Favoriting What Was Music? with Marcel M: Playlist from March 19, 2021 Favoriting

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A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest, and the queer threw up at the sight of that.

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Favoriting March 19, 2021: PANDEMIC SERIES #49: MARATHON WEEK 2 w/ CREAMO COYL

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Coffin Mulch  Onward to Death   Favoriting Septic Funeral  Redefining Darkness Records / At War With False Noise  2021  https://coffinmulch.bandcamp.com/album/septic-funeral    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Celestial Sanctuary  Rid the Gormless   Favoriting Soul Diminished  Signal Rex  2021  https://pestiscultus.bandcamp.com/album/s-t    0:05:16 (Pop-up)
Pestis Cultus  Abel de la Rue   Favoriting Pestis Cultus  Signal Rex  2021  https://pestiscultus.bandcamp.com/album/s-t    0:09:00 (Pop-up)
Esplendor Geométrico  Necrosis en la Poya   Favoriting Necrosis en la Poya 7”  Munster Records  1981 / 2020  $20 OR MORE TO BE IN THE RUNNING FOR THIS 7"!!    0:20:59 (Pop-up)
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou  Ancestral Recall   Favoriting May Our Chambers be Full  Sacred Bones  2020  $20 OR MORE TO BE IN THE RUNNING FOR THIS LP!!    0:35:47 (Pop-up)
Matte Black  Psyche   Favoriting Blues From a Gun V.2  WFMU  2021  $75 OR MORE TO GET MY PREMIUM!!  *   0:36:13 (Pop-up)
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou  Into Being   Favoriting May Our Chambers be Full  Sacred Bones  2020  https://thou.bandcamp.com/album/may-our-chambers-be-full    0:39:46 (Pop-up)
Sly & the Family Drone  Shrieking Grief   Favoriting Walk it Dry  Feeding Tube  2020  $20 OR MORE TO BE IN THE RUNNING FOR THIS LP!!    1:01:00 (Pop-up)
King Vision Ultra  Live (excerpt)   Favoriting Blues From a Gun V.2  WFMU  2021  $75 OR MORE TO GET MY PREMIUM!!  *   1:03:16 (Pop-up)
Sam Weinberg  Shrapnel Facsimiles   Favoriting Blues From a Gun V.2  WFMU  2021  $75 OR MORE TO GET MY PREMIUM!!  *   1:09:35 (Pop-up)
Borghesia  Magla   Favoriting Tens Across the Board (V/A)  Dark Entries  2019  $20 OR MORE TO BE IN THE RUNNING FOR THIS LP!!    1:30:39 (Pop-up)
Ascending  Una Notte Che Non Passa   Favoriting Istintiva Bellezza  Detriti  2020  https://detritirecords.bandcamp.com/album/ascending-istintiva-bellezza    1:33:42 (Pop-up)
Opus Daemonii  Quantum Rift   Favoriting Machines of Deliverance (V/A)  We Build Machines  2021  https://webuildmachines.com/album/machines-of-deliverance    1:37:22 (Pop-up)
Greg Fox  Parasthesia   Favoriting Contact  RVING Intl.  2020  https://gregfox.bandcamp.com/album/contact    1:55:43 (Pop-up)
Egress  Pralayic Surge   Favoriting Apocalypsis Aeternum (V/A)  United Selector Network  2020  https://unitedselectornetwork.bandcamp.com/album/apocalypsis-aeternum    2:01:01 (Pop-up)
Sully  Werk   Favoriting Swandive  Astrophonica  2020  https://sullyuk.bandcamp.com/album/swandive    2:05:44 (Pop-up)
Altra  tzzsomi.+)x]@   Favoriting Vixen  DKA  2020  https://dkarecords.bandcamp.com/album/visex    2:10:58 (Pop-up)
Autechre  Four of Seven   Favoriting NTS Session 1  Warp  2018  $50 OR MORE TO BE IN THE RUNNING FOR THIS 3LP!!    2:28:12 (Pop-up)
Sandy Ewen / Paul Feitzinger / Michelle Yom  Untitled   Favoriting Blues From a Gun V.2  WFMU  2021  $75 OR MORE TO GET MY PREMIUM!!    2:41:44 (Pop-up)
The Dead Mauriacs  Extase Entre les Palmiers Givrés   Favoriting Nostalgie de la chasse à l'homme dans les couloirs du Splendid Hôtel  Flag Day  2021  https://flagdayrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/nostalgie-de-la-chasse-lhomme-dans-les-couloirs-du-splendid-h-tel    2:48:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Chop Scott:

I hear you Brother--Cheers!
Avatar 12:02am

Dance Party!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Yessah! My back of the napkin calculations say the station need to haul about $1000 per hour from here to Sunday midnight to make the goal. Let's do this thing!
Avatar 12:04am
Marcel M:

Avatar 12:04am
Creamo Coyl:

Greetings, fellow weirdos, heads, headbangers, straphangers, coathangers and flange-jockeys!!!!

