Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from August 9, 2021 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 9, 2021: Vaccine apps - with Albert Fox Cahn

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Tonight: Vaccine apps - with Albert Fox Cahn

Thanks to David in London for the infographic showing last week's comment-board movie picks!


• @FoxCahn (Twitter)

Albert's bio

Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP)

• STOP's Big Bad Tech initiative

• STOP's The Good, the Bad, and the Invasive report on vaccine apps: "Domestic vaccine apps, such as New York’s Excelsior Pass, raise numerous surveillance and equity concerns. These apps facilitate invasive geolocation tracking and threaten a new form of segregation". . .

I Forged New York’s Digital Vaccine Passport in 11 Minutes Flat (by Albert Fox Cahn in the Daily Beast, June 3, 2021): "Going through the process, it felt like New York had built a massive, digital bank vault, but set the combination to '1-2-3-4.'"

Privacy and efficacy concerns remain for New York's vaccine passport apps (by Cyrus Farivar in NBC News, Aug 5, 2021): "Cahn demonstrated this week that the city’s smartphone app, known as NYC Covid Safe, will accept literally any picture as proof of having had a vaccine shot by showing that it accepted a photograph of Mickey Mouse as a vaccination card."

Pfizer and Moderna Mock Biden, Raise Vaccine Prices (by Matt Stoller, Aug 6, 2021): "Earlier this week, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, who make vaccines that are effective against the Delta variant of Covid, raised prices on their vaccines. According to the FT, the European Union must now pay an extra 25% than it did for the Pfizer vaccine, and 10% more for Moderna’s. The extra revenue is purely a result of market power, not higher costs. Pfizer has already raised estimates to investors, telling them it will generate $33 billion this year selling the vaccine."

Four Ways to Prove You’re Vaccinated (West Side Rag, Aug 5, 2021)

• Albert's first appearance on Techtonic, with Liz O'Sullivan: the March 23, 2020 episode

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Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
  Albert Fox Cahn discusses vaccine apps - and Apple's recent announcement about scanning private iPhone photos.
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting Machinarium Soundtrack  Tomaš Dvořák 
  Mark's intro      
  Interview with Albert Fox Cahn      
0:06:52 (Pop-up)
  Mark's comments      
0:37:19 (Pop-up)
A Frames  Surveillance   Favoriting S/T  Born Bad Records 
0:55:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
listener james from westwood:

FWIW this show is why I never allowed NJ to use my phone signal to alert me to COVID proximity. No idea how safe my data is in those hands.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

Mark! Techtapplicants!

Good night everyone!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
tim from washington:

Hey Mark and folks! I've been MIA from Techtonic for a few weeks. I'm glad to be back.
Avatar 6:02pm

Hi Mark.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Mark and avatars!

hello mark hurst & others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
chris in the redwoods:

hi, Mark and folks. also have not been around for a bit. glad to be listening in again.
The Butterman:

Hi there Mark, hi Queems , I’m just here to get my weekly dose of paranoia.

i made a folder on my phone and scanned my vaccine card. problem solved
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
I k e:

Speaking of de Blasio, what is everyone's bet on what pathetic single digit he'll max out at in the Dem primary for governor? My money is on 1%.

hello @the butterman, i hope you are holding up ok over there
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Webhamster Henry:

Best, obviously, would be a super-fast COVID detection test.
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Bas NL:

Hi Mark! Tech-heads!
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chris in the redwoods:

i did something similar, queems. not sure why i would get an app...
Avatar 6:05pm

Hi Mark and fellow skeptechs!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
David (in London):

Evening Technoids.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Nice work, DiL!
vanya moscow:

Hi everyone. We have a personal QR-code to prove vaccine status here in Moscow, Russia
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Webhamster Henry:

"Saddest Music" was a Sports movie? or just there as a baseline?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Franco Twinkie:

Oh boy! The waters will be muddied even further. The future smells foul indeed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
chris in the redwoods:

hey, David (iL). nice graphic!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
David (in London):

My pleasure, thanks for putting it up there Mark.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

It was a competition
Avatar 6:08pm

We have a QR code in California too.
Anonymous Anxious avoidant:

Greetings Mark, guest、& listeners. What if you don’t have smartphone?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
listener james from westwood:

I keep hearing "Foxconn," which is a whole other can of worms.
vanya moscow:

