Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from May 19, 2021 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 19, 2021

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Franco Battiato  Summer on a Solitary Beach   Favoriting La Voce del Padrone  EMI Italiana  1981  R.I.P.     
Claudette Et Ti Pierre  Yo Ka   Favoriting Hello, Africa  Mini Records  1982      0:07:08 (Pop-up)
Peaking Lights  The Otherside   Favoriting OCCii Compilation Deluxe Edition  OCCii      *   0:15:49 (Pop-up)
Jenny Mae  Drapes   Favoriting Don't Wait Up For Me  Anyway  1998      0:16:34 (Pop-up)
Spacemen 3  soul 1   Favoriting Take Me to the Other Side -EP  Fire  1988      0:18:29 (Pop-up)
Pete Drake  Dream   Favoriting Talking Steel & Singing Strings  Smash  1964      0:24:01 (Pop-up)
...and the Native Hipsters  Larry's Coming Back   Favoriting 7"  Cherry Red  1983      0:26:28 (Pop-up)
Edgar Broughton Band  Up Yours   Favoriting S/t (1994 reissue)  Repertoire  1971      0:30:34 (Pop-up)
Bobby Conn  The Power (of the Addams Family)   Favoriting split 7" w/ The Necessary Evils  Extra Ball  1999      0:33:36 (Pop-up)
Luiz Eca & La Sagrada Familia  Homem da Sucursal - Barravento   Favoriting La Nueva Onda De Brasil  RVV  1970      0:48:19 (Pop-up)
Steve Piccolo  I Don't Want To Join A Cult   Favoriting Domestic Exile  Materiali Sonori  1982      0:55:29 (Pop-up)
Slim Pickens  The Fireman Cowboy   Favoriting S/t  Blue Canyon  1977      0:59:26 (Pop-up)
Akvarium / Аква́риум  Tanec   Favoriting S Toy Storoni Zerkalnogo Stekla          1:01:42 (Pop-up)
Tim Buckley  Danang   Favoriting The Dream Belongs To Me (Rare And Unreleased Recordings 1968 / 1973)          1:04:24 (Pop-up)
The Pickle Factory  The School of Metaphysical Painting   Favoriting Our Pledge  Swill Radio  1995      1:10:39 (Pop-up)
Neville Brothers  Waiting At The Station   Favoriting Treacherous: A History of the Neville Brothers 1955-1988  Rhino  1962      1:15:54 (Pop-up)
              1:20:16 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Cancelli Siella Memoria   Favoriting Clic  BMG  1974  R.I.P.    1:27:15 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Cariocinesi   Favoriting Fetus  Artis  1972      1:33:15 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Aria di Rivoluzione   Favoriting Sulle Corde Di Aries  BMG  1973      1:38:31 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Il Silenzio Del Rumore / 31 dicembre 1999 - ore 9 / Areknames   Favoriting Pollution  BMG  1972      1:42:21 (Pop-up)
Juri Camisasca  Metamorfosi   Favoriting La Finestra Dentro  Bla Bla  1974  prod by Franco Battiato    1:48:34 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Propiedad Prohibida   Favoriting Clic  BMG  1974      1:52:43 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Fenomenologia   Favoriting Fetus  Artis  1972      1:56:42 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Canto Fermo   Favoriting M.Elle Le "Gladiator"  BMG  1975      2:01:38 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  La Paranoia   Favoriting La Convenzione 7"  Bla Bla  1972      2:09:39 (Pop-up)
Franco Battiato  Cuccurucucu   Favoriting La Voce del Padrone  EMI Italiana  1981      2:11:51 (Pop-up)
Perilymph  Sept   Favoriting Deux  Six Tonnes De Chair Records  2019      2:23:15 (Pop-up)
Mike Nesmith  Wax Minute   Favoriting Tantamount To Treason Volume One  RCA Victor  1972      2:32:43 (Pop-up)
Neil  Hole in My Shoe   Favoriting 7"  WEA  1984      2:37:17 (Pop-up)
Madison  Man On The Moon   Favoriting Porn to Rock (V/a)  CM  1999      2:41:10 (Pop-up)
Hell Preachers Inc.  Courante   Favoriting Supreme Psychedelic Underground  Europa  1968  Gear Fab reissue with Ugly Custard    2:44:21 (Pop-up)
Susan Phillips  This I'll Guarantee   Favoriting Soft Sexy Soul  Sanctuary  1971      2:47:19 (Pop-up)
Bobby Pierce  Wichita Lineman   Favoriting Piercing  Buddha  1972      2:51:13 (Pop-up)
Pierre Henry  Préliminaire   Favoriting Futuristie  Phillips  1975      2:55:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:00pm
DJ Guin:

