Favoriting Feelings with Michele with One "L": Playlist from November 30, 2021 Favoriting

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Nothing less than feelings.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting November 30, 2021: Giving and Taking and Taking and Taking and Taking

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new, *** = special)

Artist Track Album Label Year New / Special Approx. start time
Endless Boogie  The Offender   Favoriting Admonitions  No Quarter  2021  *    
Orchid Spangiafora + Glands Of External Secretion  Four-Eyes Baldies   Favoriting Couscous Bizarre  Feeding Tube  2021  *   0:22:20 (Pop-up)
Florida Man  Lost in the Woods   Favoriting Florida Man EP  Don't Trust the Ruin  2021  * ***   0:28:47 (Pop-up)
Smoke Bellow  Night Light   Favoriting Open For Business  Trouble in Mind  2021  *   0:38:58 (Pop-up)
Nightshift  Describe Your Day   Favoriting Nightshift  Cusp  2020    0:43:49 (Pop-up)
Spllit  Darlene   Favoriting Spllit Sides  Feel It  2021  *   0:49:04 (Pop-up)
Lene Lovich  Say When   Favoriting Stateless  Oval Sounds  1979    0:50:43 (Pop-up)
Jill Kroesen  I Am Not Seeing That You Are Here   Favoriting Stop Vicious Cycles  Vital  1982    0:53:27 (Pop-up)
Thee Oh Sees  Tidal Wave   Favoriting Tidal Wave 7"  Woodsist  2009    0:56:45 (Pop-up)
Olimpia Splendid  KI   Favoriting Nuttu Nurin 7"  Fonal  2013    1:07:36 (Pop-up)
Syko Friend  Hassle   Favoriting Fly Canyon  Mind Rider  2016    1:12:31 (Pop-up)
Sinead O Brien  Strangers in Danger   Favoriting Drowning in Blessings  Chess Club  2020    1:17:34 (Pop-up)
Ludus  Unveiled (A Woman Travelogue)   Favoriting The Visit / Seduction  LTM  1980    1:22:17 (Pop-up)
September Girls  Another Love Song   Favoriting Cursing the Sea  Fortuna Pop!  2013    1:30:43 (Pop-up)
Horsegirl  Billy   Favoriting Billy (single)  Matador  2021  *   1:39:46 (Pop-up)
Vivian Girls  My Baby Wants Me Dead   Favoriting Wild Eyes 7"  Plays with Dolls  2008    1:43:25 (Pop-up)
Mandy, Indiana  Alien 3   Favoriting Bottle Episode EP  Fire Talk  2021  *   1:45:20 (Pop-up)
Mueran Humanos  Miseress   Favoriting Miseress  ATP  2015    1:51:29 (Pop-up)
Water From Your Eyes  My Love's   Favoriting Structure  Wharf Cat  2021  *   1:54:59 (Pop-up)
ONETWOTHREE  Things   Favoriting ONETWOTHREE  Kill Rock Stars  2021  *   2:07:31 (Pop-up)
Mona Mur  Jealous   Favoriting Mona Mur  Playloud  1988 / 2021  *   2:13:25 (Pop-up)
Vanishing Twin  Ookii Gekkou (Big Moonlight)   Favoriting Ookii Gekkou  Fire  2021  *   2:16:07 (Pop-up)
The Cusp w/ Peaking Lights  Money (Peaking Lights Flying Faders Dub)   Favoriting Money (Peaking Lights Flying Faders Dub)  Day End  2021  *   2:20:46 (Pop-up)
Les Trois Etrangers  Luna   Favoriting Oz Echoes: DIY Cassettes And Archives 1980-1989 (V/A)  Efficient Space  2021  *   2:25:21 (Pop-up)
Elsa Hewitt  IFM   Favoriting Lupa  Tompkins Square  2021  *   2:27:13 (Pop-up)
Wye Oak  Electricity   Favoriting Cut All the Wires: 2009-2011  Merge  2021  *   2:38:58 (Pop-up)
The Sunny Street  Pottery & Glass   Favoriting Searching for the Now, Vol. 3  Slumberland  2008    2:43:21 (Pop-up)
Flowertown  The Door The Thief   Favoriting Time Trials  Paisley Shirt  2021  *   2:46:12 (Pop-up)
The Shivvers  It Hurts Too Much   Favoriting Lost Hits From Milwaukee's First Family Of Powerpop 1979-82  Hyped2Death  2006    2:49:59 (Pop-up)
Wet Leg  Too Late Now   Favoriting Too Late Now / Oh No  Domino  2021  * ***   2:54:43 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:55am

