Favoriting Nickel And Dime Radio with $mall ¢hange: Playlist from February 18, 2021 Favoriting

New and vintage beats and pieces, with more than the occasional wrong turn at Albuquerque. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting February 18, 2021

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Artist Track Comments Approx. start time
Pete Guitar Lewis  Ooh Midnight   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sunforest  Magician In The Mountain   Favoriting   0:03:18 (Pop-up)
Imagination  Just an Illusion (Dub Version)   Favoriting   0:07:20 (Pop-up)
Quantic and his Combo Bárbaro  Canção Do Deserto (Jeremy Sole's Verocai Dub)   Favoriting   0:11:10 (Pop-up)
Ishio Dai  CoCo Dub   Favoriting   0:17:02 (Pop-up)
Willie Colon, Hector Lavoe  Aguanile (Jose Marquez Conga Dub)   Favoriting   0:18:17 (Pop-up)
Les Leopards  D'leau Coco   Favoriting   0:23:51 (Pop-up)
Raphael Zachοlle  Manze Mona   Favoriting   0:27:53 (Pop-up)
Ocote Sol Sounds  A Pesar La Vida (feat. Chico Mann & Quantic)   Favoriting   0:33:04 (Pop-up)
Dutch Rhythm Combo  Disco Tropical (Dubben Dub)   Favoriting   0:33:30 (Pop-up)
Hard-Fi  Middle Eastern Holiday [Wrongtom Meets The Rockers East of Medina Dub]   Favoriting   0:35:37 (Pop-up)
jr demus  panic (in the streets)   Favoriting   0:39:38 (Pop-up)
Mr Vegas  Gigalo   Favoriting   0:40:53 (Pop-up)
Sean Paul  Check It Deeply   Favoriting   0:41:43 (Pop-up)
Dennis Brown  Cassandra   Favoriting   0:43:04 (Pop-up)
The Kingstonians  Hold Down   Favoriting   0:45:15 (Pop-up)
Jah Stitch  Watch Your Step Youthman   Favoriting   0:47:50 (Pop-up)
Gene Rondo  A Land Far Away   Favoriting   0:50:52 (Pop-up)
Tommy McCook; Bobby Ellis  Psalm 9 to Keep In Mind   Favoriting   0:53:37 (Pop-up)
Twilight Circus Dub Sound System  Lowell And Nine (Shaka Dub Plate)   Favoriting   0:55:54 (Pop-up)
Yabby You  Conquering Lion (Rebel Sound) [Smith & Mighty Remix   Favoriting   0:59:46 (Pop-up)
Jacky Murda & R Cola  Jungle Teng   Favoriting   1:04:03 (Pop-up)
DJ Spinn & DJ Rashad  Dubby (feat. Danny Brown)   Favoriting   1:07:14 (Pop-up)
Andrew Weatherall  Blue Bullet   Favoriting   1:10:58 (Pop-up)
Black Light Smoke  Switchback   Favoriting   1:15:53 (Pop-up)
DC LaRue  Cathedrals (JKriv Dub)   Favoriting   1:19:36 (Pop-up)
Michael Wilson  Groove It To Your Body (Francois K Instrumental)   Favoriting   1:26:54 (Pop-up)
Colored Music  Heartbeat   Favoriting   1:30:19 (Pop-up)
The Commodores  Assembly Line (Nick Bike Edit)   Favoriting   1:35:23 (Pop-up)
Musicism  Bermuda Triangle   Favoriting   1:36:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Ballistic Brothers & The Eccentric Afro's 

Save The Children   Favoriting


1:40:45 (Pop-up)
Lee Mason & His Orchestra  Shady Blues   Favoriting   1:42:35 (Pop-up)
Pacewon  I Declare War   Favoriting   1:45:35 (Pop-up)
People Under The Stairs  The Dig   Favoriting   1:47:46 (Pop-up)
James Brown  Blind Man Can See It (Full Version)   Favoriting   1:51:33 (Pop-up)
The Mighty Imperials  The Matador   Favoriting   1:52:52 (Pop-up)
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings  My Man Is A Mean Man   Favoriting   1:57:41 (Pop-up)
Dirt Rifle & The Bullets  (She's Got) Twilight Eyes   Favoriting   2:01:00 (Pop-up)
Bob & Gene ft the Inversions  I Can't Stand These Lonely Nighs   Favoriting   2:05:41 (Pop-up)
  Zero Hour RJ Eskow and Vijay Prashad   link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JFf6tlbtMI  2:08:53 (Pop-up)
  Ben Norton on Unauthorized Disclosure with Kevin Gosztola and Rania Khalek   link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFp3CXtNKlM&feature=youtu.be  2:17:27 (Pop-up)
  Woman protestor at DC BLM protests   link (via Chuck Modi): https://twitter.com/ChuckModi1/status/1275646998243311617?s=20  2:31:36 (Pop-up)
A.K. Salim  Africa   Favoriting   2:34:20 (Pop-up)
Shamek Farrah/Sonelius Smith  Conversation Piece   Favoriting   2:44:09 (Pop-up)
John Klemmer  Free Soul   Favoriting   2:48:10 (Pop-up)
General Strike  Babycart To Hell   Favoriting   2:56:14 (Pop-up)
Tranceonic  C.C.C.P.Calling   Favoriting   2:56:28 (Pop-up)
Scientist  Supersonic   Favoriting   2:58:12 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