Great Scott!
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Handy Haversack:

Sceleton Scott and the Wednesday Wonderfuls! Ready to slide with you all into the second half of the week ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

Hey Scott and Scotties
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Heya Scott and denizens. Time to rock, in an educational fashion of course.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Scott! My man!
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Howdy, Scott. Thanks for helping us learn stuff!
Avatar 3:10pm

Hi Scott, on this first hot day for the JC/NYC metro. At least the humidity is low.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

HBDs Townshend, GraceJones, JoeyRamone...
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chris in the redwoods:

hi, Scott and friends. that Claudette Et Ti Pierre track was wonderful.
Avatar 3:11pm

A beautiful day to you alllllllllllllll
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Greetings Scottelites
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This is a great cut, Scott! Perfect for this beautiful weather!
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It really is.... Happy Wednesday everyone.
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What is that riff from, it’s driving my crazy!
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Revrab63- I was just lookin' at a calendar with birthdates too: Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, and it's Buddha Day.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

No disrespect to Irwin but I hope we can keep Scott in this time slot.
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Thanks for playing Jenny Mae. Do you know about Bela's book about her and Jerry Wick?
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Handy Haversack:

Word, tim!
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I want the Jenny Mae record. Listening to the radio gets expensive.
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I would like to venture the expression "Great Scott!" originated when time travelers heard this set and then went back in time with it echoing in their heads...
Avatar 3:20pm

Actually, it's not Buddha Day; outdated calendar. So sorry.
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I was just thinking the other day how little airplay Spacemen 3 gets lately.
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Scott Williams:

Happy Day everyone! chaos_in_la_la, please tell more. Jenny Mae's got a sad sad story, but I don't know a lot.
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chris in the redwoods:

hard to disprove, Phillippe! i'm sure you're right.
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The Oscar:

Afternoon! I mentioned this in the comments for Ken's show, but I feel like I need to spread the news that JANDEK HAS WRITTEN A BOOK: corwoodindustries.com...
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Handy Haversack:

Math checks out, Phillippe.

Bonne apres- midi Scott et les amateurs de belle musique
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TDK60: Just talking about Malcolm w/ someone yesterday.
Appears it is BuddhaDay :
- apparently a Moveable Feast The legend has him indeed under the ♉︎Taurus ⦿Sun (sign of Forms) - & the ♏︎Scorpio Full ☽Moon opposite that (sign of Meaning)... or he was Enlightened under that configuration - or perhaps both. I hope to learn more about that...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

Here's a link. Bela ran and runs Anyway Recordings. The title is from a song by Jerry Wick of the band Gaunt.

Love, Death, and Photosynthesis.

Scott sent U a Urban tax exemption review with nuances not sure my iPhone enabled departure.
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Guido from Cologne:

This singing steel guitar Pete Drake is so far out ...

I love Spacemen 3 version of MC5's Black to Comm.
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emilie s:

Hey all, I keep missing the details during DJ mic breaks -- where are we supposed to send our emails with our thoughts about the educational services/benefits provided by the mighty WFMU?
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Little Danny:

Hi Scott, hi y'all.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Who has carrot cake?
Avatar 3:27pm

Rev: It /is/ Buddha day. So, my outdated calendar matched and the doublechecking I did online was wrong!
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Guido from Cologne:

One could say Kraftwerk robot voice aesthetics were pre-dated by Country records ...
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Handy Haversack:



The city of Jersey City has asked WFMU to prove that its programming has educational value, as a condition of keeping its tax exemption. This is a serious matter to the financial health of the station.

As part of this effort, we're asking our listeners to provide letters or emails explaining how and why WFMU's programming has not just entertained them, but has also provided educational value. The educational value can be related to the history and relationship between culture or ideas, or more direct value such as information about any matters of public importance. Tell us how you have gained knowledge through the time you have spent listening to WFMU.

This is a serious effort to address an important disagreement WFMU is having with the city of Jersey City. Whether you are an educator, a student or merely a student of life, please help us out with a thoughtful letter or email, and please keep them to 300 words. Letters should address the City of Jersey City, and can be emailed to helpus@wfmu.org by May 28th. Thank you for your help.