Donate to $20 or more to WHAT WAS MUSIC? during the show and get in the running for some choice rekkkkkids!!!
Avatar 12:04am

Woooo had to wade through the sludge to get in here!
Avatar 12:06am
Creamo Coyl:


WWM? ain't for the weak, so grip some heaviness!!
Avatar 12:08am

This really makes me miss jumping around sweaty metal shows like a maniac and twerking to the groovy parts
Avatar 12:16am


That show was wild, and awesome. That guy went to 11.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am

G'day Marcel, Creamo & Wasbeens!
Avatar 12:23am
Creamo Coyl:

Get yrself some GEOMETRY in this stupid algebra world....
Avatar 12:25am

this shit is bumpin
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34am
Ken From Hyde Park:

G'day, Scott. The rain is winding down and will be looking at sunshine the next few days, once the sun comes up in a few hours.

Singer song writer- spot on description
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49am

greetings Marcel, Creamo and all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52am

G'day Ken! Sorry been listening from another room, right coel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53am

Globsters to you coel! 👍😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56am

Glob'day Scott
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56am

Avatar 1:01am
Creamo Coyl:


get in the running for this Sly & The Family Drone LP for a pledge of $$$$$20 or more!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05am
Will the Sound Guy:

It rips
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07am
Paulo AD:

Morning all :) I dont normally listen live on a Thursday because its the weekend, but its the last few days of the marathon
Avatar 1:13am

halllo marcel & co
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14am
Chop Scott:

I miss our Sunday sessions Brother!
Avatar 1:15am
Marcel M:

Me too, brother Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17am

G'day Paulo! Was wondering where you were mate. 👍😎
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Off for a walk, love the marathon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20am
Paulo AD:

Scotty :) It's the weekend innit, been having a lovely lay in bed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21am

Happy trails NGH! ✌😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21am
Paulo AD:

I went to be late listening to Clay give Fabio grief for 3 hours, it was amazing comedy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25am

Paulo, it was a laugh wasn't it! 😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27am
Paulo AD:

It was amazing, Pidge was on fire, such a nuisance haha
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31am

I was waking to it today, so got a taste of what Wake n Bake is really like. I had to get a double espresso in me quick smart.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32am
Paulo AD:

I woke to this show, that got me going
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((((((◍ ◍))))))
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Money Making Marcel and Cash Taking Creamo

Lets go
Avatar 1:38am
Creamo Coyl:

Write down your own DARK ENTRIES so you can RELEASE THE BATS and record your clicky-starred WHAT WAS MUSIC? radio charts so pledge $$$$20 or more to be in the running for a DE LP!!!!!
Adam West Coaster:

@Paulo AD, yessssss Clay was like a zinger Hydra today! Hahaha. Might have been the most entertainingly highly charged shared show I’ve heard from them in years!
Avatar 1:41am
Creamo Coyl:

fuckin HEAVY so PLEDGE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43am
Paulo AD:

Adam West - Yeah it was way past midnight for me but I couldn't turn it off. Even got told off by the wife for the constant giggling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51am

Like a Cat in heat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57am
Paulo AD:

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taking drum lessons from greg rn >.<

recommended if anyone else is in the market for such things!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03am
Paulo AD:

I can play a punk blast beat but thats it. Good luck Greg
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working on that, amongst other things, haha.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05am
Paulo AD:

I had to sit in a gig once, played the same beat for every song haha
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sully! this track bangs
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back from my walkabout!

Marcel, you're lucky you have family that listen to music. My parents only listen to AM and sports radio. My father played music and sang in the church choir buts that's it. I have one brother that doesn't listen to music (unless it's Hamilton), and another that only listens to bro-country or contemporary R&B (at least he listens to music). My parents' went to my first show in my hometown and left after 5 mins. I asked, 'why?', later, and my father said it was just noise. I told him beforehand it was rather unorthodox.....
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.. . .∗̥✩⁺. ..∗̥⁺˚♡
Adam West Coaster:

Avatar 2:20am

that was really my goodmorning set
was that
wasn't it
Avatar 2:23am

there's a certain rumor about Glenn Beck in 1998 (google at your peril).
Adam West Coaster:

Thank you, Marcel, Creamo, skeletones, and WFMU! I fire walk the line!