We used to have though a pretty creepy obligatory quarantine app to control your movement if you’re quarantined. Had to send selfies upon receiving sms in weird time several times a day to prove your phone with you. Did you have anything like it?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Last night i had to admit my 73 yr old FUX news watcher friend to the hospital. He has covid and pulminary embolism.i was masked but Now i have to have to get tested. I told the hospital i have an oximeter and it was 85. They told me it's 98 and that's why they don't listen to people. I insisted i have an oximeter. They did the other hand and it was 81 and the alarm would not stop beeping.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

This is feeling a bit like Invasion of The Bodysnatchers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Franco Twinkie:

I was looking forward to wearing my CDC card as a fashion accessory and keeping my phone out of it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

@listener james me too!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

Not saying Murderball seems like a oversight now. And wheelchairs are tech too.
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Bas NL:

NL has an app/QR available. But you can print yours from a computer; no need for a mobile app.

@vanya lol no, the health department didn’t even contact me until 12 days into my 14 day quarantine
Avatar 🤖 6:11pm

I sometimes sharpie VACCINATED on my left arm, to show people. (On my right, I have SEE OTHER ARM)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
chris in the redwoods:

AAa, my advice is photocopy and laminate the copy of your cdc covid vaccine card and carry the copy around with you.
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tim from washington:

Dumb question. Why is an app more secure than CDC card?
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Mark Hurst:

Hi @james @ultra @Davi @tim @TDK @KfHP @queems @chris @Butterman @Ike @Webham @Bas @ARB @DiL @vanya @PLU/Vicki @Franco @Carmichael @Anxious @Lorraine @Megaroni @melinda @herb !! Thanks, everyone, for joining!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

@TFW I can't see how it would be.
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Franco Twinkie:

Is good for discounts at Old Navy?
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tim from washington:

@herb.nyc - What if you're wearing long sleeves? Otherwise, excellent idea!!!!

you can shrink the card down and laminate/put it in your wallet. i did that as well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Mark Hurst:

@Tim and @chris, glad you're back with us this evening - welcome back to the dystopian fold!
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Webhamster Henry:

Yes the card is indeed clumsy and easily forgeable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...they say don't laminate the actual card - cause boosters seem likely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm
Mark Hurst:

@vanya that's interesting about the QR code - that's exactly what Albert is worried about in our (New York State) Excelsior Pass

Same is true in the EU - Excelsior (QR) not accepted nor the 2 shot card ..
Got my 3rd Moderna in Madrid and #4 next week to get my EU Pass too.
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Webhamster Henry:

RR63 I was just going to say that!
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Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Webhamster Henry:

Well, you really want the COVID card in the Blockchain <ducking>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
chris in the redwoods:

i've seen privacy concerns around all the QR code menus at restaurants
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Ken From Hyde Park:

If we all just had "the chip" imbedded, it could easily be scanned and show them our status.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Webhamster Henry:

I bet the Pandemic group disbanded by Trump might have had some ideas about cryptographic verification.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

Turning people into operating systems . . Updates required.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Franco Twinkie:

Also, a large part of the population no longer knows how to operate a piece of paper.

So true, Franco
Avatar 6:17pm

I'm stickin' with the paper card.
Avatar 6:18pm

@Ken, I thought the vaccine did that.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
tim from washington:

@Franco - no kidding!
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Bas NL:

And then again... my sister had 2 x shots and still got Covid after that. So what does a pass prove?
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Webhamster Henry:

There was a similar effort for AIDS status back when it was realized there needed to be an anonymous way of exchanging that status, probably under situations with bad lighting.

It all comes down to this "everything needs to be an app" - and it's brother, "everyone has a smartphone" - mentality which, sadly, have pretty much eaten the world now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& - may need to write on an unlaminated card again cause - just like the FluShot - no one knows precisely how long the Vax will last you. Originally they were saying probly nine months. Which is soon for me !! :O
Aside I mean from likely needing Boosters for variants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
chris in the redwoods:

that's an excellent question, Bas.

if i just don’t go anywhere for the indefinite future none of this even applies to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
B R M:

In July, I was at the Cannes Film Festival, where we were required to take a COVID test every 48 hours because France and the USA do not have a reciprocal recognition for vaccinated individuals- so Americans bringing home French vaccinations would not be recognized and vice versa. That part is politics and the proprietary status of vaccination apps (The EU has their own vaccine passport for which Americans are not eligible). Yet, at the airport, I could show my card and it was 100% fine because airlines have virtual approval pass systems, in my case, VERIFLY on American Airlines. It is a moving target as various countries have different ratings of one another's status, etc.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Soon, a captcha where you have to identify pictures of you.
Avatar 6:22pm

I'm a luddite. How are QR codes not safe?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Webhamster Henry:

CAPTCHAs will have you identify drone targets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Franco Twinkie:

Queems, you're right! Just stay in the house till you expire and everything will be fine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
chris in the redwoods:

the website you're directed to, with the QR code, can do lots of stuff w/out your knowledge. i'm no security expert, Carm, but that's at least one thing i have heard.

That Covid thing is a mid range bummer.

@franco twinkie way ahead of you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

So many open doors with this incredibly deep issue/situation . .
Is it even possible to vaccinate against a mutating zootropic virus? Are we ushering in an authoritarian system of required updates/boosters?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

I got one redeeming a Netflix gift card that was just one picture of a guy on a motorcycle broken into a grid with the instruction "identify every motorcycle". Subtle.

@Bas - "what does it prove?" - It's true that the vaccines don't offer perfect protection against infection (and against Delta, perhaps only 85-90 percent). But still that's far better than -no- protection as is the case without vaccines. It's not a perfect line of defense, but statistically speaking, still a fairly decent one. It's true that the vaccines don't offer perfect protection against infection (and against Delta, perhaps only 85-90 percent).
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Webhamster Henry:

Printing out a shrunken versions of your card. ENABLING THE EVIL PRINTER INK CONSORTIUM!
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tim from washington:

Good question, Carmichael. I don't know but as a skeptic I assume that they are. It'd be good to why.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I suppose no Hackers or Scammers or for that matter Ideological Terrorists / AntiVaxxers will be drawn to this like monster magnets...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

Rise again Luddites!! For Christ Sake!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

On my headstone, maybe I'll have a QR code that points to partygirls.com.

Also - with so many people being vaxxed by now - it's not surprising (inevitable in fact) that everyone seems to know someone in their social orbeit who got infected despite being 2x vaxxed. That's just basic mathematics. (Right?) What matters is the overall statistical argument in favor vaxxing (and requiring proof thereof), which is quite solid
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
I k e:

@iiibeat@6:24, 1) yes, it is, you ding-a-ling, and 2) was the polio vaccine authoritarianism? Gimme a break.
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Webhamster Henry:

@KenFH/P: "Don't Miss.... The Party Girls!"
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Bas NL:

@headcleaner The problem is vaccinated people ACT as if they are no longer a risk.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

@Ike or smallpox, which was (thankfully) compulsory
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chris in the redwoods:

to Ike's point, and to Mark's point, iiibeat, its not the vaccines (which have quite a long and legal history of being mandated) its the technology being used that can exploit us.

@Bas - agreed
Avatar 6:30pm

So many vaxxed? I think we need to go higher. And about those poorer countries, Big Pharma?

People are suspicious about the speed of the CV vaccine but I think it was built on the research for the ebola vaccine--I think public health officials should talk about that. The underlying science was being researched for years
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
chris in the redwoods:

*being used to track the vaccines
Avatar 6:30pm

I'm vaxxed and don't consider myself to be a risk. To anyone except the unvaxxed, of course.


vaccine development (emph.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
I k e:

@Marie, exactly. That's a hugely important point. Lots of coronaviruses were already out there and they were already being researched.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It is *because* of AntiVaxxers the virus has a Petri dish to mutate ever stronger, more transmissible, & vaccine resistant variants.
We do not owe AntiVaxxers a polite & tolerant place in any Forum. This is no game - this is everyone's life, health, socio-economics, cultures & survival - & more. It's been a year & a half. ENUFF.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

@Ike . . And . . How is it possible? That wasn't a very convincing answer . . At all.
Apples to oranges, man . . We are not talking about Polio. Context also mutates, believe it or not.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
Bas NL:

@Carmichael That's what my sister thought as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

Eye in The Sky = Eye in Yo Eye.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I understand the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics are in six months. It'll be interesting to see their virus control procedures for visitors.