Also, Ken said that putting it on letterhead from educational institutions would be super helpful and letters from teachers and educators in general.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I just looked up Jenny Mae. The end of her life is sad. I wasn't aware of her. Last week I read "Hit So Hard" by Patty Schemel who was Hole's drummer. I can't handle Hole at all but something seemed compelling about the book. Patty's story of addiction is totally harrowing. I'm glad she made it. She seems very relatable plus has great musical tastes (other than Hole-hahaha).
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Alvy Singer:

helpus@wfmu.org by May 28th
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Handy Haversack:

Oh, Ken said that attaching the letter as a PDF to an e-mail, esp. with the prenomiate letterhead, is probably the most useful format.
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emilie s:

Thanks, Handy and Alvy!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TDK60: I wonder how the moveable feast date is derived - I will have to read about it. It is not the Full Moon now ! (It's a smidge past the Quarter Moon this moment.)
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Rev Turnip Druid Baltimore Magazine says SugarBaker’s Cakes in Catonsville
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

1971 strikes again!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

thx Phillippe! I do need to get my source figured out, here!
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Scott Williams:

Every g-damn time, Rev!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Worthy of the Bonzos this.
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Hey RTD, I live in Catonsville. And hello.
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Bela's book is totally compelling, and not all gloom. It is an excellent account of many of the triumphs and pitfalls of love, music, and life.
I love musician biographies and prolly never would've gone near Patty's, but will now keep an eye out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

How's the carrot cake, sphere? And when are you moving? And why the hell are you moving?
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Handy Haversack:

Do they even *have* carrot cake in northern VA, sphr?
Avatar 3:35pm

I'm moving early next month. And I'm moving because my work is in NoVa and I don't want to drive 3-4 hours a day for a commute
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm

It's parsnip cake down there, Handy
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Catonsville, home of the magnificent Patel Brothers indian grocery... suddenly very hungry..
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's in Autocarrot's rider, surely...
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well, if your time is THAT valuable...
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I could walk to Patel's :)
Avatar 3:37pm

Kebab Hut is pretty damn good.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@chaos - thanks for posting the link. I'm going to keep an eye out. Being a Michigan dude I have a strong connection to Ohio weirdos. I'd highly recommend Patty's book. Just ignore the misspelling of Gary Numan's name at the beginning and you'll be in for some good reading.

Whoa...Bobby Conn. Who knew? hot stuff
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Bas NL:

Hi Scott & good people!
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Captain's Table still there?
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Little Danny:

Those were some Shooby-esque tones, Scott.
Avatar 🧩 3:38pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

still got the day job in DC which means when we go back to office, it's the commuter train from b'more. Long time sittin' but it beats drivin' ..

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RTD I'm trying top get every human I know to move to Annapolis. Straight shot on 50 to the New Carrollton metro
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MARC is pretty good. totes agree, RTD.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Der Fuhrer's Face and that Broughton number. That's about it.
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I'm still a bit uneasy: only 37% of U.S.ians are fully vaccinated.
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Jason from Houston:

Buck Owens & Buddy Allan - Pfft You Were Gone
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Spike Jones is the raspberry king.
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Handy Haversack:

At least it's up to 60 percent of NYCians at partial, TDK60.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

what TDK said. I'm fully vax'd but I still go nowhere and still do nothing. The bars here are crammed with people spewing their breathing & I hide here...
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Thanks, HH. NYC learned the hard way.
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The Oscar:

"Serenade to a Maid" by Teddy Powell and his Orchestra (1941) has some *fantastic* raspberries: www.youtube.com...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

That Battiato LP 'fetus' is a permanent classic here
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But if you're talking over it, then it's played under
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I would say most overplayed artists on WFMU: Thee Oh Sees, Cut Worms, Nico....
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wizard frog:

Aw, you can find almost every song that's ever been played on this station but not how many times - that would be interesting
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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it's that one LEENALCHI song, isn't it
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listener 126464:

I Was Gonna Write You A Letter But Couldn't Spell (insert raspberry sound). Something like that, a Michael Shelley No. 1 Hit.
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Handy Haversack:

wizard frog, you can see how many playlist have a certain song. See wfmu.org...
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Little Danny:

I love this album!
Avatar 3:52pm

Don't get me started on MD Rte. 50 Phillipe! Also: Isn't the BWI rail station closer to 'Nap than New Carrollton?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54pm

Mr. Giant Man has been played 840 times in the playlist era. Can anyone beat that?
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Bas NL:

And -although a weekly staple- we definitely could do with more plays of Mr. Giant Man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Little Danny:

Thanks for that link, Handy. Cool way to explore who plays what.
Avatar 3:56pm
wizard frog:

@Handy hah yea was looking at that - I bet Kenzo has a special trick that can search by play amount
Avatar 3:56pm

That is an interesting feature Handy. Thanks!
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DJ Guin:

my new Pfizer chip implant allows 24/7 streaming of WFMU -- and makes the station tax exempt!
Avatar 3:58pm
DJ Guin:

<<yawns>> okay...time to punch the wife and kiss the clock....smell ya later, kids.
gonna suck when I go back to the office in June

Enjoying piccolo. Hi all
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

Do people actually live in Maryland? I mean, I suppose they must, but I've never met anyone from Maryland, so I have no direct evidence. And I live in New Jersey.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

This I Don't Want to Join a Cult song is very coverable.
Robert Tables:

Eyyy Slim Pickens! Hi Scott!
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DJ Guin:

this song needs a .gif of Slim ridin' the Bomb
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
Little Danny:

Yeah, it's surprising that there's no all-time top-ten song-plays ranking for WFMU, even if the various DJ soundbeds throw a bit of a wrench in the works.