With gratitude,

Avatar 2:25am

I've given every year I've been employed since 2004.....
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I used to have Jnco jeans,,,,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26am
Paulo AD:

NGH and you still admit to it hahah
Avatar 2:28am

@Paulo: My college gf was raver, and they eventually made great cutoff shorts...(I'd become a real raver after college, especially in NYC, but, I was in wfmu/indie rocker garb).
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pledge for Autechre, this is the real schiidt!!!
Avatar 2:29am
Creamo Coyl:

$50 or more to get in the running for this AUTECHRE 3xLP that's THREEE fuckin albumsssss

insane electronic anti-dance pro-dance anti-tech pro-tech TECHNO
Avatar 2:30am

@Creamo Coyl: I've danced at Autechre live shows....
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Creamo Coyl:

I saw AUTECHRE once and the room was pitch black for 90 minutes and it was loud as fuck and I was tripinnnn ballzzzzz
Avatar 2:32am

I saw Autechre five times, the first time in '96, and they were actually dancey (it was at a rave), and got me into electronic music...(I couldn't even drink back then).
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Creamo Coyl:

I feel you. My favorite album by them might be Amber.
Adam West Coaster:

I need to go to at least one pitch black show in my lifetime. Or, I suppose put on at least one pitch black show in my lifetime.
Avatar 2:34am

yep, I have that one. Their shows went from danceable to extreme power noise.
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Creamo Coyl:

The only thing that can compete with a PITCH(shifted) BLACK show is THREE FUCKIN ALBUMS
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36am

I'm sitting home listening & chatting, Friday night, no lockdown. Rather than going to my local Bar, which is also a record & movie store. Check it!
Adam West Coaster:

I *did* go a Tim Hecker show once that was pitch gray.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37am

Hello Marcel and all
Adam West Coaster:

Fred, hello! What is the most dim show you have ever been to?
Avatar 2:39am

@Adam WC: The first show I went to w/ my partner (2008), was Tim Hecker. It was dark, and we became inappropriate

The darkest show I've been to was Ryoji Ikeda. If his videos weren't on, it was pitch black.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40am

G'day Fred! 👍😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41am

@Adam: Vomir comes to mind, mainly because he gives you a black plastic trash bag at the entrance and asks that you put in on your head during his set. It's harsh noise wall, so it usually doesn't last that long
Adam West Coaster:

@ngh, It seems apt to shut out the room at a Tim Hecker show, and ahhhhhhh yessssss, I have also seen a darkened doorway Ryoji Ikeda show. So excellent. I suppose I didn’t count that because of the blindingly bright and crisp screen imagery. 😉
Avatar 2:43am

oh, there was a Mattin show where he blindfolded everyone, so, yes, dark.
Adam West Coaster:

@fred, I love it! I’ll have to check out Vomir! Thank you!
Adam West Coaster:

Also, hey Scott67! Great to see you again!
Avatar 2:45am
Creamo Coyl:

$75 or more gets you Marcel's sick premium CD!!!
Avatar 2:46am

Yeah my darkest show was also Ryoji Ikeda that pretentious artist didn't let us with other people in because we were 5mn late to the show ( in Paris présence electroniques there was works on the subway line ) Those stupid security guys didn't let us in and we fucking stayed at the door with the tickets I offered at my girlfriend at the time SHAME of course the show was REALLY dark ( but far more than usual Ikeda style ) Than a good one was my last live show before lockdown live Keiji Haino @ Biccoca was great and low low lights
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46am

For lack of visibility, there was also Sunn O))) in a small venue when they went overboard with the smoke machine. Not exactly dark, but hard to see beyond an arm's length
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Japanese artists & dark shows
éloge de l'ombre! thinking Tanizaki great words about shadow and dark...praise of the shadow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:49am
Paulo AD:

scott, that place looks and sounds amazing
Adam West Coaster:

I think that like me, Creamo was born in Cleveland. Our eyes unexpectedly go literally blackout blind from time to time, due to environmental add-ons.
Avatar 2:49am

Sounds like Stephen O'Malley, the only time I saw them....
Adam West Coaster:

Agreed SunnO))) is quite low lit as well, but I want them to go Mummenschanz dark. Haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53am
Paulo AD:

I'v played plenty of gigs which were dark. No crowd so dont put the lights on haha
Avatar 2:56am

we need parachutessss & more opened minded parachutes....
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If I knew where my stimulus check was going, I'd donate for the Autechre.... (l have no pemament residence). (the last one went to my old residence in nyc to my partner).
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Holy Mountain is my favorite movie!
Adam West Coaster:

Hailz, fred!!!!!
Avatar 2:59am

Thanks, fred (he's in Paris)!
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thanks for the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59am

Paulo, it's got some wild stuff.
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Creamo Coyl:

thx y'allllllll
Adam West Coaster:

Thank you, and you, and you, and you too!
Avatar 2:59am

Bravo Fred tiptop le cadeau du matin avalanche de musique!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00am

Thanks guys
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00am

Thanks Marcel & Creamo! 😎🤙
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