In search of the vestigial L.
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Handy Haversack:

Helo, Michele. Helo, al. Setting phasers on (endless) feel.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Oooh, startin' with a jammer!
Dean from Old Bridge:

Oh, jamming out of the gate I see
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Gimme that boogie!
Avatar 12:02pm

@Handy: Is there a "tickle" setting?
Dean from Old Bridge:

No need to delay, you were born ready, L.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

With jammers like this, who needs more than one "L"?
Avatar 12:02pm

Who will catch us when these JAMMERS sweep us off our feet? 🔥🧦
PMA in full effect! ⚡📻💖
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Michele with One "L":

JAMMERS!!!!!!! I'm back baby!
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Bruce S.:

Hey Michele, feelings folks
Avatar 12:03pm

Perfect hit point sync with the GIF too. You're clearly firing on all cylinders today MicheLe.

Bum Bum tops the charts !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Michele with One "L":

Don't forget it's Giving Tuesday! Throw a couple extra bucks our way.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

Comin' in hot, @Michele
Avatar 12:06pm

Got this album yesterday, it's great beginning to end
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Let's have a look. Any JAMMERS merch to give to friends? www.wfmu.store
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this makes me want to light the js
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:08pm

Ass kicking start to this set!
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Bruce S.:

Excellent way to start the Show Michele
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Endless Jammers, right?
Birdy girl:

Michele, I can see already I’m gonna love this show. Cheers!

Yeaaaah! Hi Michele, hi al!
Avatar 12:15pm

Hay! This is a pretty awesome jammz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Michele with One "L":

Welcome everyone! This show is gonna be all over the place. In a good way!
Too Obtuse:

One chord and the TRUTH!!!
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tim from washington:


Hi Michele and jammers!
Just Ted:

feelings are facts
Avatar 12:17pm
Hubig Pie:

Boogie fevah !
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
tim from washington:

Michele - I don't want to sound like the person who tattles on sub DJs but John Allen only played jazzercise music last week.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

There was also the Steve and Edie Gourmet mini-set.
Avatar 12:20pm

Right there with you, Tim!
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tim from washington:

And JA played "Even The Nights Are Better" by Air Supply on repeat for the last 45 minutes of his show.

hello Michele et al.
Daniel F Collins:

Good afternoon Michele. All over the place is a good thing.
andy the painter:

baking bread with Endless Boogie. a privilege.
thanks, Michele!
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Handy Haversack:

But JA said it was good for us, and when he says it, you just kind of believe it.
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tim from washington:

Oh yeah, Endless Boogie and bread sound like an excellent combination.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
tim from washington:

Good point, Handy.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Bruce S.:

JA Did play KC and the Sunshine Band last week
Avatar 12:26pm

Do I hear Ze Frank?
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Hold me, I’m scared

I wish all those people who have latched onto Q insanity would latch onto a vampire kind of world and membership... that would be fun to watch
Jeffrey from west Florida:

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Jason from Houston:


This is gross.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm
Bruce S.:

oh my God, there's something in those Eggs!
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Jason from Houston:

Had me at goat suckers!

chupacabras are good holiday eating
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Will the Sound Guy:

been listening all morning.... Hello Michele!!!! this segment is amazing! what a bunch of jerks! hello all!
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Forgot to put the chupacabra ornament on the tree this year. Jason remembered his I bet.
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My coworkers are giving me looks

whooo 🔥🔥🔥 florida man
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tim from washington:

I believe Moscow Mitch drinks human blood.
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Ted Cruz eats human hair, I've heard.
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tim from washington:

Don't worry, Andrew, I'm giving your co-workers looks too.
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Jason from Houston:

Hung with care every year, karlward.
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Handy Haversack:

Must make it hard to keep goat ornaments around.
Avatar 12:31pm
Listening Out There:

Is this the right place?
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Jason from Houston:

What tim from washington said. I got my hands on my hips and all that.
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I used to have a traditional goat star ornament at the top of the tree, but one year something ate it
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Quinnisa and friends want to help you this Bandcamp Friday - floridamanofficial.bandcamp.com...

and it just gets higher
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

Here to feel it with one L

Hey what track is being spoken over?
Avatar 12:37pm
Listening Out There:

Secretions, feeding tubes...good thing I'm wearing rubber gloves...

yes :(
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Avatar 12:38pm

Heya Michele and Posi Vibers.
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tim from washington:

Off the rails! Off the rails! Off the rails!
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Colin in Durham UK:

So my parrot always said “get off me short” in a Liverpool accent, some comedian my grandad liked used to say it and he taught him it 30 years ago.