Such a rich bed of data at this point.
Avatar 4:01pm
DJ Guin:

Avatar 🧩 4:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Annapolis is just down rt.2 from here, looks on the map like a potentially fun run on the moto.

As for the MARC train to DC, i can walk to camden stadium from here, so that's my destiny, post-WFH...
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Handy Haversack:

Rev., Phillippe can offer premoistened water snakes, if that sweetens the deal!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The scene around DC - into Maryland & WestVA ? - famously where Rollins & DaveGrohl were from... StonerMetal & various things... What I always heard...
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С той стороны зеркалного стекла - S Toy Storoni Zerkalnogo Stekla

(Helping out the Russian search bots)
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@McGroovey D.C. born, Maryland raised.
@Rev. I cannot express exactly how much I would love to see the O's at Camden again.
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There's a new Tim Buckley live thing. I just got it in the mail but haven't listened yet. It's supposed to be great. "Merry-Go-Round at the Carousel", 1968
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Frow Show featured a new Tim Track - from an Owsley archive!...
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Great to hear Tim. Parts of this song I think are also in the tune "Love from Room 109..." on "Happy Sad". I think..
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@RRN63 some great music has come out of the Del/Mar/Va region in my lifetime. Don't forget Universal Order of Armageddon, The Hated, and No Trend!
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Not to mention John Fahey, originally of Takoma Park, MD.
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..or maybe the same melody? Sorry, been a while since I listened to Happy/Sad."
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Tim is Definitive. DefiniTim...
Yes there'll be the Appalachian element down there as well as urban Rawks & Funks...
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RRN63: Rollins, Grohl, and MacKaye were from Arlington, VA, which is a close-in suburb of DC.
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So was Mark Robinson of Teen Beat and the folks behind Simple Machines. It was very close-knit community and it felt like one big high school.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx sphere. Geology Rocks - but Geography is Where It's At. Edumacational & no mistake.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@ChukAmok -- The Hated, indeed. I had the good fortune to attend an ear-shattering house party at their shared place in columbia heights .. not super-clear on the living arrangements but i think they shared that rowhouse with christ on a crutch & sarcastic orgasm .. quite a scene
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Handy Haversack:

My favorite exchange in the movie The Green Room, because of its verisimilitude.

Radio DJ: "I'm here with the DC punk band--"
Guitar player [Maebe from Arrested Development]: "Actually, we're from Arlington!"
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@ Handy: LOL! I missed that but I get it perfectly since I am from Rockville.
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Little Danny:

This is fantastic.
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Handy Haversack:

And the Makeup. And the Ignobles/Jonathan Fire*Eater. Both from DC, no?
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Yes, THAT Rockville.
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Handy Haversack:

At least you're not going back, sphere!
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Swill Radio. Same outfit Anschluss was on. I still have a cassette.
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Absolutely, Handy. The Make-Up were terrible live. (I know Handy, not going back, yeah.)
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@Rev. That is amazing. I was too young to know about things like that at the time, and when I did start to learn I still wasn't old enough to drive anywhere.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

4-year-old me was a Rockvillian as well. Fires every 2 weeks in that apartment building.
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paddy in matawan:

dat sax note doe
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Jason from Houston:

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Jason from Houston:

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
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That was some beautiful Pickle Factory.
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Ouch, I bet I know where you lived RTD. Those places were terrible.
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Handy Haversack:

I saw them in Providence once, and memory says it was a good show, but this is really mists-of-time stuff.

Stewart of Jonathan Fire*Eater was my first-year college roommate. RIP, Stewart.
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paddy in matawan:

was jammin along with the synth on that last one while I shoulda been workin.
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@ Handy - Well, your milage may vary. :)
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Nation Of Ulysses was an arguably worse live band than the Make-Up would eventually become. Again: too young to see the former "in their time", but saw Make-Up plenty and it was hit or miss.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:21pm

@TDK60 this new live thing I mentioned includes a Strange Feeling suite with part of Love From Room 109... Actually, it's ...

