Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from April 23, 2021 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting April 23, 2021: Collapsing Old Building

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Ad Nauseam  Coincidentia Oppositorum   Favoriting Imperative Imperceptible Impulse  Avantgarde Music  2021  https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com/album/imperative-imperceptible-impulse  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bathory Legion  GAS n.71 [cover and remix]   Favoriting Das Unheimliche (Split w/ / Hermann Kopp)  Septenary Arts  2021  https://bathorylegion.bandcamp.com/album/das-unheimliche-split-2021  *   0:11:10 (Pop-up)
Ringarë  Witness to Winter's Lament   Favoriting Thrall of Winter's Majesty  Amor Fati  2021  https://amorfatiproductions.bandcamp.com/album/ringar-thrall-of-winters-majesty  *   0:15:55 (Pop-up)
Chris Pitsiokos  Go Ahead Rick   Favoriting Carny Cant  Not on Label  2021  https://chrispitsiokos.bandcamp.com/album/carny-cant  *   0:27:28 (Pop-up)
VXXDX  I.WILL.KNOW.PEACE   Favoriting VXXDX8  Not on Label  2021  https://vxxdx.bandcamp.com/album/vxxdx8  *   0:36:44 (Pop-up)
Territoire  Étude de la profondeur   Favoriting Étude de la profondeur  Humo Internacional  2021  https://txrrxtxxrx.bandcamp.com/album/tude-de-la-profondeur-2  *   0:43:25 (Pop-up)
Koldovstvo  I   Favoriting Ни царя, ни бога  Babylon Doom Cult Records  2021  https://koldovstvo.bandcamp.com/album/-  *   1:05:51 (Pop-up)
Isgherurd Morth  Kultth Tormentr   Favoriting Hellrduk  Repose  2021  https://isgherurdmorth.bandcamp.com/album/hellrduk  *   1:12:51 (Pop-up)
Siderean  Lost on Void's Horizon   Favoriting Lost on Void's Horizon  Edged Circle  2021  https://edgedcircleproductions.bandcamp.com/album/lost-on-voids-horizon (Out June 25)  *   1:19:27 (Pop-up)
Cadaveric Incubator  Sarcophagidae   Favoriting Nightmare Necropolis  Hells Headbangers  2021  https://cadaveric-incubator.bandcamp.com/album/nightmare-necropolis (Out May 14)  *   1:28:27 (Pop-up)
Gastric Phantasm  Malevolent Death Rite   Favoriting Gastric Phantasm  Blood Harvest  2021  https://bloodharvestrecords.bandcamp.com/album/gastric-phantasm  *   1:33:47 (Pop-up)
Hecatomb  Horrid Invocations   Favoriting Horrid Invocations  Invictus  2021  https://invictusproductions666.bandcamp.com/album/horrid-invocations (Out May 7)  *   1:35:23 (Pop-up)
Coscradh  Mesradh Machae   Favoriting Mesradh Machae (The Heads of the Men Who Have Been Slaughtered)  Invictus Production  2021  https://invictusproductions666.bandcamp.com/album/mesradh-machae (Out May 7)  *   1:42:49 (Pop-up)
Lord Mortvm  Alter Obscene   Favoriting Diabolical Omen of Hell  Helter Skelter Productions / Regain Records  2021  https://lordmortvm.bandcamp.com/album/diabolical-omen-of-hell (Out June 22)  *   1:46:39 (Pop-up)
Malgöth  Possessed Sword of a Thousand Deaths   Favoriting Primordial Dawn  Iron Bonehead  2021  https://malgoth.bandcamp.com/album/primordial-dawn (Out June 18)  *   2:01:49 (Pop-up)
Archaeopteris  Visions Chaotiques   Favoriting Vision Chaotiques D´un Songe Halluciné  Personal Records / Void Wanderer  2021  https://voidwandererproductions.bandcamp.com/album/visions-chaotiques-dun-songe-hallucin  *   2:06:14 (Pop-up)
Armand Hammer  Chicharrones featuring Quelle Chris   Favoriting Haram  Backwoodz Studioz  2021  https://armandhammer.bandcamp.com/album/haram  *   2:14:19 (Pop-up)
Farseer  Necrolord   Favoriting Pyrokinesis EP  Guardian Records  2021  https://guardianrecords.bandcamp.com/album/pyrokinesis-ep  *   2:17:36 (Pop-up)
E.L.I.A.S.  Mind Collapse   Favoriting Every Human Is An Enemy  Sticky Ground  2021  https://stickygroundlabel.bandcamp.com/album/stg022-e-l-i-a-s-every-human-is-an-enemy-remixes-by-ectoplasm-keepsakes  *   2:24:42 (Pop-up)
Nervosis  Transformator   Favoriting Induction EP  Occult Rhythms  2021  https://occultrhythms.bandcamp.com/album/nervosis-induction-ep  *   2:30:08 (Pop-up)
Syrette  You Wouldn’t Be Sat   Favoriting Speaking Truth to Power  Sticky Ground  2021  https://stickygroundlabel.bandcamp.com/album/stg023-syrette-speaking-truth-to-power-incl-another-alias-leafeater-remixes  *   2:36:09 (Pop-up)
Ansbro  Bark & Bite   Favoriting TRVΛ008 (V/A)  Tétraèdre Records  2021  https://tetradrerecords.bandcamp.com/album/trv-008  *   2:42:16 (Pop-up)
False Witness  Life Can Be Cruel   Favoriting Life Can Be Cruel  Lobster Theramin  2021  https://lobstertheremin.com/album/life-can-be-cruel  *   2:47:48 (Pop-up)
Jassass  Resistance   Favoriting Died Heart Still Beating EP  Scena_731 Recordings  2021  https://scena731.bandcamp.com/album/died-heart-still-beating-ep  *   2:53:44 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03am
Chop Scott:

Welcome back to Studio A at the mothership Brother!

good evening, how was the commute?
Avatar 12:06am

Avatar 12:07am
Marcel M:

Hello all! Very pleased to be back at the station tonight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

How the hell are ya FMUvians - ?!
...thot the good WiFis I steal @ home were gone for good this time - !!
...I'ma get the BoseHeadphones & settle in for a damn minute ! ...shee-it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...jammin' some bitchen Voivodian chords here...

The guy that sang Humpty Hump is dead.
Avatar 12:14am

relevent: Countess Elizabeth Bathory en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15am
Ken From Hyde Park:

In the studio, but without cats. Quite a change-up, I'll bet.
Avatar 12:17am

I'm nauseous, have a headache, and an intestinal ache (from coffee and an energy drink, but I'm going to keep my chin up and go for my walk in an hour).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Bloodbathory - Adjective. Contempo w/ Shakespeare. No doubt he'd've had a pithy statement re her awlright...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ngh: Potassium & Hydration ! You know the drill...
Avatar 12:19am

@Rev Rabbit: I never have caffeine anymore, but I got a lot work done, so there's that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ngh: I am caffeine's bitch & am completely useless. Count your blessings.
Avatar 12:21am

The last few days, the neighbor at the hotel had their TV on full blast and kids screeching, I only had two hours of sleep last night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ngh: Dayum. I reckon once in a while we all have a party - but nights in a row is not what landlords get paid for...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26am

hey Marcel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29am

G'day Marcel & Was beens!
Shock G:

I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom . RIP to me . :(
Avatar 12:34am

Rev Rabbit: I believe they keep it on 24/7 to keep people from fear of people breaking in. I don't lock my door, and keep it slightly ajar when I'm out (out of principle). Sure, I've run into drug dealers and seen 'escorts' for the tourist trade, but that was Brooklyn every day, and I never locked my door.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Marcel, Sir - that triggered my dormant WilliamBerger receptors. Great!
Also - yer Gittar on the long piece Creamo played the other week was the roaring bigamp tone I can only aspire to. ProperRespects !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am

bummer Shock G clocked out. one of the intelligent rappers
Avatar 12:35am

much love to "rise William, rise!" Our metal messiah will come back!
Avatar 12:36am
Marcel M:

Thanks Rev Rabbit!

Hello all! Glad to have you here.
Avatar 12:37am

dangage, missed coel. (first middle school dance memories intensifying...) *sniff*
Avatar 12:37am

(missed the news of Shock G)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ngh: This is a fave :
...no idea where FLA fits in that. I'm failure to launch into any City myself. I can only hope you got the right intuitions...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41am

ngh %wise there's not much rap i care to hear, but digital underground was an exception. those first 2 albums in my small collection (almost all from the early 90s)
- 57 years old. crazy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

My age.
Avatar 12:45am

@coel: I've been djing hiphop since the late 90s, so, yeah I'm a fan, but my tastes are more alligned w/ Billy Jam and the backpackers.
Avatar 12:46am

VXXDX, new to me and digdug (I need some noise right now to clear me noggin!)
Avatar 12:49am

very accurate, Rev Rabbit (NYC y LA). Here in FL, in the cities (outside Jax), it's the NYC version, in the suburbs, it's the LA version.
Avatar 12:50am

Territoire kills too, also new to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52am

ngh i don't know what "the backpackers" is.
i know who Billy Jam is obviously, and sometimes i like his program, sometimes not so much.
...i like *him*, for what that's worth! -but i'm very selective about rap and hiphop
Avatar 12:58am

