Favoriting Provocative Percussion with DJ Rubberband Girl: Playlist from May 2, 2022 Favoriting

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It's provocative! It's percussive!! Pour an afternoon (or morning) cocktail and let your ears be seduced by the sometimes sassy, always classy swingin' sounds of Rubberband Girl's bachelorette pad.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting May 2, 2022: Pleasure Programmed: Let's get away from it all

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
The Romantic Strings and the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra  Topkapi   Favoriting In a Joyous Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Romantic Strings and the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra  The Sound of Music   Favoriting In a Joyous Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:02:32 (Pop-up)
The Romantic Strings and the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra  Fiesta in Old Mexico – Tehauntepec   Favoriting In a Joyous Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:06:02 (Pop-up)
The Romantic Strings and the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra  Symphonie Moderne   Favoriting In a Joyous Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:12:15 (Pop-up)
Wally Stott and His "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra  Miserlou   Favoriting In an Exotic Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:20:23 (Pop-up)
Wally Stott and His "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra  Limehouse Blues   Favoriting In an Exotic Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:23:42 (Pop-up)
Wally Stott and His "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra  Baubles, Bangles and Beads   Favoriting In an Exotic Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:26:35 (Pop-up)
Wally Stott and His "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra  Lotus Land   Favoriting In an Exotic Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:29:41 (Pop-up)
Wally Stott and His "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra  Beyond the Blue Horizon   Favoriting In an Exotic Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:34:19 (Pop-up)
Philharmonic "Pops" Orchestra  España Rhapsody   Favoriting In a Festive Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:37:53 (Pop-up)
Philharmonic "Pops" Orchestra  Dances from "The Seasons"   Favoriting In a Festive Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP  Dancing in the Fields (Theme) * Flirtation at Springtime * Summer Love * Theme * Waltz for Young and Old * Autumn Festival * Greeting the Winter – and Finale  0:44:49 (Pop-up)
Philharmonic "Pops" Orchestra  Russian Sailors' Dance from "The Red Poppy"   Favoriting In a Festive Mood (Background Moods)  Reader's Digest  1965  LP    0:55:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:00pm

Let the magic begin....
Avatar 4:01pm
Mr Fab:

It's working! I feel my pleasure increasing already. Hi RBG!
Avatar 4:01pm
Rubberband Girl:

Hi Domenic! Hi Fab! Today is going to be quite different, but hopefully equally enjoyable. Definitely sit back and relax and these Background Moods take you away...
Avatar 4:02pm

Set pleasure setting to "stunning"
Avatar 4:04pm
Rubberband Girl:

I had wanted to pick my own "Pleasure Program" but decided to stay faithful to the packaged pleasure and see what happened.
Avatar 4:05pm
Mr Fab:

I remember the stations that used to play this kinda stuff. The deep-voiced announcer would intone, "Just beautiful music...all the time..."
Avatar 4:06pm
Rubberband Girl:

Avatar 4:08pm
Rubberband Girl:

Fab – I am thinking of starting another program devoted strictly to these collections and these pre-determined Pleasure Programs.
Avatar 4:08pm
Mr Fab:

more "weird' and "Exotic" than "romantic," but I'll take it.
Avatar 4:08pm
Rubberband Girl:

Or changing mine to that XD
Avatar 4:08pm

WSRS in Worcester. in 1978 had a Mike Sammes kind of upbeat drop-in---"where the beau.....ti.....ful muuuuusic issssss!"I used to complain to my boss about it.. and the occasional whistling trackk
Avatar 4:09pm
Mr Fab:

The Pleasure Program! That'd be great.
Avatar 4:09pm

At 18 years of age I vowed to loath this type of music for all eternity......and yet, here we are.
Avatar 4:10pm
Rubberband Girl:

Sorry, Dom! lol. It does sound much nicer as we get older, doesn't it?
Avatar 4:11pm
Mr Fab:

Domenic: haha, I know. I guess we like being reminded of being dragged thru shopping malls by our mothers?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Record Otis, Side Fodder:

Hi RBG, here for the messages for moods. I want that select dial, never did have this RD box set (out of so many over the years). Nice!
Avatar 4:12pm
Rubberband Girl:

Welcome Otis, haha! For the RECORD, yes, this is Record 6, Side 2.
Avatar 4:12pm

This music is like a virus.... it will remain dormant in your subconscious and erupt... like those Progressive Ads... children becoming there parents LOL

I’m being transported to Wrigley’s Pleasure Planet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Record 6tis, Side 2odder:

I have selected my program accordingly.
Avatar 4:14pm
Rubberband Girl:

Also for the record – I do not expect anyone to remain actively engaged in this program today. Feel free to get back to work and turn this way down into the background, deep into your subconscious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
Record 6tis, Side 2odder:

In-between calls so I am staring with my ears.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Austin Rich:

Good Hello!
Avatar 4:17pm

i suspect this music was designed to keep us happy and busy.. George Orwell said it well LOL www.sparknotes.com...

KFOG in SF did a lot this when it first started. Actually the way I was introduced to many Beatles and Stones ballads, among other things
Avatar 4:19pm
Rubberband Girl:

I wish this collection had more POPS, but I believe some of the others might (Mood Music for Listening & Relaxation, Music for Dining, etc.)