Now, as he’s evolving his language, it sounds more like “Get off Michele”

Since you’re the only Michele I know, that’s yours now. Merry Christmas.

Buffy!!! Have you got the first album? The Gsrbage song on it, Temptation Waits, rules. And K’s Choice, and Guided By Voices, I love that whole album.

Also, a new Wet Leg song appeared today.
Avatar 12:39pm
Hubig Pie:

At 15 it was all 3.2 beer and headache weed and listening to the Black Sabbath

yes :)
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Colin in Durham UK:


someone say “bleacher weed”?
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

I don’t hate this show. I love this show
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:42pm
Bruce S.:

Get off me short is my new catchphrase
LiXiviated Life:

It is very much I am likening this music

At 15 I was a heavy metal pothead. I had my braces at 13!
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Bruce S.:

I love this smoke Bellow
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tim from washington:

I really like Smoke Bellow. It's pretty similar to Dry Cleaning who I also like a lot.
Avatar 12:45pm

@Marie I still am!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm

What is bleacher weed and is it legal in NJ?
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tim from washington:

Smoking bleacher weed with Seymore Butts.

@Tim--my sentiments exactly.
@Hyperdose--ur still 15?
Avatar 12:49pm

@Marie If I was 15 that would make the Talking Egg™, Ed Gein Pie, and my meetups after Ken's show (where they try to confine me) seem a bit more sinister.
...the metal and cannabis help me forget 😩

At 15 it was all Big Black, Naked Raygun, Descendents, JFA and driving around the Indiana countryside smoking cigars.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Bruce S.:

Metal and Cannabis: the Devils Duo
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YESSSS!!! I m always here for Lene Lovich!
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Andrew_in_WI i just gave your coworkers a side-eye from FL

Get off Michele! *giggles*
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Bruce S.:

I love Lene Lovitch!
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(no “t” in Lovich, btw)
(sorry to be a LL pedant)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Stephen O:

Don’t stop, Michele!
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Bruce S.:

I was Just copying the Playlist
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(I was talking to Michele)
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Bruce S.:

Oh sorry EFD!
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Michael 98145:

So glad i got to see Lene live in Phila a long, long time ago

@Hyperdose--hee hee hee @)
@egould--that sounds like fun
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Michele with One "L":

Thanks EFD! and Hi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

Loving this funky no wave jam.
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tim from washington:

Osees/Thee Oh Sees was my first pandemic era show.. It was mighty fun.
engineer mike:

These guys ripped it at Warsaw a couple months ago. Mosh central
  🍸 12:59pm

dance party!
Johhhnnny U:

great show!
LiXiviated Life:

Maybe, Matt is too lazy to put the albums back himself
Susan See:

Lene - the e is not silent. Ley-nê.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:04pm


That Lene Lovich may be mis labeled. That song is from like 1980. I had the record. I’m a new flosser too. Bad dentist experience.

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I also just started flossing! apparently inflamed gums are related to heart disease?
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Lay nah
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Beast of Boonton:

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This a good loop to floss to, if you'll pardon the dangling preposition
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Hubig Pie:

Flossing is a slippery slope to a 'lectric toothbrush
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Michele, my wife is about to start making chicken stock. If you don't keep playing jammers my wife will put on spotify...keep it up!
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Susan See:

Try this: Lay-na. I could be wrong.
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My brother's early '80s girlfriend was obsessed with her.
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alan the painter:


Flossing is a gateway drug to righteous indignation.
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Michele with One "L":

Jeez I'm trying my best
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Bruce S.:

I always called her Lee Nee
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Michele with One "L":

LOL @Bongo ahahahahahaha
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flossing is so nice when you follow with a fancy hippie mouthwash like cinnamon and clove mmm

Just call her Nina Hagen. You doing a great job.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

My toothbrush is bluetooth enabled.

Rim shot.

Nina rules i love her
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

Last time my mother-in-law visited I heard something vibrating from her luggage, I politely walked out of the room. Turns out it was a toothbrush luckily.

Very nice, but scary
Susan See:

Lay-nuh Luh-vuhch So says the webs. :)
Avatar 1:10pm

LOL she was as baffled as you were @happymaan
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Only floss the ones you want to keep. I was too weak for years but i'm so much better. Mouth health effects full body and heart health. And grinding surfaces help in old age. An after lunch rinse is a short cut too. Sorry for oversharing.

