Favoriting Wired Up!: Playlist from February 12, 2022 Favoriting

Kitten Sparkles's avatar View Kitten Sparkles's profile Favoriting
Naughty No No's avatar View Naughty No No's profile Favoriting

Two Action Packed hours of Junkshop Glam and Bubblegum 45s, w your hosts, Velvet Tinmine & Kitten Sparkles’ Glitterbox DJs Don Bolles (AKA Kitten Sparkles) & Noah “King of Glam” Wallace! Prepare to stomp, Shout, and jump around to the groovy sounds of “The 70s We Never Got to Have” here in the USA. High energy super catchy songs, - and almost none of it ever made it to America! Crank it up and yell “Hey!” w all the groovy glitter kids and Bubble Gum Disciples! Also Teen Wave, Bonehead,Ye Ye, and lots of other Glam-adjacent pop styles! Guests! Fun! And all on 7” / 45RPM!

Saturday 3 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 12, 2022: WIRED UP! #77

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Alice Cooper  School’s Out   Favoriting   Warner Bros  1972  7"  US (German pic sleeve) 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ice Cream  Shout It Out   Favoriting   Fontana  1974  7"  UK 
Catapult  Let Your Hair Hang Down   Favoriting   Polydor  1974  7"  Belgium 
Flintlock  Sooner or Later   Favoriting   Pinnacle Records  1976  7"  UK 
1:39:59 (Pop-up)
ABBA  Bang-A-Boomerang   Favoriting     1975  7"   
Spunky Spider  You Won’t Come   Favoriting   Phoenix  1973  7"  UK 
1:40:19 (Pop-up)
giggles  Just Another Saturday Night   Favoriting   EMI  1976  7"  Germany 
Geordie  All Because of You   Favoriting   Bellaphon  1973  7"  Germany 
Plod  Neo City   Favoriting Neo City  Rave Up Records  2010  Vinyl  Italy 
Tracy Dean  Boy On The Ball   Favoriting   Decca  1974  7"  Germany 
Hector  Wired Up   Favoriting   DJM Records  1974  7"  France 
The Equals  Michael and His Slipper Tree   Favoriting   President Records  1969  7"  UK 
The Music Box  Rock Me Sha La La   Favoriting   Eurodisc  1974  7"  France 
April Love  Switchboard   Favoriting   Ariola  1979  7"  UK 
Ray Owen's Moon  Hey Sweety   Favoriting   Polydor  1971  7"  UK 
Big Cherry  OO-BOP-DA-BOP   Favoriting   Telefunken  1974  7"  Germany 
Slade  Gudbuy t'Jane   Favoriting   Polydor  1972  7"  Germany 
Washington Flyers  The Comets Are Coming   Favoriting   Dawn  1974  7"  UK 
Ken Khury  Baby Doll   Favoriting   Jupiter Records  1976  7"  Germany 
1910 Fruitgum Company  Special Delivery   Favoriting   Buddah Records  1969  7"  US (German pic sleeve) 
Rafaella Carra  Rumore   Favoriting   Disques Carrere  1974  7"  Italy (French pic sleeve) 
Eno  Blank Frank   Favoriting Here Come The Warm Jets  Island  1973  Vinyl  UK 
Go Go Thunder  The Race   Favoriting   RCA  1975  7"  UK 
The Panda Peeple  Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep   Favoriting   Bell records  1973  7"  US 
Bilbo  You Wanna Be Your Lover   Favoriting   Lightning Records  1978  7"  UK 
The Thieves  Ali Baba   Favoriting   RAK  1973  7"  Germany 
Douce Violence  Flash   Favoriting   Vogue  1978  7"  Belgium 
Paul Cass  Mini Marrianne   Favoriting   Rainbow Records  1975  7"  UK 
The Grapefruit  Elevator   Favoriting   RCA  1968  7"  Germany 
John DuCann  When I Was Old   Favoriting The World Isn't Big Enough  Just Add Water  2021  Vinyl  US 
John DuCann  Throw Him in Jail   Favoriting The World Isn't Big Enough  Just Add Water  2021  Vinyl  US 
The Hospital  Live Capsule   Favoriting   CBS/Sony  1980  7"  Japan 
Heavy Metal Kids  Delerious   Favoriting   RAK  1977  7"  Germany 
Black Fire  Come On and Do It   Favoriting   RCA  1975  7"  Netherlands (German pic sleeve) 
Les Marylènes  Le Beau Tétard Sur Son Cigare   Favoriting   Vogue  1978  7"  France 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:02pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 3:03pm
Mr Fab:

hey folks, Don is out-of-state - he had a succesful edition of "Kitten Sparkles" a few days ago, but doesn't seem to be Wired up and running quite yet.
Avatar 3:05pm
Debbie Davenport:

I hear interruptions here. Maybe he's having trouble signing on today for some reason.
Avatar 3:07pm

✨Will roll with it✨
Avatar 3:09pm

Yeah, not hearing it here

Not hearing it here either!
Avatar 3:10pm
Mr Fab:

Well, I can tell you what you heard:

-Sugar Ray Crawford and the Cane-Cutters: "Watch Her"
-The Fabulous Imperials "Moon Beat"
-(burlesque film soundtrack) "Snakes!"
Avatar 3:12pm
Mr Fab:

currently: The Outsiders "Doctor"
Avatar 3:12pm

I do see a full playlist (of what was planned?) starting with Alice Cooper.

Yeah I can see that too. I thought that was what was on last, but I'm not sure what show was on before this so I don't know
Avatar 3:14pm

At least we have the modern lovers
Avatar 3:15pm
Debbie Davenport:

Maybe he lost a cord or something and is trying to figure out how to hook up? I bet he'll be with us any minute.
Avatar 3:15pm
Mr Fab:

Don's working on it.
Avatar 3:16pm
Mr Fab:

on the phone with him now
Avatar 3:16pm
Debbie Davenport:


Looks like a great playlist!
Avatar 3:17pm
Debbie Davenport:

It's so cool djs can do this instead of getting substitutes.
Avatar 3:18pm
Mr Fab:

no show on after him so he'll go late
Avatar 3:18pm

On the phone with a LEGEND you mean, Mr Fab :)
Avatar 3:18pm

The Glitter Hotline 🔥☎️🔥
Avatar 3:24pm
Mr Fab:

working on it!
Avatar 3:28pm
Debbie Davenport:

Mr Fab, do you help everyone at wfmu like this? What a tall order. It's hard enough to be this hands on at a tiny station. You're awesome!
Avatar 3:30pm
Mr Fab:

Ha, only Sheena's. And yes, that's enough work right there.
Avatar 3:30pm
Debbie Davenport:

You do a really good job.
Avatar 3:31pm
Mr Fab:

Thanks! Yeah, Don lost a connector after DJing at a club last night, so i'm walking them thru a workaround. Had them install some software.
Avatar 3:44pm

Mr. Fab can call me anytime!
Avatar 3:49pm
Debbie Davenport:

I hear quiet music , quiet Don and helper is regular volume.
Avatar 3:49pm
Debbie Davenport:

Or did.
Avatar 3:50pm
Mr Fab:

you can hear us?
Avatar 3:50pm
Debbie Davenport:

at the moment just the end of this song
Avatar 3:51pm
Debbie Davenport:

but I did
Avatar 3:51pm
Debbie Davenport:

I heard your voice even though it was quieter than the helper's voice. but don was super quiet. and wired up theme was super quiet.
Avatar 3:52pm
Debbie Davenport:

don is louder now
Avatar 3:52pm

I hear voices again (not my own)
Avatar 3:52pm
Debbie Davenport:

hot mic

I do too
Avatar 3:53pm

We hear you Don
Avatar 3:53pm
Debbie Davenport:

no music, just mics
Avatar 3:54pm

There's the live wire! ⚡
Avatar 3:55pm
Mr Fab:

kudos to you guys for hangin in there this whole time!
Avatar 3:55pm
Debbie Davenport:


how's it going
Avatar 4:13pm


what on earth was that song that just played
Avatar 4:19pm
Mr Fab:

Nervous Norvus "Stone Age Woo"

Avatar 4:20pm
Mr Fab:

he was great, utterly madness from the rockabilly era.
Avatar 4:21pm
Mr Fab:

Hugo Montenegro "I Spy theme"
Avatar 4:24pm

This is our "lost" Twilight Zone episode
Avatar 4:24pm

That is dedication

Avatar 4:24pm
Mr Fab:

We're on!!!
Avatar 4:24pm
Debbie Davenport:

The party is starting!!!
Avatar 4:25pm

Alright Don!
Avatar 4:27pm

The show starting late does have a 'just getting out of detention' feel to it. Let's rock! \m/
Avatar 4:28pm

Always reminds me of going to grade school on the same campus as scary 7th and 8th grade kids. The things we saw in the back of the bus.👀
Avatar 4:40pm
Mr Fab:

Don sez he'll be dropping in to the chat soon.
Avatar 4:44pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Hey gang. Sorry about being so late. I left a crucial adaptor at rge clu we played at last night. Took us forever to find a workaround. The playlist is all there already, so just follow along, I guess. I can’t do much about that, sorry.
Avatar 4:46pm

No worries, Don. Sometimes you spill your glitter in the car, stuff happens! Always worth the wait. 💚
Avatar 4:47pm
Debbie Davenport:

It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!

Heya kitten, Mr Fab and glitterati. Doing yard work, so I have seen some spunky spiders.
Avatar 4:54pm
Mr Fab:

Now we know where the Undertones got their vocal stylings from.
Avatar 4:57pm

A lovely day for yard work in the greater Sacramento area, Carmichael.
Avatar 5:00pm

Ahhh the namesake. This rules!
Avatar 5:04pm
Mr Fab:

The Equals feat. Eddie Grant, years before he was going down Electric Ave.
Avatar 5:05pm
Debbie Davenport:

btw, I keep meaning to mention what a slipper tree is. They used to sell them in the sears catalogs, so that is why I remembered they were called this. I thought they were super cool as a kid. I probably had one at one time too. It's those spindle racks that you stick your shoes upside down on. like paperback racks, but for shoes.
Avatar 5:07pm

Thanks Debbie! Now I have an image to with that crazy ear worm.
Avatar 5:07pm

I can never get enough Equals! Was happy to get DJ Zoe Lynn from the Rock N Soul stream into them.
Avatar 5:08pm
Mr Fab:

I've wondered that, thanks Debbie. Tho why they're singing about one is another story...
Avatar 5:09pm
Debbie Davenport:

yeah really. I was wondering what it could mean too. Do they sing shoes for me shoes for me? I think I hear that. I still don't know what it means, unless it is just literally. Some cool guy they like with an excellent selection of shoes for sale.
Avatar 5:09pm

To brainwash and hypnotize everyone to March down to Kinney’s shoes and buy buy buy.
Avatar 5:10pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 5:11pm

The phrase ‘Michael and his slipper tree’ slides grippingly off the tongue, is why.
Avatar 5:12pm

Avatar 5:13pm
Debbie Davenport:

This Ray Owen's Moon song is great!
Avatar 5:14pm
Mr Fab:

The WFMU tuner thinks that the stream is playing. Pay it no mind. Obey the playlist here.
Avatar 5:15pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Yeah - the guitarist sounds like Lames Williamson

Derv Gordon of The Equals is the nicest!
Avatar 5:30pm

Fo Sho
Avatar 5:32pm
Debbie Davenport:

I always hear, Who knocked her up.
Avatar 5:40pm
Mr Fab:

Blank Frank - Bo Diddley beat?
Avatar 5:41pm

Good ear, Mr. Fab (or read lots of music mags).
Avatar 5:41pm
Mr Fab:

I've listed to it a million times, but just occurred to me now.
Avatar 5:45pm

Oh my baby birds, a song close to my heart. This ear worm will smother out the last.
Avatar 5:47pm

Someone at NME heard the same in 1973.

“Blank Frank is in fact quite a masterpiece. Bo Diddley meets Ghengis Khan with backwards guitars, a Fellini-type fairground organ sound manically chiming in half-way through and changing the whole track completely, and ethnic Javanese clapping.”
Avatar 5:47pm
Debbie Davenport:

I love the lyrics to this song.
Avatar 5:53pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 5:54pm
Mr Fab:

C;est Plane Pour Moi, almost
Avatar 5:56pm

*gasp* n-naked Coca Cola jellies? 😳
Avatar 6:19pm
Debbie Davenport:

Thanks to everyone involved for all the hard work with getting today's show happening!

Avatar 6:22pm
Mr Fab:

It was the "Houston, we've got a problem" of radio.
Avatar 6:23pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 6:23pm
Mr Fab:

Great show, Don, it was worth it!
Avatar 6:25pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Thanks, everyone. That was quite a challenge.
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