Climactic Pleasure
Avatar 4:20pm

Ah these Readers Digest comps are hard to follow!!
Avatar 4:20pm
Rubberband Girl:

Record 7, Side 2.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
Austin Rich:

A pleasure program, eh?

Very Things To Come
Avatar 4:21pm
Mr Fab:

creating your own Pleasure Program - so, Reader's Digest invented the mixtape concept. Whodathunkit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Otis on an Island:

Terrific Theme Today.
Avatar 4:24pm

Wally Stott! that's a guy to look up....very interesting history
Avatar 4:25pm
Rubberband Girl:

I definitely have some Pleasure Programs of my own I'd like to create w/this set – the 12 they've provided leave a lot out. Will revisit in the future.
Avatar 4:25pm
Mr Fab:

never heard of this cat before, but I want his "Sounds of Paradise" Orchestra to follow me around wherever I go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

The narrator sounded very much like DJ RBG. And these arrangements sound very much like Gershwin. May just be me...
Avatar 4:27pm
Rubberband Girl:

If you look at my video reel on my IG or in the Sheena group, you can get the full picture of the tool (though I don't think I showed the BACK).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Austin Rich:

Very soothing music, today. I dig.

Babba Banga eh Bez
Avatar 4:28pm
Rubberband Girl:

I wonder if anyone anywhere EVER actually customized theirs...
Avatar 4:31pm
Rubberband Girl:

lol, Muddyrich
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31pm
Record 7, Otis Call:

Departing for a call, will fall into the moods in the archive. Bon voyage all, dinner is almost served topside viewing the sunset.
Avatar 4:32pm
Rubberband Girl:

Thanks for stopping by, Otis!
Avatar 4:34pm


Stott was a cool jazz sax player, can’t remember off the top of my head if he was West Coast or not
Avatar 4:35pm
Rubberband Girl:

Oh wow, Dom!!!
Avatar 4:37pm
Mr Fab:

Wow is right!
Avatar 4:37pm

Ya, The resume huh? I grew up listening to her music.
Avatar 4:38pm
Rubberband Girl:

Record 8, Side 2.

Hello. Digging it! The skip at the end of the last track was also fun :)
Avatar 4:40pm

Hey RBG and all!

I really need to record some shows and keep them in the chamber ready to fire when needed. This last minute crap is getting old.
Avatar 4:42pm
Rubberband Girl:

I feared that scratch may have disturbed some of the Pleasure.
Avatar 4:42pm

No... we love skips. Thank you......John Williams is listed in that wiki....... I like John Williams and he helped me look into classical music (Holst and Wagner) after the Star wars soundtrack... Being near Boston it was nice to him on the Boston pops.... But he had a lot of help too. And it seemed Les Baxter took a hit when he lost to Williams on the similarities of a track in the Passions to ET the Extra Terrestrial...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
Austin Rich:

@spacebrother: I usually keep five that are fully ready to broadcast if I get behind the 8 ball. Which happens often. But having that cushion always saves my butt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm
Austin Rich:

"Solid pleasure?"
Avatar 4:45pm
Rubberband Girl:

Wow, Austin! That's the dream.
Avatar 4:46pm

@ Austin: All butts need cushions. Good work!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
Austin Rich:

(I have 23 years of radio shows, many of them recorded, to choose from. And I only joined Sheena last year, so ya'll haven't heard a lot of them. But I have a lot of new material in the pipe, too.)
Avatar 4:47pm

Great Austin!
Avatar 4:48pm

Now this music is nice and all but will it "change her mind" if I get her up in my pad?
Avatar 4:49pm
Rubberband Girl:

For that, Dom, who may want to use Pleasure Program "Music For Two Alone"...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Austin Rich:

Usually, she's already tricked us into thinking it was our idea in the first place, Domenic.
Avatar 4:50pm
Rubberband Girl:

Record 1, Side 1; Record 4, Side 1; Record 5, Side 1 and Record 9, Side 2.
Avatar 4:50pm

Keeping my Gleason records! LOL
Avatar 4:52pm

This sure is safe programming! Constance would like it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Austin Rich:

Last minute show prep. How come I feel like I need one more hour than I actually have to get ready?
Avatar 4:53pm

Domenic I'm still trying to complete my cool Gleason collection. I can't find a lot of the good cover ones in my city.
Avatar 4:54pm

Found the Dali one a few months ago in a dollar bin.... keep looking!
Avatar 4:55pm

The Dali one is amazing. Especially the photo on the back cover.

Anyone have a list of the essential Gleason albums? I passed on one at the thrift store recently that I’m regretting.

Ah, a Russian bear inside a Trojan horse of pleasure

Maybe I was mixing up Stott with Stitt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
JB from NP:

Avatar 4:59pm

Thanks. now its the boys turn Space-brother an Austin
Avatar 4:59pm
Mr Fab:

Pleasurable, pleasurable! Thx, RBG.
Avatar 4:59pm

Such a smooth handoff. Professional!

Thanks, Rubberband Girl!
Avatar 5:00pm
Rubberband Girl:

That was kind of nuts, but I'm glad I did it. Love this community!! xoxoxo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

The music, eh, the narrator! can instruct me to do what she wills.
Avatar 5:00pm
Rubberband Girl:


It’s the Scott Stott connection
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