Pretty sure hippies don’t use mouthwash
Avatar 1:10pm

And I think the chicken stock need Michele's feelings today
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Listener Jonny in South Central... (Ohio):

Heya OneL!!! Missed your tunes last week! Glad that you are back!

wouldn’t it be nice if biannual dental care were just included in our health insurance and we wouldn’t have to find out this way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

Thanks for checking in my love @graphic_taco
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm

We'll listen to your hanukkah playlist for latkes day surely

djlorraine its the truth, dental health affects your gut flora
Avatar 1:15pm
Hubig Pie:

The dental work in me noggin coulda financed a first class holiday in Tierra del Fuego or somethin like that
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Morgan it's a part of the human body and sometimes needs surgery. They act like it's an option to own one or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm

Also, it's good to use mouthwash BEFORE you brush your teeth, cause the toothpaste has fluoride in it and it's better not to rinse it off.

flossing helps avoid the dreaded 'meat breath' which is detectable from 10 paces. so weapon quality.
Avatar 1:17pm

Tongue scraper is good for cutting bad breath
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Bruce S.:

Was there a Band Called Meat Breath

there’s some meme about how teeth are luxury bones under our healthcare system

Nina is so much better than her records. Except for Nunsexmonkrock. She’s exactly as good as that. Meat pups!!!!!! Could this show get any better!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

@graphic_taco you should add some images to your profile
Susan See:

@Micheal 98145 I saw that show! It was at the TLA, right? She had laryngitis. Great show in spite of that. I got some wonderful pics!

This is awesome. Reminds me of Algebra Suicide.

I dig these lyrics
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

...luxury bones..good one.
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Michele with One "L":

Me too @Marie

Lorraine someone in the wfmu community was just talking about being hospitalized for 2 days after an extraction. i really try to be positive but
Avatar 1:20pm
Hubig Pie:

Heavy Metal twin bill !!-
Tongue Scraper and Meat Breath will rock theb Enormo-Dome for 2 big nights !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Hey everyone
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Michael 98145:

@Susan See, think i saw her at Starr's (?), but that was a long-ago memory

Meat Puppets’ first few albums are all perfect.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:22pm
Bruce S.:

I'll Definitly see you there Hubig Pie
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tim from washington:

I used to have this Ludus record. It's so good.
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Hubig Pie:

Go both nights if you're a real rocker, Bruce S.

It's a crime, the way our teeth are treated in this country
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
Bruce S.:

What about the Meatmen,strange band
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

WFMU is nearly perfect, but there's clearly an unfilled niche for a dental-health themed show...

Anybody obsessed with The Indestructible Beat of Soweto besides me? Comp from like 1984.

Dental abuse! I feel sorry for people in the past who had no pain killers. I think a lot of people just had problematic teeth pulled and ended up rather toothless @)
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
Bruce S.:

Yeah Gotta see Enormo Dome
Avatar 1:28pm
Hubig Pie:

Past is present in my neighborhood, Marie
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I always leave my electric toothbrush at home for fear that the TSA will force me to throw it away.

Bongo - yes! great rekkid! a gateway to those artists on the disc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm

@ken I have a 2nd one for travel that is AA battery powered, that's the way to go I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm

Time for me to brag....I was born without wisdom teeth.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Bruce S.:

Pain must have been very intense in the old,old days
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I feel bad for people in the old days before glasses. My sight is 20/20 with glasses but I'd be useless without them.
Avatar 1:33pm

Pain au chocolat is my favorite.
Susan See:

@Michael 98145 I saw her in 1983, I think. You must have seen her much earlier. I’m not sure if I remember Stars. Hot Club, Love Club, East Side Club, yes. Where was Stars?
Avatar 1:36pm

Oh no, more dental talk. About to go pick up antibiotics and two nasal sprays. One of which my insurance doesn't cover, just like with the flu shot. Thanks, Obama! 💉🇺🇲🦅
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:36pm
tim from washington:

@Happymaan - I've thought about the lack of glasses in the olde days. I'd definitely be a goner.

my bandcamp list overfloweth
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Michael 98145:

@Susan See, Stars was a nightclub i think was on South Street, opened by Steven Starr before he was a restaurant genius
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm

The coolest medical news I heard lately is that they are testing a new vaccine against ticks. Like it will make ticks not want to stay attached to you. It's very much in the testing phase, not close to done.