Thanks, Ike--I don't understand why public health officials speak of that
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Webhamster Henry:

Or.. the usual justification for every (questionable) tech advance: "It will help Our Troops!".
Avatar 6:34pm

it defies logic that unvaccinated are a "Petri dish" you sound like a nazi.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Mark, do you have any insight on the Docket appetite? being used as a vaxxport app here in NJ.

that’s why i’ll never activate icloud

As a photo organizer this is frightening-what’s to stop Apple from viewing say naked baby photos (ie baby’s first bath) as “pornography”?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Granted - we should have had a WWII level of organizational coordination of resources - dissemination of Information - & collective Morale.
With Drumpf we got the exact opposite - the worst kind of malfeasance.
None of this is his to deal with now, however.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
chris in the redwoods:

ottovonbqe, it is exactly logical and scientific. look it up, please.

Apple appeals to people who want to trust "authority"

@Carmichael - unfortunately that isn't true. You can still catch (and spread) the virus, even if vaccinated. (The risk is small with "classic" covid -- but apparently much stronger with Delta). And when you consider events with rooms full of people yakking away like the pandemic is over and we're in the Roaring 20s now... that's pretty much exactly why Delta is surging right now. (On top of what all the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are doing, of course).
Avatar 6:36pm

I agree with RR, otto. The variant has a much more difficult time mutating through vaxxed people, while it rips freely through those with no vaxx, mutating all the way. Nothing Nazi about that, just basic science.
Avatar 6:36pm

nonsense. unscientific and no different than nazi ideology.

I'm in the "just chuck 'em in the river" camp. Would do so myself except for the fact.. that I've never owned one of those buggers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
I k e:

@iiibeat, your paranoid ramblings might as well be Swahili to me.

Apple has created an "in group" that people feel good about being a member of--ur supposedly smarter and in the know about tech
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"dirty unclean people infecting us good people"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Mark Hurst:

Let's cool it on the nazi talk.. I'll invoke Godwin's Law & shut down those chat threads. Please keep it respectful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm
Little Danny:

Great interview, Mark.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Bas NL:

Mutation is possible in anyone infected. Vaccinated or not.

at this stage in the game there is absolutely zero excuse for antivax sentiment, especially here. read the room
Avatar 6:39pm

Agreed Bas, but the unvaxxed are taking the brunt of the variant. Although no one is truly safe, I would much rather be vaxxed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
chris in the redwoods:

Bas, possible but significantly less likely, because the virus does not live as long in vaxxed people.
David in London:

I don’t know whether it’s the same in the US, but here in the U.K. the banks, for example, have massively channel shifted toward mobile apps. If you chucked your mobile in the Hudson (that would take quite a throw from central London) or the Thames, it would be difficult to do basic banking. That’s so far it’s embedded in everyday life.
Glistener MW:

I just tuned in to Mark bidding adieu to Mr Foxconn [sic:me] and thought for a split second it might be the figurehead behind the Foxconn iPhone factories
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes - I believe the CDC is now saying the vaccinated should mask again - because we can carry a load of the new variant that is transmissible.
ottovonbque - how on Earth are you & your sources more 'scientific' than what the CDC & WHO & 98% of the Global Medical Establishment say? & how are your sources more concerned with Humanity than them ? Our Well-Being is not what your & their resistance is about. It is other deep-seated social resentments & political advantages. & we're not impressed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
I k e:

@David, I use an obscure credit union and do all my banking on a desktop or laptop at home, and only at home. Mobile banking makes me nervous, especially on wi-fi.

Bas - basically the answer to the problem you mentioned (vaxxed people acting like they're fully protected) is that we need much better enforcement of what everyone agrees are the basic safeguards that should be in place. All it takes is political will and a bit of creativity. For example, I'd love to see mask use actually -enforced- on the NYC subway. It would cost basically nothing (compared to the economic damage caused by the ongoing pandemic) and do a lot to bring the numbers down.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

This could be a problem for the ever-popular strip club buffets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
I k e:

There's a restaurant called Hot Space that I wanted to try, but they require you to scan a dumb QR code to get a table, and I'm like... no. Go to hell, there's plenty of other restaurants in this neighborhood. Ugh.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Webhamster Henry:

Foursquare! I may have been the Mayor of Molé Molé here in Kingston.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

@Ike . . Covid = Polio. Keep up the Good Work!!
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Bas NL:

@headcleaner I think we'd better stay watchful. In the NL things are opening up quickly and the infections are on a rise again.