Strange Feeling [7m34s]>
Love From Room 109 [2m33s] >
Sing a Song for You [2m32s>
Merry-Go-Round [Fred Neil] >
Strange Feeling (reprise) [10m58s]
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Jason from Houston:

I remember seeing The Make-Up and it being a good show. Same for Chain and the Gang. Many years apart. LOL
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Thanks McG.
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$mall ¢hange was indeed back live last week!
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@ChukAmok - that is interesting because I think that 12-Point Plan To Destroy America is a pretty awesome album.
Jim the Poet:

I feel like I'm learning a lot today
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Woah @wfmu just tweeted that the tax office reversed their decision!!! twitter.com...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I preferred Ulysses before they became "Nation of" .. but my patience was very thin for most dischord stuff (sorry kids, never dug fugazi) .. Beefeater, though, was prob favorite live band from that label
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!! YIKES !!
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chris in the redwoods:

sweet mother! democracy works!
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I can look up what Aquarium album that is from
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Yeah, RTD, I was uncomfortable in the DC scene because I just couldn't dig Dischord.
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Marco Esquandolas:

Awesome News!
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Handy Haversack:


steveo, do they say whether it was because they knew I was going to write a devastatingly beautiful letter? Were they preemptively saving themselves the emotional stress?
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Yes, it is Aquarium
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Bas NL:

Wow @steveo! That's GREAT NEWS!
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Lol yep that's why handy
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I saw Beefeater, Rev TD. Outspoken. I had a cassette. (still have?)

"From the other side of the mirror glass"
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Richmond had The Landlords, Baltimore-area had Black Market Baby, DC had Christ on a Crutch. That was my holy trinity of area HC, all non-dischord..
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Jason from Houston:

Whoa! Congratulations, WFMU!
Avatar 4:26pm

Christ On A Crutch is new to me. I'll look around.
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That's how one would translate Aquarium's song.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@sphere: the LP "crime pays when pigs die" ... can't go wrong
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Handy Haversack:

What about Bad Brains? Were they much part of the DC scene?
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RTD, did you ever see Peach of Immortality?
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Jason from Houston:

Stay educational and exempt!
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paddy in matawan:

@steveo!! WOOOWOOO... I didn't even click send on my email yet!!
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Little Danny:

Unrest is still my fave D.C. band.
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Little Danny:

hell yeah FMU
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@sphere: i saw their rivals New Carrollton quite a bit, & Jared's post-Peach solo project Furnace was great.
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Alvy Singer:

The best band from DC would have to be Bad Brains.
Avatar 4:28pm

There was Government Issue in DC. Fierce but kind of funny too-- their singer; John Stabb. RIP.
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RTD, thanks. I didn't know about the early DC noise scene until I picked up a Peach of Immortality CD at a show.
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It's on the album "Akustika". Discogs says it's 1981, but their release dates are clouded by the fact that they were basically all self-bootlegs until 1984 or so.

Technically, "Through the Looking Glass", and it appeared on an eponymous 1976 album. I know we've all moved on from the Aquarium's translation, but you asked, and I delivered... :)
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Scott, did you hear the news? JC tax dept. relented. Just-in, via some tweety thing!
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I'm relieved, because I had one sentence written, and then I got stuck 😂
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Bad Brains in their day WAS the DC scene. Minor Threat was still scrappy Teen Idles when Bad Brains was first tearing it up.
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Bad Brains were before my time but I believe they were as big as you might imagine. "Banned In DC" is based on real experience.
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Is it reasonable to say that the Bad Brains invented hardcore?

This is nice !
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And there were several versions of many songs, and there were underground fan-recorded audience tapes that were often as widely distributed as anything the band did the themselves.

But that sounds like a studio recording, so with going to my record collection, I'll say it's the version from Akustika.
Avatar 4:32pm

Excellent news re: the tax decision reversal!! Guess I can delete this draft unconstructively calling the powers that be in JC "irredeemable, thankless money-grubbing bureaucrats drunk on their own lack of imagination".
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Handy Haversack:

Cool, thanks for the insights!

steveo, I had edited letters for two other people but hadn't done mine yet -- just secured letterhead from work!

Creamo did an excellent Battiato set yesterday. As is typical, I didn't even know him. Thanks, FMU -- tax threat or not, I'm still learning!

sphere, could Death get partial credit? Though maybe it doesn't count if you go unheard ...
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@Greg I prefer "From the other side of the looking glass" but the Russian implies either translation, ambiguously.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Sphere: There was a tiny but strong 80s experimental scene in DC but hardcore was competing for venues -- Was privileged to play the opening of the DC Arts Center in adams morgan back then but options were slim..

McGroovey, I let the sweet sound wash over me and didn't pay too much attention otherwise. I listened to them as a kid, but their prime was slightly before my time (i.e. before I was born).

