of the day and traipsed over to Balthazar for brunch on a Monday and then Other Music....where I encountered (after thinking it over and realizing what happened after the fact) a VERY undercover David Bowie. He hadn't told a soul about his cancer diagnosis. This was the summer before he passed.
rx scabin:

There are zero celebrities where I live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am

Funny. I don't even live there, but every time I ever visited, I'd walk by some celeb. Probably because that's all I was doing was walking everywhere staring at stuff.
rx scabin:

Just ask McGroovey. He knows my town.
rx scabin:

Handy maybe his son chose your college instead of Bard.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

I also once got to--honest Abe--hang out very briefly with Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed. And Penn Jillette of Penn and Teller used to have Friday Movie Nights EVERY Friday at the HoJo's in Times Square. He brought along Blondie once.
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hi pat metheny
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I love Penn Jillette. He saved Half Japanese.
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I see Travis Pastrana on occasion, but he is only a household name in a narrow slice of households. And I saw Mike Doughty hanging out on the sidewalk in front of Ram's Head, but he was playing there that night, so I'm not sure if that counts
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@ChukAmok what RE Half Japanese? I don't know that story!
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Red Rover: this will sound strange, but on my first ever visit to NYC my friend and I pushed the cube around in Astor Place with...Philip Seymour Hoffman.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Developed a different sense about Celebrities living in Santa Barbara (eh - whatever) - which has probly entirely worn off or even reversed after decades back in NewHampshuh...

dont leave us Ebba Surströmming person. Come back again soon
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Handy Haversack:

I *did* run into Abbie from Mars at shows two weeks in a row this spring, so that's probably my biggest brag!
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@Threemoons It's an amazing story, but I don't remember all of the details. Check out the documentary "The Band That Would be King". Highly recommended.
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Loved the show Ebba, but I gotta run. Hope to hear from you again soon!
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Thank you :) Glad you've enjoyed it!
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Take it easy, Phillippe!
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Handy Haversack:

Later on, Phillippe!
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Easy's the only way I take it, Chuk. I'm basically lazy...
Cya at the cool kids table, Handy!
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same, ebba, thanks for a cool show; another one where i have not heard any of the songs played previously.
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Pretty sure I saw Tommy Chong at the Oregon County Fair in 2019.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TommyChong's B-Day today !
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50 Skadillion Watts Records = Penn Jillette
The Swede:

Kom tillbaka snart…talk more…love your voice..
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I thought I saw Rod Stewart at Atlantic Antic but I think more that I saw a guy taking advantage of the fact that he looked like Rod Stewart.
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Handy Haversack:

(Side note, but is Julie not on the Drummer stream later today? I don't see her on the Drummer sched. for the day. Anyone get the daily e-mail?)
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@StringOFperils thank you, will grok. SOMEWHERE I have a 45 Single that he had done of a truly terrible song that he wrote called "The Best Song Ever Written."
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Chong's birthday? We need to hear "Does Your Mother Know About Me?" by Bobby Taylor and the Vancouvers.
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Tommy Chong! I didn't know that - I did know it's Bobby Zimmerman's bday today. (And mine)
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(great record Chong played on)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Handy I believe Julie is out today as she was for her new Sheena show Sunday.
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Passaic River Blues:

@Handy: The Drummer daily email says Juli is off today.
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Passaic River Blues:

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Dave in VT:

Since we seem to be doing celebrity stories: A bunch of years ago I parked my truck on the roof level of the Burlington, Vermont airport parking garage. As I got out of my truck, Trey Anastasio walks up to me from his car as says "You're not the AAA guy, are you?" I assured him I wasn't, and he walked back to his broken-down Audi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am

Oh, Dave, what an opportunity.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@ChukAmok will check that documentary, thank you! Now back to the salt mines alas.
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That's really cool Dave. Was he friendly?
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, PRB, Rev Rab. Fox is filling in for Creamo on the main stage, so that should be an excellent afternoon of radio still!
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Happy birthday Freste, Tommy & Bob!
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Is the new summer schedule out yet? I think I remember hearing it was coming out this week?
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Thank you for an excellent morning of music Ebba, really making my day :)
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Dave in VT:

@drr: Yeah, I didn't want to do the gushing fan thing, and I couldn't think of anything else to say so I left him to his provacy.
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@Dave My sister lives in Burlington! Such a special place.
Thanks love2laf!!! <3
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Sprattus Sprattus:

@abbazabba: new schedule starts June 6th, so maybe it's out by then to the latest... (There better be more Herring in that!)
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Hubig Pie:

My celeb story- John Sinclair (of Free ! John Sinclair fame) said he was sorry I had a flat tire on my rusty '60 Bel Air.
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Dave in VT:

@abbazabba: He was friendly enough, but our interaction wasn't really long enough to establish much, and he actually seemed a little stressed, which is understandable when you're stuck at the airport with a broken-down car.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Joyeux ♊︎Geminian ⦿Solar Return freste !
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Hooray for Holger!
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Hughie Considine:

I first heard Persian Love on that WOMAD compilation Music and Rhythm and it blew my mind. what sounds

Loving this. Will def listen back on this archive
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Dave in VT:

@Ebba: That's cool! Great show today!
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Great album, that WOMAD comp.
garlic lover:

This show 🙌
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Celeb sighting story: I was at a party at an underground art space in Chicago a few (10+) years back. Jim Jarmusch was sitting by himself at the bar. Everyone was saying "That's Jim Jarmush over there" but nobody went to talk to him or sit next to him. Poor guy, must be lonely!
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That's cool. Yeah, Audis can be a pain in the *&s! That's been my experience, anyways.
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(don't know how much of a celeb Jarmusch is, but in my world he's HUGE)

Ebba, great show this morning while I sip my coffee and putter about. Looking forward to the next!
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rx scabin:

ebba this has been a lovely way to spend a morning. I hope to hear you soon.
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Handy Haversack:

The PGOAT effect, YB. Noted by Joelle van Dyne when Orin Incandenza actually approached her.
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Also seen David Byrne a few times, but who hasn't?
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I CAN really get behind this Holger Czukay
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Jarmusch is so recognizable of course; saw him taking on a cell phone in LaGuardia, but it was less a celeb sighting than an "I live in New York" moment.

Sat by David Byrne at a showing of "Time Indefinite" at Film Forum. Same kind of thing.
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Moondog <3

just chiming in to say this playlist has been amazing and thank you!
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I was so shocked when I heard Moondog's music after seeing so many pictures of him. Not at all what I expected. (I love it)
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moon doggy dog
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Thanks y'all! :)
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rx scabin:

I had a longterm substitute music teacher in ninth grade in 1974. He taught us Moondog rounds and such. Mr. Freeman. He was subbing because our regular music teacher shot a man to death. The regular teacher came back. This is in a small, small village in Wyoming County NY. AKA East Jesus.
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Tom Berringer (the actor) used to be at my basketball games as a kid. Not that I'm bragging haha
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

<3 NickDrake

Thx for filling in DJ PH !
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@Handy Bringing it nicely back to IJ.
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Hughie Considine:

what a terrific set!
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Dave in Vermont:

I've really enjoyed the whole show. Thanks.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

rx ... !
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rx scabin: Hmmm? The East Jesus I know is an artists' commune in the California desert.
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there are many many East Jesii.
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Thanks Sprattus
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www.atlasobscura.com... <- East Jesus
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Handy Haversack:

Many thanks, Ebba! Very enjoyable fill-in!

Stay pickled, everyone!
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As there are many West Bumblef**ks.
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chris in the redwoods:

good grief, i have missed nearly the whole show, which looks as good as this last set. dang.
thanks much, pickledherring!
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Hubig Pie:

I also once pretended I didn't know who Alex Chilton was when he stopped to talk to my boss who had done some work on his house.
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Claire from Montclair:

Great show! Thanks Ebba!
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I talked to Carla Thomas for a bit (@ Tramps?) until Fred Schneider came gunning for me across the room like he was gonna kill me. He was chaperoning her and Martha Reeves and some others at a Screamin' Jay Hawkins show. I politely thanked her for existing, turned, and scrammed. Brushes with celebrity can get too close.
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time to rollmop along... thank you Ebba!
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that's a good one SoP.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

I have a friend -- disabled veteran -- who sells his jewelry on Broome near Broadway. Apparently Patti Smith stops by his table on the regular.
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I'll take your word for it, drr. The famous one is in CA.
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The Oscar:

Been busy working, but great show, and yay Bobb Trimble!
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It's just an epithet (synecdoche?) for a crappy place in the middle of nowhere.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Ebba Herring. So happy that you're on the roster!
  Swag For Life Member 11:55am

Thanks for filling in, Ebba!
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Hi Ebs, hi all.
Dang, I missed your show. Will pick up from the archives. :-)
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drr: I guess some artists thought it was funny and made it a real place - see eastjesus.org
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"Big Wind From East Jesus", Mercyland: www.youtube.com...
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YB: I do want to check that out.
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Great show, Ebba! Hope to hear more from you!
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Thank you, Ebba!
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let me add my voice to the "Great show" chorus
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This was so fun!!!
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rx scabin:

It is opioids and meth all the way down.
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Thanks for the great show pickledherring!
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Great show. I hope I didn't talk too much. We're adjusting the dosage. (Wish I were kidding.)
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Jason from Houston:

Fine sounds! Many thanks!

Thanks! I loved it!

I can't imagine Matt has not at some point called himself garbage king
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Thanks for this! Great morning on west coast
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Thanks for the fun set! Clickystarry!

Excellent show!
Avatar 12:00pm

thanks for the great tuesday morning show!
Avatar 9:39am

Super show !
Would appreciate time links on the spreadsheet to locate Artist etc of some excellent tunes new to me ....
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