Michele you’re bilingual, you don’t have to feel anything about mispronouncing shit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm

I got super sick from ticks once, and @graphic_taco fears being bit and then becoming allergic to red meat.

Polly- YES. I’m in love with S Africa during that time period. That album is my house cleaning happy place.
Avatar 1:42pm

Bilingual but only one L?
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tim from washington:

Horsegirl sounds like every band on Matador prior to 1995 all mixed together and that's AOK with me.
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@tim yeah kind of a Bailter Space style strum-stroll to it
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My bff has lyme disease. Knocks him out a lot, and that was on top of taking care of his parents, one of which recently passed. No bueno.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Bruce S.:

Loveing this set Michele
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm

Oh, hey @HyperDose, and sorry to hear.

love this
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I was listening to Tiger Trap just this morning and was reminded of Vivian Girls via the sonic similarity. I just love that first Vivian Girls album so much

it is very danceable
Avatar 1:51pm

Thanks happymaan, and happy recently belated birthday!
It's been a rough time for both us us, but at least I was able to track down a record his mother performed and arranged almost everything on, so they were stoked on that. We're going to start writing some new music together soon. It will be very cathartic.
Avatar 1:51pm

Medicine vibes with this Mandy track
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Michael 98145:

Music is good medicine
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Thanks @hyperdose, and that does sound lovely.
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well yes, and the band Medicine is good music!

My dental insurance is clove oil :(
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I only need glasses to see. Another thing that should be covered.
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Oh yeah, this is what the kids ordered!
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Michael 98145:

one might say our physical selves are our infrastructure
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I can't fathom from my dentist's website whether the staff are vaccinated. Seems like they're being cagey.

Yes @DJlorraine !
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Franco Twinkie:

I like to store snacks in my broken molars
Cal in Dothan:

This is fantastic
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Hi Hi Hi all

Giving Tuesday!!!
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Michael 98145:

Speaking of money and Wharf Cat, i have my eye on that The Best of Bush Tetras 3-LP set ...
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I k e:

Wow, that was an awesome set.
Susan See:

@Michael 98145 Thanks! Didn't know Stars. I might have been too young. Stephen Starr is still a busy man. As you say, music is good medicine and Michele is providing the healing.
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Give MicheLe all your $. What you want? Baby, WFMU has got it
  🍸 2:04pm

how bout that eclipse season
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Listener Jonny in South Central... (Ohio):

I have only had one root canal... and... I don't know how to say it otherwise, so I'll just say it... I LOVED it.
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@happyman @1:39 My uncle has that particular allergy now. Most ironically, he contracted it from a tick he starting hosting on a hunting trip...
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Perhaps we could talk about cast iron. Got a favorite skillet?
Bob in DC and/or Virginia:

I'm due for another gum graft that I've been putting off because of covid. The six-week recovery time is no fun.

Coincidentally, I am editing a dental code of practice. If you want to know how to transport oxygen, I'm your woman until all this information leaves my short-term memory.
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Michael 98145:

@Bob, sorry! those are - no - fun
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Listener Jonny in South Central... (Ohio):

One more reason why OneL rocks:

She was on Seven Second Delay with Ken and Andy this past March during the fund drive. Ken was telling Andy that he was signed up to pledge some amount of cash. Andy, of course, protested.

OneL says to Andy - "The computer says YOU'RE WRONG!"
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Bruce S.:

EEUUU a Gum Graft, Sounds Horrid
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Dreams are groovy. I love dreams but seldom remember them
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Hubig Pie:

Hock your cast iron and invest in carbon steel cookware
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@Liz, I'm copyediting something about COP26. A dental code of practice sounds... even less interesting. (And do you prefer "copy editing" or "copyediting"?)
sculpture droppings:

Let's talk about my one good tooth, or electrolysis to remove rust from rusty skillets or 'kiln'ing pug mills. DJ Feelings with Michele with One "L". That "extruding" dream is a tuffy to analyze indeed.
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Michael 98145:

Can we at least agree we like Michele ?