I translated "mirror glass," and then was like, what's a mirror glass?
Avatar 4:35pm

A lot of early Slumberland releases were in/around D.C.: Black Tambourine, Big Jesus Trash Can/Whorl, Velocity Girl, Lilys, etc. Late '80's/early '90's.
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RTD, I think that theme resonated through the decades--always a few experimentalists and weirdos going their own way. Like TV John Langworthy. :)
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YAY for WFMU and its listeners! Wahoooo.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Had a good letter brewing tho'...
A jam-mate told me my feedback heavy gittar style reminded him of Fugazi somehow ? I have never heard evidence of this - & when I inquire of the collective I get crickets...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Chuk: Whorl were OUTSTANDING live. Many gigs at DC Space (RIP, now a starbux)
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RRN63, I never associate feedback with Fugazi save some of the tracks on Red Medicine (which was weird).
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...been talk of a few station friends in high places...
sphere Thx !
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Alvy Singer:

Worked with Minor Threat guitarist Lyle Preslar and DC Youth Brigade bassist Bert Queiroz at Caroline Records in the 90's. Easy going guys with lots of great stories about the DC Scene. You'll never meet a nicer person than Bert.
Avatar 4:39pm
DJ Guin:

just read about the whole tax thing --
here's my suggestion...still write the letters? and keep sending them? until Staysh or Clay complains. thoughts?
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winston legthigh:

yippee yappee and yahooooooey! congrats wfmu, crew, listeners, all contributors to this community which continues to amaze!
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Handy Haversack:

Did anyone have any experience with the spoken-word opera made from the interstitial conversating from the archive of Fugazi concerts?
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I have a copy of Velocity Girl's first single signed by Archie back when he was working at Yesterday and Today :)
Avatar 4:41pm

I can imagine! I have their 7"s and cherish the Mind Revolution/Stupid Shit single (produced by Wharton Tiers!). Obviously it was before my time. I met Mike Schulman back in '01 and we found out that we went to the same school in Annapolis, only he was in HS and I was in kindergarten at the time.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

DJ Guin - there's the Microsoft axiom that problems that go away by themselves can come back the same way... Let's let this sink in & see what Staysh et al say ? ?
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afternoon. enjoying the mix. i have no cool stories of the music biz. but i did give peter gabriel a ride in my amc hornet from a pancake house once.
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@Handy what is this "opera" you type of?
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@ dale - was Gabriel a good sort?
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@Dale that qualifies as a cool story.
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Alvy Singer:

@Dale-Even cooler is that you owned an AMC Hornet.
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paddy in matawan:

peter gabriel eats pancakes?!
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Handy Haversack:

@ChukAmok: slipimprint.bandcamp.com...

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

& what of this association of the DC area & StonerMetal that lodged in my head somehow...
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DJ Guin:

Did he sing 'Pancakes' to the tune of Biko?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...pack yer flapjacks Dale's come to take you home...
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Gotta ramble on and hang some expensive painting in a fancy mansion. See y'all later!
(Thanks Handy!)
Avatar 4:45pm

I forget, but probably found out about Battiato via WFMU.
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joe mulligan:

I found a whole thread on blowing a raspberry:
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@chuk - that Whorl single is classic. Schulman worked at Vinyl Ink in Silver Spring when I lived nearby & was a total class chap. Still have that Big Jesus Trash Can demo tape around here somewhere.

SW: YAY for the Battiato set, grand stuff sir.
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paddy in matawan:

love a good fanfare
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Alvy Singer:

The Obsessed were from Potomac, MD. Those guys were on the Doom, Stoner Metal kick.
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DJ Guin:

no Karaoke Duet for Jacque the Minky?
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yeah, he was cool. it was 78 maybe? after the melty face album. saw him at the pancake house and asked for an autograph on a blank check and he checked off that the service was good. then said 'by the way mate, could you give us a lift back to out hotel?' (he was with a blonde woman). who would say no?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

joe nice work !
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DJ Guin:

you might've done the world a huge favor and backed the AMC Gremlin over Phil Collins...
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paddy in matawan:

More like Empty Collins then, no?
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

DC/MD also had Elegent Mess [sic], who was space-rock before space-rock was cool. Played a memorable on-air set at WMUC which left ears ringing..
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joe mulligan:

thanks @Rev, I kept looking for De Fuheres Face in The Producers soundtrack and Mel Brooks. finally found @Rev Turnip already mentioned it
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now, now. where would against all odds have been without that song?
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winston legthigh:

the sun is past the yardarm, thanks hh, later gang!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Phil just needs to be superglued to a drumstool & taxed @ a fair rate. There are worse people...
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Man, there's almost as much information on the Steve Hoffman forums as on the WFMU comments boards.
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Handy Haversack:

Enjoy, winston!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I clearly must have the CLIC album now.
This station is expensive.
Thank you.
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paddy in matawan:

Easy Lover might be high up in my play counts though.
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chris in the redwoods:

grazie mille, Scott, for this fab Battiato tribute set. wowza.
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paddy in matawan:

this set owns
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apparently i clicky starred two battiato songs in a past life.
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Hey Scott and everyone! Great tribute! 🎶
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, pgalub!