David - haven't seen that particular form of abuse (force-feeding mobile banking) in the US yet. But by and large, it's just not that hard to avoid using phones - it just takes a bit of focus and imagination. On the order of say, avoiding chain stores and fast food.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Franco Twinkie:

The first time I saw one of these adds I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Just like the accelerated collapse of the entire eco system, the arrival of the inescapable and all consuming surveillance state makes me want to lay down and take a dirtnap ahead of schedule.
Roland from Australia:

Yo brothers, A bit late for the tech tonic alarms today.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:48pm
tim from washington:

Ike just post what I was about to post about restaurants with QR codes.
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Webhamster Henry:

@Roland: what are Australian Vaccine status apps/cards like?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Patrick Henry once said . . "Give me Covid or Give Me DEATH!"
Avatar 6:50pm

"COVID=Polio". Probably the dumbest thing I've heard today, Jason.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Bill of Digital Rights
How can we make this a popular political imperative ?
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All I wanted was a Pepsi!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

@Carmichael . . No shit!! And all I had to do in order to achieve that was . . Repeat it.

should i get a smartphone? Ive been on the fence this past week. Just moved away from home to a new school

@iiibeat nobody else said it though, you clown
yes but...:

It's a slippery slope from tech-skepticism to anti-vaxxing talking points...The countries that had the best results pre-vaccine in dealing w Covid seemed to be the ones where tracing was most vigorous. The paper card isn't going to be meaningful in a contact tracing program (which doesn't really exist yet anyway here in the States)....
David in London:

When 9/11 happened, a government advisor here was famously exposed as saying it was “a good day to bury bad news”. With that kind of attitude I shudder to think of all the things being buried - or introduced - under cover of this pandemic. Big tech must be having a flamin’ field day.

I got a card from Maimonides w my vaxx’ info



As for the recording device we all embrace

Won’t be taking it to any felonies mmkay

Vax cards are going to look like those old maintenance logs on the door jambs of cars.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

War is Peace
Ignorance is Strength
Unvaccinated is Health
Panopticon is Privacy
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I k e:

@paul, if you decide you need one, you can get a cheap older one, like an iPhone 6. That's perfectly passable. Newest shit is absolutely unnecessary.
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Enjoying listening, reading and grieving along. Thx Mark ~
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Bigfoot, paging Bigfoot, waiting for his presence
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listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Mark!
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Thanks, Mark. | Get vaxxed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Franco Twinkie:

It is.
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chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

What was that tracking project implemented in Afghanistan by the US military?
Roland from Australia:

Webb Hamster Henry - They only, afaik, ask where you are, based on the bar code you scan as you walk in to the store, So the onus is on the store to register the code and display printed on the door, and I understand that is what the app uses to determine where are you signed in and who else signed in there. But then again you just never know do you what exactly is collecting? I set mine to only allow location details as I sign in.
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People Like Us:

thanks Mark

Sep is the month for new phones.
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Bas NL:

Thanks Mark!
David in London:

Thanks Mark. Night Technoids.
Avatar 6:56pm

Thanks Mark.

I got my covid positive four days post vax onebtw

Duh duh duh

Loved the meals. Didn’t do the hotel but soooo tempted
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tim from washington:

Thanks, Mark!
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Thanks Mark
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tim from washington:

I LOVE THE A FRAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This song rules.
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WFMU listener WADE:

CRASS: "Where Next Columbus?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Mark Hurst:

Thanks, everyone! Sorry I forgot to say again: please stay tuned to WFMU for Do Or DIY with @People Like Us!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

A Blumin Funyun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Little Danny:

Perfect closer.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for, er, unmasking the inside info on vaccine tracking, Mark!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
tim from washington:

Man, if you like your music paranoid, you can't go wrong with A Frames.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

I think I'm being followed.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

Hey a pizza cutter!
Roland from Australia:

I’m fired up for the week again. Love this show!

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

Still need to play Boys Next Door's "Somebody's Watching Me"

That was delightful.
Avatar 7:00pm

Riveting radio, Mark!
Avatar 7:02pm

Thanks Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TY Always MH !
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