@HubigPie, tell me more (as I look at this cast iron pan on the stove)
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I have a pretty basic Lodge that rocks

great show
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For those worried about their cast iron (not my post): www.reddit.com...
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sculpture droppings:

a clean, no-name cast iron skillet here are selling for about $6 for a 10" to 12" at auction (West Virginia)
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Some insist on bear fat to season a pan. Nothing else will do, they say.
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Lizgig <3

I have a couple of lodge cast irons. Bought a Dutch oven one for thanksgiving dinner. I like cast iron. I envision myself knocking dudes dead w them and then cooking them in one once the world goes full “On the Road”
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I have found that cast iron and carbon steel are both very good choices but they are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. I love both my cast iron pans AND my real carbon-steel wok. I have to say that one of the most nonstick surfaces ever is the glasslike interior of my wok--I seasoned it myself with safflower oil. Also used safflower on my cast iron.
sculpture droppings:

I like the way you think @Alexandra!
Avatar 2:16pm

Didn't Granny wield a cast-iron pan in the Beverly Hillbillies?

FYI: 1-2-3
Making me think of lenaLovich which led this Nina Hagen info:
Angela Merkel has chosen a Nina Hagen tune to played at her farewell ceremony by a military band. She was born in the old DDR ... as was Hagen:
"...[3 chosen songs] the pick that had commentators searching for subtext and hidden messages is Nina Hagen’s Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen (You forgot the colour film).

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So did me mammy, Brian ...
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Hubig Pie:

Jah. A used and abused carbon steel pan can become as slick as a no-stick .

@alexandra you mean just The Road right?
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We bought the big Bertolli olive oil at Costco that came in a plastic bottle (no judgment pls). The bottle cracked and half our kitchen became seasoned.
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Will the Sound Guy:

I'm with Threemoons.... I have a 12" CI pan, a 12" CS pan, and 8" CS pan... I have plenty other things, but I also use safflower oil to season and most things never stick.
Susan See:

Ookii Gekkou (Big Moonlight) transcends me every time.
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If you have more money than X, you can buy a dedicated induction cooktop for woks. It has a concave surface and is good for one thing.

Omg yeah thanks Morgan, how embarrassing

You’re in the minority there @sculpture droppings
sculpture droppings:

Maybe Angela Merkel was making a point that Germany (and the world) is going full dictator tyranny. So much similiar to mid-century Germany that they aren't even updating the B&W newsreels. They aren't even bothering to film new color ones.
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Bruce S.:

Oh my God,Phillippe, Olive Oil on the Floor, thats Tuff to clean
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Warm greetings from the Cab of a 16ft Box truck. 91.1fm sounding good in Greenpoint!! About to head to 49th St.

Great song by Vanishing Twin
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I've never seen those, βrian! I do have more money than X, if X is referring to people who have no money. I miss my wok.

Did any of you read the article (expose?) about the “millennial” cookware line that lost all of it’s staff.

Danny DeVito wielded a frying pan in Throw Momma from the Train: https://youtu.be/k1900A_ktEg?t=48
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the best things in life are free

@I k e, I'd have more personal interest in editing something about COP26, but this particular jobby is pretty grand -- nice and light.

I prefer copyediting. I like my compound nouns compounded, although I see the Firefox dictionary doesn't like it at all.

Morphe i like Ninas brechtian style but i really love when she goes full operatic. like naturtrane. and she does a version of ave maria w lene lovich thats really something
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@Phillippe, behold:
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@Bruce S nearly as a disaster, as we have hardwood floors in the kitchen (relocated the kitchen to the old living room doing reno). Fortunately we had a rubber mat in front of the stove that caught most of the runoff
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Will the Sound Guy:

My friend whom is a chef is using my wok at home. I suspect that it will be highly seasoned when I get it back... He likes to cook asian dishes a bunch.
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This one's only 1,227 words, so I'll be drumming my fingers on the desk waiting for a new assignment pretty soon.
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Bruce S.:

Good News Phillippe
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That looks sweet, βrian!
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Handy Haversack:

I think the newsletter Copy Editing became Copyediting not long before going out of existence. "Copy editor" came before "copy editing" came before "copyediting."

Ike and LizGig, do you have experience with scholarly book MS editing? If so, get in touch!

@I k e, may your editing material be engaging!
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I recently discovered that my main skillet was manufactured between 1892 and 1910 (or some such.)

It never complains.
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Feeling this rn

not at all, i would love to hit Kerouac with a lodge oven

Well done today, Michele.

@Handy Haversack, not me. Hop over to www.copyediting-l.info, scroll down, and click the Freelancers tab. It's a very good place to find editors of all stripes.

Phillippe - Wyatt knocked a bottle of olive oil on the kitchen wood floor - i used brown paper bags to absorb, a giant trash bag to dispose of those, and then washed it all off with a light solution of dawn. it worked!
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tim from washington:

Alexandra @2:21 - Is that for real? Sounds like the set up to a good zinger.
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Bruce S.:

Another Great Set Michele
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Hubig Pie:

Cast iron vs. carbon steel, they both good choices.
Kinda like puffy cheetos vs. the crunchy style
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Michael 98145:

Yes. Great show today.