Really loving the set, Scott.
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Yep digging this set a lot
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paddy in matawan:

Franco Battiato's 12 Golden Country Greats?
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Scott Williams:

Heya Pete, thanks man! Oh, hey, thanks Handy & Steveo, and thanks to you guys for volunteering these days!
Avatar 5:08pm

Thoroughly enjoyable set
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My letter about the Old Codger being educational probably won them over.
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50,000,000 franco battiato fans can't be wrong.
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so, uh... any Eurovision fans in FMU land? final's on saturday. apparently Battiato represented Italy in '84 (Scott's fav year, i hear)
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So glad to give back, Scott
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Yo Haaaaaaaandy! ;)
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"we'll break the asphalt with colorful gardens" Grande Battiato
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Handy Haversack:

I sent you a note about Friday, Scott -- I think I can say "screw work" and come in for a few hours if you need hands.
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1975 (single-mic?) recording of a house concert with that song, Scott. It's the last song (@31:13).
БГ (BG) is Борис Гребенщиков (Boris Grebenshchikov), the leader and main songwriter and vocalist of Aquarium


I have always loved battiato and can’t believe I’m hearing this on American radio. Thanks Scott.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Scott Williams:

thanks @McGroovey, I knew you'd come thru!
@Handy, gotcher email. will respond soon...
@nathan, got some '84 in the cart!
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Ah, actually, it says it's a home studio recording chez Яков Певзнер / Yakov Pevzner
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'break the asphalt with colorful gardens'
- dig it.
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But it's not the same recording as the one you played. I think the one you played is probably the one that's on Akustika.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Klaus Nomi's cisgen uncle...
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Oh, hey, you can even read the lyrics online...
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Quicky Google translation if the lyrics (close enough for rock'n'roll):

The last rain is almost no rain;
See how easy it is to find peace in it.
And if you believe that tomorrow will be a new day,
Then it's quite easy ..

Oh, only this night would not end;
It seems to me that my home is no longer home.
See how light it is for them - they play their life
On the wall behind the glass.

I think I recognize myself
In that boy reading poetry;
He squeezed the arrows with his hand so that this night does not end,
And the blood flows from the hand.

But it seems like it's just a game
On the other side of the mirror glass;
And here is dawn, but we have not lost anything:
Today is the same day as yesterday.
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I'd polish that translation up, but it's fun to admire the Googlebot's choices.
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Yay, Donna tomorrow!
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Yay, Donna. Hope Fabio's back on his feet soon.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good news, everone!
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Billy Jam:

my DJ speaks - my DJ rules - but I can't tell when he is telling me the truth
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whoooo were edukationale!
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big rutig:

Great news!
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emilie s:

Letter draft deleted! And I'll officially stop talking trash about JC government now.
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Alvy Singer:

Excellent news Scott.
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wizard frog:

Wooohooo really really really such wonderful news
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Barney Grubbs:

Hurray! And I wrote a letter before I didn't need to!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Wonderful news! Was driving but pulled over to comment. Hallelujah!
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Handy Haversack:

And I can finally stop pretending that educating me is even a remote possibility for *any* force on the planet!
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Rich in Bay Ridge:

Wait. Was walking to the car and heard the tail end of “listeners did it again.” Did JC change its tune?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

That was good bed music for that piece of good news. Thanks to the folks who sent their letters in already. I was still in the "planning what to write" stage.
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Rich in Bay Ridge:

I’d advise to save those letters
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That is most excellent news! Your announcement landed moments before I was slated to start writing my email. Bravissimi, everyone!

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Whoo hoo! I wonder if they heard the archive of the "Hide & Seek" episode of "The Fuzzy Glove Hour", and just ran away.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Dambit! I was away for 90 minutes and I missed JC relented, an epic Frnaco Battiato et, a lively DC conversation and Billy Jam. I'm never working again!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:28pm

@pgalub, i was just about to say... i have this sinking feeling that they might reverse the reversal after hearing Fuzzy Glove Hour
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Little Danny:

This reminds me a bit of the New Lines.
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chris in the redwoods:

Rich in Bay Ridge, you might write Ken. they may still want educators to send PDFs of letters on institutional letterhead. dunno. but, yeah, they're keeping the letters, it sounds.
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Handy Haversack:

Oh, Ken, I was going to tell you when you sent your bullet points, but since that isn't needed: Kate and I made plans to get away kind of close to your neck of the woods during the last week of June. Near Saugerties. A beer or coffee or hike is on us if you're free at all during that time!
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Will tonight's Fuzzy Glove Hour be as educational we've come to expect? I wrote "grown to expect", but I unchose that choice.
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So many choices. And the autocorrectbot rechoses at will.
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chris in the redwoods:

and, hey, Billy Jam dropped by! yo, Billy Jam!
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Hoooray for WFMU!!

