Favoriting Currents with Brian D: Playlist from May 15, 2022 Favoriting

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Music inspired by life and current events

Saturday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sat. Mar 15th, 6am - 9am: Brian D and his Co-Host Alan 6

Favoriting May 15, 2022: "Got to scrape the s**t right off your shoes"

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Images Approx. start time
Rolling Stones  Sweet Virginia   Favoriting Exile On Main Street  Rolling Stones Records      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pavement  Range Life   Favoriting Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain  Matador      0:10:49 (Pop-up)
Jon Langford  Poor Valley Radio   Favoriting Four Lost Souls  Bloodshot Records      0:09:50 (Pop-up)
Rolling Stones  Rocks Off   Favoriting Exile On Main Street  Rolling Stones Records      0:13:09 (Pop-up)
Lemonheads  Rudderless   Favoriting It's a Shame About Ray - 30th Anniversary Edition  Fire Records      0:18:41 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Daily Mail-Canadian MP calls into session from gents'   Favoriting n/a  n/a      0:22:29 (Pop-up)
Silver Jews  Random Rules   Favoriting American Water  Drag City      0:22:33 (Pop-up)
Big Black  Strange Things   Favoriting Atomizer (remastered)  Touch and Go      0:29:17 (Pop-up)
Nov3l  Group Disease   Favoriting Non-Fiction  Flemish Eye Records      0:32:55 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: CBS News-US reaches grim milestone   Favoriting n/a  n/a      0:36:37 (Pop-up)
Rolling Stones  Ventilator Blues   Favoriting Exile On Main Street  Rolling Stones Records      0:38:00 (Pop-up)
Young Fresh Fellows  Old Guy (Wimps)   Favoriting 30 Years of Kill Rock Stars  Kill Rock Stars  Marcus Leatherdale, RIP: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/04/arts/marcus-leatherdale-dead.html 
0:47:52 (Pop-up)
Guerilla Toss  Cannibal Capital   Favoriting Famously Alive  Sub Pop   
0:51:37 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Seth Meyers- on Susan Collins calling cops on chalk protesters   Favoriting n/a  n/a      0:56:01 (Pop-up)
Teenage Fanclub  Like A Virgin   Favoriting The King  Creation Records   
0:57:16 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed and John Cale  Faces and Names   Favoriting Songs for Drella  Sire   
1:01:57 (Pop-up)
Telefis  Mister Imperator   Favoriting A hAon  Rough Trade Records   
1:06:14 (Pop-up)
Abiodun Oyewole  To Begin (featuring Pharoah Davis)   Favoriting Gratitude  Fire Records      1:10:19 (Pop-up)
Wu Lyf  L Y F   Favoriting Go Tell Fire To The Mountain  LYF Recordings  Paula Bronstein, photojournalist: https://www.blind-magazine.com/news/photojournalist-paula-bronstein-wins-2022-courage-in-photojournalism-award/ 
1:21:15 (Pop-up)
Entourage Music and Theatre Ensemble  Euphoric Bells/Druid Dance (live)   Favoriting The Mermaid’s Purse: Live at Chatham College 1976 ???  Smithsonian/Folkways   
1:25:41 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Nigeria News-More journalists killed in Mexico   Favoriting n/a  n/a      1:31:42 (Pop-up)
Field of Fear  Broken Trunk   Favoriting Ashes  Field of Fear   
1:31:39 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Citizen TV Kenya-Al Jazeera journalist killed in Israel   Favoriting n/a  n/a      1:41:05 (Pop-up)
Distant Fires Burning  Book of Pointless Endurance   Favoriting Inperspectycon  Audiobulb   
1:41:07 (Pop-up)
Liz Allbee  Tectonic Foundations   Favoriting Rille  Relative Pitch Records   
1:57:55 (Pop-up)
Saint Abdullah  4000 Rat Patrol Posters   Favoriting Inshallahlaland  Room 40   
2:06:59 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: NBC News-Odessa and global food supply   Favoriting n/a  n/a      2:16:53 (Pop-up)
Rolling Stones  Torn and Frayed   Favoriting Exile On Main Street  Rolling Stones Records      2:17:48 (Pop-up)
Rolling Stones  Shine A Light   Favoriting Exile On Main Street  Rolling Stones Records      2:22:30 (Pop-up)
n/a  Clip: Sky Sports-The Champions of Scotland   Favoriting n/a  n/a      2:26:33 (Pop-up)
Dave Brubeck Trio  One Moment Worth Years   Favoriting Live from Vienna 1967  Brubeck Editions      2:28:02 (Pop-up)
Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers  Caravan   Favoriting Basquiat Salutes Jazz  Prestige      2:41:31 (Pop-up)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds  Skeleton Tree   Favoriting Skeleton Tree  Bad Seed Ltd.  RIP, Bruce MacVittie: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/12/theater/bruce-macvittie-dead.html    2:58:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03am
Hubig Pie:

The best RS song they couldn't play on 70's radio cuz shit onna shoes wasn't allowed back then

howd you know i needed to hear this rn.. planning a move to LA :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08am

Working, listening.
Avatar 3:13am
Rob Gee - Hanoi:

sounding good so far on this rainy day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19am
Brian D:

Hello all. Catching up...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20am

Avatar 3:20am
Hubig Pie:

Muchly enjoying the tunes but must force self to seek sleep. Ta ta
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am

G'day Brian & Currents! Listening in but making Dinner, so not in chat much mate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24am
Brian D:

Sleep well, Hubig.
rx scabin:

Good morning, Brian, Everyone, and insomnia.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am

Hello Brian and listeners
Avatar 3:44am
alan the painter:

Good Mooring, thank for being there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48am
Brian D:

Rx! Fred! Alan!
Avatar 3:52am
alan the painter:

Sorry, where are the pictures?
Avatar 3:53am
alan the painter:

Oh, next to the song list, thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53am
Brian D:

On the playlist, next to the songs.
Avatar 3:54am
alan the painter:

Contempoary of Maplethorp, very nice
Avatar 3:56am
alan the painter:

Hellows from down here in Philli
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58am
Brian D:

Mapplethorpe and Leatherdale were partners for a time.
Avatar 3:59am
alan the painter:

thnkyou B

Could Patti Smith really not have known from the get go that Mapplethorpe was Bi/other??? Not a criticism just a question... in her autobiography she says/implies [I do now remember]she did not at first know... Not a criticism just a question..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02am

In the Meyers clip, the visual for the "zodiac killer" bit was a hopscotch picture (doesn't make much sense without it)

that was me:

Could Patti Smith really not have known from the get go that Mapplethorpe was Bi/other??? Not a criticism just a question... in her autobiography she says/implies [I do now remember]she did not at first know... Not a criticism just a question..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04am
Brian D:

Yeah, Fred. I had a photo of the hopscotch thing, but couldn't find it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05am
Brian D:

Hello Morphe. Shamefully, I've not yet read Just Kids.

Brian D - I almost never read autobiography but it was given to me ... it is a really good read... I have the copy so when I get back to NYC, I'll drop it to you via the sidewalk sales ... someone will put it in yer mailbox ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10am

I remember going to a Warhol exhibition some 30 years ago, only to learn that there had been a VU reunion there a week before
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11am
Brian D:

Thank you Morphe! @Fred, was that at the Whitney?

I worked with a guy at Barnes and Nobles in' 79 who was so over the top Andy admirer.. he dragged me to the Factory (2nd incarnation) .. he just fawned over Andy who sat there looking bored... I stood in the doorway waiting to escape... On a funny note .. I was one of the pricing workers for 2nd hand items at B&N .. I had a bunch of 1st edition Warhol books which I got a decent amount for at the Strand when Andy died..
Michael of Cologne:

Good morning Brian and everyone! Great to be joining in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Exile on Main Street's release. The Glimmer Twins did a superb job producing this album, such finesse with little tweaks, mainly from Keith.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18am

@Brian: No, in Jouy-en-Josas, about 10 miles from Paris, close to Versailles

a Haon = the #1 in Irish
Pogue Mahon = kiss mi arse
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24am
Brian D:

Hello Michael! And right on the Irish Morphe. My grandmother spoke it, but my pronunciation -- what little I remember of the language -- is an abomination.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26am
Brian D:

We'll be getting back to Exile soon, I promise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28am
Brian D:

@Michael, not to correct you, but I believe Mick did the tweaking. Keith was a bit, uh, occupied in those days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37am

This hippie noise is way better than the Rolling Stones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39am

I like this Field of Fear track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41am
Brian D:

Glad you like, Ike and Fred.
Avatar 4:44am
Don in Tampere:

Good morning Brian and the Currents gang, both assisting and listening. Joining late today because we had a late gig last night. Tickled to see that the first song of the tribut to Exile was "Sweet Virginia", since that was one of the few covers we did. It was also the song during which the power went out a little over halfway through the song, but it worked out. Great track on at the moment!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45am
Brian D:

Hello Don!
Michael of Cologne:

Thanks Brian. As I recall, Exonmain took ages to produce. I think I'm prejudiced toward Keith's fine ear for adding subtle acoustic embellishments, whereas in my book Mick's more a fine lyrics' writer. To judge e.g. from their respective solo albums.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49am

Apropos to this program, tonight's choice verb correction in an academic paper is "underreport" instead of "under report". Perhaps either is acceptable, but the latter looks strange to me. This web page underlines the former in red, suggesting it's incorrect, but M-W verifies it as one word.

Shireen Abu Akleh ... [also held Us Citizenship]
BBC reported she was wearing both the Blue Press Flak Jacket vest and the Blue Press Helmet and was shot in the back of the neck in the space between the helmet and the
Flak Jacket. Her colleague Ali al-Samudi, was also shot in the back but survived..

The Washington Post reports that they were with a handful of other journalists 950 feet
or more from the crowd that was depicted by IDF video [GPS evidence]..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55am

@Ike: The former does look less ambiguous to me. Then again academia has its own dialect (in part jargon, but also because many academics are not fluent in English)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58am

@fred, fortunately the jargon isn't too intense in this paper, but a bit of it (and its capitalized terms) are causing me some headaches. "The Social Reproduction Theory", or just "social reproduction theory"? Sigh.
LiXiviated Life:

Listening to the events around the world.
Hate, anger and death.
who is served by this?
who benefits?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58am
Brian D:

When in doubt, go with M-W, Ike.
Avatar 4:58am
Don in Tampere:

I would probably also vote for "underreport" for clarity. But then I'm legally German, and we love sticking words together.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59am

Indeed, I always do, @Brian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01am

@Don, LOL

Don - had a great German teacher (NYC-Hunter, CUNY adult ed Eve classes) who started every class with a song.. "Soll das bier in Keller lien .... something something und du dads kriegan." I like the German word combo concept; I remember a word like "UMANHANLOSTLOSSKEITSKREIG"??? Which has something to do with the economy???
"Ich habe deutsch gelernt mar ich habe alles vergessen."
Michael of Cologne:

Ike & Brian: I always go with OED. The American Way of sticking words together comes from the German influence, I believe. Also the sad loss of adverbial endings in American English. S'pose every saved '-ly' increases pragmatic efficiency?
Avatar 5:09am
Don in Tampere:

morphe, I'm not sure I can figure out what the actual German word would be from that :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10am

@Ike: Yeah, sometimes the caps mark it out as jargon that has a specific meaning in that field. The sneaky jargon is when a sequence of words come to mean something else you can't piece together from outside

Don - nor I ....
Avatar 5:14am
Lixiviated Life:

I was upstate yesterday.
Had to go to the super market for groceries. It was all very serene.

Later that day I heard someone went into a market like the one I was at, with a rifle and started shooting people.

When I heard this,
I felt like I’ve been bitten by something venomous.
Im struggling with this.
It’s staying with me
Avatar 5:22am
Don in Tampere:

This song was one of my friend Paul's favorite Stones songs to play. I think it still is. We used to do it with the Handlebars.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23am
Brian D:

@Lix, Buffalo...
Michael of Cologne:

@Lixiviated: Every small niche of gentleness in your land, as you personify, 'ist Gold wert' (is worth gold), as they say over here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42am

It sounds good. We are here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42am

@Brian: Don't apologize for being a real human being
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43am
Brian D:

Thanks Bobby. And Fred, not even sure if I AM real at this point. Though if this was recording, we'd have edited out the goofs.
Avatar 5:49am

The Jazz Messengers!

Thanks Brian D and all !!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53am

Radio’s first Jazz Messengers/Celtic collab

Mini-glistener Simon and I are off to play footie and ping pong ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Enjoyed the program this morning, Brian. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am

Ditto radioronan: I've been writing online, not commenting, but I've been here all along... Fell asleep 7pm, woke up 1:30 (CT)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am
Brian D:

Thank you all. Stay safe!
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