Did any of you read the article (expose?) about the “millennial” cookware line that lost all of it’s staff.

tim from washington:

Alexandra @2:21 - Is that for real? Sounds like the set up to a good zinger.

They lost the CrockPot????

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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, LizGig. I'm not really actively looking -- just looking to help out WFMUvians.

I know Voltron knocked over a whole bottle of oil when he was young and even wilder. I don't remember how we cleaned it up? Maybe we just drank to forget it had happened.
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Michele with One "L":

Thanks everyone! I'm having fun!
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Inigo Montoya favored carbon steel, from what I understand.

@tim yup https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/great-jones-cookware-and-the-illusion-of-the-millennial-aesthetic
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Gotta have carbon steel for eggs over easy. Gotta have cast iron for searing steaks.
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Will the Sound Guy:

Cast iron takes longer to heat up... retains heat for a long time....
Carbon Steel heats up quickly, retains heat for a while...
Stainless Steel heats up quickly, cools down quickly...
Some times its better to use one over the other, but a well seasoned and heated pan will always work.
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Handy Haversack:

I don't even know what carbon steel is. Is that what Han Solo was encased in? Did Jaba cook on him?!
sculpture droppings:

Omnicron anagram "Moron". They taught us as we die. Thanks a million Bill Gates.
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:34pm
Bruce S.:

haha Handy, Another Good one
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Thanks for the link, @LizGig! I totally forgot about that list. Fun to see an old-school e-mail* list still going!

*I'll never switch to "email", except professionally. NEVER!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Handy its kinda between stainless and cast iron... really you get most benefits of both with almost no negatives

both CI and CS work great on the grill - caramelized some beets and onyo with garlic in CS. as chef jean-pierre says; 'measure carefully my friends"
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@Handy Exactly. It makes sure you don't attempt hans-free cooking

handy for a real second i thought you named your human child Voltron
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@Woo @2:21 Yass Woo yass
the nOggin:

Orbital bebop!

@I K E, yes, I know what you mean. I tend to just use email, though, because it's so common and contains fewer characters. We're both showing our age, though, by liking the style e-mail.

The CELery is still going strong and is as wonderfully supportive as always.

great current photo??
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Michael 98145:

like that


What about ceramic cookware?
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Michael 98145:

notes from the micro underground
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@Blorp: You mean enameled cast-iron? Like Staub or Le Creuset?
sculpture droppings:

Hey DJ Michele, are you a low-fire or a high-fire chick?
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Will the Sound Guy:

Honestly, I love my carbon steel pans.... They may be the best things that I bought in the last year for the kitchen hands down... I still cook chicken thighs in the cast iron tho... it's deeper than my CS pans and I can take it out of the oven, but it on high heat flip, and put it back in the oven... I really just love food and they help me eat more food that tastes good...
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Michele with One "L":

high-fire, but I'm quitting ceramics for a while :(
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I mean traditional glazed pottery
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so guess what? I signed up for swag 4 lyfe, and picked the Radio Active t-shirt. It is either the worst or the best t-shirt ever! I love it!

i have an 8 qt le creuset that i love. and Hull dripware
sculpture droppings:

@DJ Michele, Ceramics will never leave you! I haven't thrown or worked in decades, but is still a large part of my being.
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But now I am deeply concerned. Should I have waited for a marathon when the prizes are more tits? Probably. Ugh.
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tim from washington:

Wow, Wye Oak is different than I expected. I like it. For some reason I thought WYe Oak was an anemic lite rock indie rock band.
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I resolve to stop buying kitchen ware …
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Michele with One "L":

I'd get married if I knew a Le Creuset set came with the whole deal. People get married for those and Vitamixes.
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Michele with One "L":

I'm starting a 9 foot drawing so that will keep me busy!
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Handy Haversack:

Ike and LizGig, I work in e-books and won't even use "ebooks." E-mail I will allow to stand in manuscripts, but I won't otherwise countenance it.