@coel: backpackers is a colloqiual term for indie hiphoppers, who often (of all races), who would show up at small shows w/ backpacks w/ recording equipment, and would exchange cdrs w/ each other, as most, were producers w/ each other. They would sample anything, w/ their esoteric tastes. A famous example would be dj shadow (who was into psyche and minimalism amongst other genres).
Avatar 12:59am

Then you have illbient and noise hiphop.....
Avatar 1:03am

heck, i had an African-American neighbor, who was a huge Brian Wilson fan who was making "Beach Boys-esque" hiphop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Rap/HipHop is not Where & When I'm 'from' - but it's where & when we're *all* from now. Like any Genre - the quality runs the gamut - as do the SubGenres. Falling down probly along the same lines as Rawk as far as Commercial vs. Independent... As in - just when I think I hate Rap as empty talentless spew over a simplistic beat - BillyJam (ferinstence) will blow my mind with the relevance. As for the Sonic innovation of it - obvsly when they busted the all the samplers it took a sharp turn in another direction. Ancient history...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am

right on ngh. i gotta believe that shadow is exceptional though. quite exceptional.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09am

Hi MM and all.
Just in for the noisy bit by the sounds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10am

(and, unless i misunderstood something i read once, that's exactly how Shock G started - because he was "homeless")
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11am

Avatar 1:11am

I never call it rap (unless it's refering to a rapper, as hiphop is a culture). I agree w/ your assessment, Rev Rabbit about any genre. There are some commercial good musicians of any genre, but many times, they're the exception to the rule. But, you all know my music tastes....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11am

...or maybe he was just backpacking!
Avatar 1:13am

@Marcel: You need Daniel Blumin to translate the Cyrillic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13am

but it *is* rap. a lot of hiphop is rap.
rap means talking, which is what it is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'd almost've put DJShadow in with the TripHoppers - seemed to get delivered in the same truck as those - but of course, not quite...
Talking - but also the DJing & sampling & mixing...
Avatar 1:15am

A lot of my hiphop collection is instrumental, but, I remember in the 6th grade, the principal said we're going to a rap session in the auditorium. I was sorely disappointed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16am

...they left the rhythm in the hallway did they?
Avatar 1:16am

I think trip hop is more of a precurser to garage in the UK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& for a Rawker - the term 'Garage' is gonna mess our minds up...
Avatar 1:18am

but, later that year, at the talent show, some kids danced to Young MC's "It's Takes Two", and it blew my mind.
Avatar 1:21am

The problem w/ Russian metal, I don't much Russian, so, I don't know if it's problematic. (found an article on Sputnik, which, well...

off for my walk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yo PeaceOut MC ngh !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...' I dig Putin's nipples '...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39am

Hello Marcel and listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Salut fred !!
This is badass.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42am

'morning fred
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05am

sleep beckons
Thanks Marcel
Avatar 2:07am
Marcel M:

Night, Coel.

Yo, Fred.
Avatar 2:12am

ok, back!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13am

I'm glad the pandemic series is over, it's a good sign

One cat has been on the bed for like 90 minutes or 2 hours. Another just showed up to meow and either pace around or sit motionless because maybe she wants food at 1am
Avatar 2:14am

bueanas b=noches, coel!
Avatar 2:18am
Marcel M:

@Fred: Indeed. It felt very good to finally break the count.
Avatar 2:19am

now, I'm hungry for chicharrones (i've had vegan chicharrones).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:20am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...aspiring to Heard FMUnity...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Am this 'Garage' ? DubStep? Oh my staggering ignorance... Reminds me of fireworks...
Avatar 2:30am

this is like goth hardcore techno.

I'm spent, out in 15, thanks, Marcel.
Avatar 2:30am
Marcel M:

Night, NGH!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Be well ngh !
Avatar 2:31am
Marcel M:

Yeah.. hard techno more or less.
Avatar 2:39am

oyanasuminasai marcel to tomadachi!
Avatar 2:43am

How do you find this stuff Marcel? I guess there is a lot of stuff you sift through which doesn't make the grade. Or are these all recommendations. Top notch whichever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I guess I'm gonna try & sleep too - let's see how that works...
TY Marcel !
Avatar 2:45am
Marcel M:

Later, Rev Rabbit!

@BigP0ppa: Its a mix of going through promos and sifting! I try to only play stuff that is new to me each week.
Avatar 2:50am

I admire your commitment to that. its too easy to listen to old favourites now so I'm always actively looking for new things. And now I have a playlist every week! Many thanks, I'll be pledging to the show next year
Avatar 2:52am
Marcel M:

Thank you! Cheers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59am

Thanks Marcel!
Avatar 3:00am
Marcel M:

Thanks all!
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