Nice show, Scotty Williams!!
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@nathan- ;)
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Billy Jam:

hello Chris in Bay Area + Tim in Washington
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...must admit Rawkin' & Trippin' triggers me receptors real good...
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Mr. Pumpy:

Hello, Scott. I just tuned in...and Mike Nesmith from 1972. I'm digging. Hello all!
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Mr. Pumpy:

I don't care if he's sharp/flat. I like it.
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i like when mike gave up the stocking cap for a cowboy hat.
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Scott Williams:

@Mr Pumpy, and that pedal steel solo!
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Mr. Pumpy:

Scott...there is a lot to discuss here, no doubt. Damn...some church organ?!
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Mr. Pumpy:

Billy Jam...hola!
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Mr. Pumpy:

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tim from champaign (now washington):

Young Ones?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...from Neil's Heavy Concept Album...
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Didn't realize this is a Traffic cover.

Oh wow, Rick. That’s like a total bummer.
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Radio rethink is showing a Neil sedaka album cover...
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Scott Williams:

yep, Dave mason tune
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Did this song inspire the "Madchester" sound?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

1984. OOF.
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Mr. Pumpy:

"It's risotto, Mike!"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

No tim this one did ! :D
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Rob (Jerzcity):

Mike was the Moe of the group, right? And Rick was Larry? Neil was Curly, so that makes Viv what - Shemp or Curly Joe? Brb gonna watch the motorhead episode
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Billy Jam:

@steveo - Radio rethink is constantly doing things like that..... hello Mr. Pumpy!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Relate to this Moon gittar.
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good celebratory set
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@RRN - ha!
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Mr. Pumpy:

Hey, Rev Rab!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Sir Pump - Salutations.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Happy 76th to your Windmill Person.
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Handy Haversack:

Mr. P!

We *sow* the seed ... nature *grows* the seed ...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Sounds like good, Handy. Will be in touch.
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Wunnerful show, guvna
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Mr. Pumpy:

Handy! ...then, we *eat* the seed!
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Thanks Billy. That one particularly tickled my funny bone

How would you like it if I called you up and went “beep beep” in your ear?
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Handy Haversack:

Whoa, for a minute it sounded like the Wichita Lineman had eaten "Why Must I Be the Thief."
Androu B.:


@ Rob (Jerzcity),
I would consider Neil as Shemp, Viv as Larry, and as for Rick, he'd be more like Joe Besser.
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chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Scott! another great show ending with another great Lineman!
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Great lineman or best ever lineman?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

This might be t he best Lineman yet!
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Scott! This was perfection. I bet JC just heard the first few notes of the show, screamed, and gave the hell up.

Hey there, Billy Jam

OK, later on, you wonderful people. I need you exactly as much as I want you.
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chris in the redwoods:

steveo and tim, you know what's up.
Avatar 5:54pm

Gracias and good evening, Scott.
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Scott Williams:

@steveo, I'm torn b/c there's also Dennis Brown's youtu.be...
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Will take a listen :)
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paddy in matawan:

What a day. Thanks Scott!
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not quite as epic as isaac hayes version, but still cool.
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chris in the redwoods:

and then Scott educates us. :)
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Some Lineman!

Thanks for the great and highly educational show Scott
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Ken From Hyde Park:

JC 0, Woof Moo Radio Crew 1
Thanks, Scott. Good luck with the wranglin'!
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My letter shoulda been, "Shit man, I learn something every damn day."
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Here comes a helicopter, Handy
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Thank you Scott..Scott as skeleton..
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Bas NL:

Thanks Scott! Learned a lot today!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks, Scott!
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Handy Haversack:

I'll apply my facial-rec-scrambling unguent, steveo!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Thanks Mr. Scott!
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Wenatchee Lineman

Hmmm that didn't quite work.

Is there another town whose name would work better?
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Handy Haversack:

Actually, I hear it.

Bonne nuit Scott & all Scotties
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Scott Williams:

Bye bye errybody!! Thanks and see you later
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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I told you!
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Aaron in Minneapolis:

The new Fuzzy Glove theme right here

is the culturcide version of this song Houston lawman allowed on wfmu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

Thanks Scott!
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I've never met anyone with last name who wasn't a close relative.
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