What, should we all go live an aframe cabin?
sculpture droppings:

@Michele: am looking forward to a peek.
sculpture droppings:

Hey everyone, if I buy a Kindle ebook, can I read it without a Kindle thingy?
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Ceramic would be just the thing for biryani. Or tagine.
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As an event producer who has worked with all the enamel cast iron companies (I own an 8 qt and 3 qt le creueset- so sick) the BEST construction is a Cuisinart. Crazy good heavy construction and will last forever, legit.
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Handy Haversack:

I got a fancy pan (as opposed to what we had been using for 20 years, scavenged from various apartment shares and sidewalks). I think it's coated in some kind of ceramic? I really like it. I can't go about seasoning a pan by leaving oil in it. The roaches would declare victory and start renaming our landmarks.
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I'm an e-mail fan, though I do find it odd when couples get hyphenated.
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The only le creuset I've been able to score at the thrift store is a little 6 inch pan and a 12 inch non-stick that sadly isn't non-stick any longer and is now only useful for squishing moisture out of homemade paneer

@Handy Haversack, once enough people use aframe over a-frame, only oldsters will understand what a-frame is. I definitely won't be in the aframe vanguard! I've just realised I never write rphost in Irish -- no-one uses it that I can see. It's always r-phost.
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Will the Sound Guy:

I only have 1 ceramic enameled dutch oven... I'm pretty sure it's a knock off. I really should use it more tho I feel like it has good value. as far as ceramic coated frying pans, you'd be better off learning how to care for and use carbon steel IMHO some of the cheaper ceramic pans are a step above teflon...
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Meefyt i know what you are saying about the radio active shirt. If i make it to NY/NJ i will keep my eyes opened for you in the shirt

@Michele i totally missed that you do pottery. that sounds so meditative
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Throwing $20 in the pot for the A-frame cabin. The delightfully creepy Gretel & Hansel from last year really piqued my interest!
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Jason from Houston:

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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Hyphens I can be flexible on, but I really wish people would look at the bloody style guide before they put commas... in all the places they fancy putting them.
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Whereas an actual A-frame might peak your interest.
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Holy crap this is from Hyped2DEath!!! My friend Chuck Warner's label!!!! HE is an old standby, every year at WFMU record fairs.
Jackie G:

Whoever Michele is, she shoud be commended for playing excellent songs on this radio program

Thanks M and all !!!!!!
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tim from washington:

This Shivvers is excellent! Once again...the midwest is the best!
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Michael 98145:

Cool. New to me.
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Dental care, cooking tools, comma placement. This is one of the most esoteric and informative comment threads EVER.
sculpture droppings:

@Brian, I get it! LOL
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A ^ frame
Thanks Michele and comment board teachers
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Will the Sound Guy:

basically any nonstick coated frying pan is garbage the first time you see scratches in the coating... that's when yiu start ingesting the chemicals that they use to bond the layers together... many times PFOA, teflon, and who knows what else
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Michael 98145:

The educational channel
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And the music ain't half bad either!
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Thanks [comma] Michele!

Michele, fab show. Thanks!
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Bruce S.:

Great Show Michele, Welcome Back, Happy Days Everybody!
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Michael 98145:

thx again

Ps. Glazed ceramic pottery does amazing slow cooking = stove or oven = but must be sure the glaze is not dangerous/carcinogenic/etc
Jackie G:

...and she has such youthful exuberance about the music.
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Will the Sound Guy:

Thank You, Michele!!! Throughly enjoyed the show today. 🔥
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Hubig Pie:

I scored a 13 qt. Le Creuset dutch oven on e-bay for a good price 'bout 15 years ago. they retail about 650 smackaroos. It's as big as a kitchen sink and twice as heavy, so it doesnt get used much.
sculpture droppings:

I grew up in a 'scratched to death teflon coated aluminum' cookware household. As if growing up in Oklahoma wasn't damaging enough! Could explain a few things...
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Michele!
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Stephen O:

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️thank you Michele
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tim from washington:

Thanks, Michele!
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@Hubig: Quel monstre !
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I have a whole set of Le Crueset. Use 'em a lot. Also have some Revere Ware, more of a restaurant style.

great show OneL! happy cooking to all!

Great show, thanks Michele!
sculpture droppings:

@Carmichle, Shout out to REVERE ware, best ever.
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killer set and thanks for the wetleg
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Listener Jonny in South Central... (Ohio):

Congrats all! We won! Good job! Thanks OneL!
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Handy Haversack:

Will: www.greenpan.us
sculpture droppings:

I'm WiNNING!!! Thanks DJ Michele and all.
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Wait, is it one "l" (lower case) or one "I?"

Cuz I only see one I there.
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Thanks One L
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Supply chain! I had to order oven cleaner online!!
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Michael 98145:

the supply chain IYF
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Michele!

Juli my vote is set design and lighting
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