$mall ¢hange:

hiya ppls
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04am

Hey, $mall ¢hange, Scott, everyone.

Greetings from Wednesday to those who are now experiencing Thursday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09am

G'day $mall change & all!
$mall ¢hange:

this week's flyer:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14am

Wait, I should know this... that a wyvern?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15am
Mr. Pumpy:

Space Sounds!
$mall ¢hange:

yup. wyvern


RIP Johnny Pacheco
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32am

$mall ¢hange: is that version of "D'leau Coco" the same one from the "Tumbélé" compilation?
$mall ¢hange:

yes! RIP. I should play some next week
$mall ¢hange:

yes mariano a few tracks from that comp. hadn't listened to it in a while. good comp
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36am

.....stumbling in.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36am

Hey $mall ¢hange and all
$mall ¢hange:

greetings! always a pleasure sinner
Avatar 12:39am

greetings, $mall ¢hange, skeletons, everyone!
yes, sad, RIP Johnny Pacheco -- totally blessed, got to see him a buncha times (even here in Hoboken! did the St. Ann's festival years ago) -- thought he would be going until he was at least 100!
Avatar 12:57am

About to hit a walk, will be listening....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57am

You introduced me to Twilight Circus decades ago. Thank you!
$mall ¢hange:

yeah he guested on my show way way back. in the archives somewhere
Avatar 1:05am

OK, you had me at Yabby You and Smith and Mighty.....

Great background sounds to chill to while winding down the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08am

Ja bless Joe Strummer, Mikey Dread and the Clash for introducing a lot of us to dub on the Sandanista recording.
Avatar 1:10am

@JohnEBGood: I did the reverse, I discovered Prince Far I, Prince Tubby, and other dub magicians, which eventually led me to Sandanista...
Avatar 1:11am

Let's footwork it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15am

Cool. One more time in the ghetto!!
Avatar 1:17am

Still RIP Andy Weatherall...
$mall ¢hange:

yes always. serious head
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36am

Sounds great. No politics from me tonight, promise. Just enjoying the music.
$mall ¢hange:

all good Ike hope yer well

Cat news: the white cat came down to meow, then she got fed, then she back down to roam around (she's probably wishing that we didn't throw out the former computer chair that she loved sleeping in)

Heya! This is Kat! Not sure if you remember me but back when we traded tunes at the Rat Trap in the early morning hours a few times... Finally getting to catch your show! Jams, of course ! 🥳
$mall ¢hange:

Rat Trap...where was that again? anyways thx!!

$mall ¢hange:

oh man. so nice to hear from ya! hope yer well thru this bs
Avatar 2:12am

Back, but still no internet.. Using my hotspot
Avatar 2:14am

holla yall, cant sleep cuz i'm nervous about my first day working somewhere new today.How ya like that vicious feedback loop.
Avatar 2:15am

I know the fealing, glenn, I wish I had that problem.....
Avatar 2:18am

actual Nazi's trained Pinochet's allies and intelligence apparatus... There's a movie on it... oh, Colonia!
Avatar 2:18am

its cool. Ive been an absolute bum for over a month. I could use a little stress. Im just picking up a shift or two at a small bar here in bk. Im waiting for my main gig to reopen.
Avatar 2:21am

I'm white, and I can't tell white people apart. (I find discerning non-white people apart easier, but, I might just be face blind...)
Avatar 2:23am

China's international military base is in Djibouti. France and the US have one there too...
Avatar 2:24am

(they have a few others in Africa that are non-official).
Avatar 2:25am

HAARP conspiracy gets pretty nuts. People think these "directed energy weapons" brought down the twin towers
$mall ¢hange:

yeah they were being sarcastic lol
Avatar 2:26am

octopuses in cartography...:hyperallergic.com...
Avatar 2:27am

i know lol. Anyone see that cops in Portland were blocking people from taking discarded food from a supermarket
$mall ¢hange:

my favorite least favorite publication, the Economist, recently did an octopus cover too.

$mall ¢hange:

yeah that portland story is so wrong. sums up a lot about america right now.
Avatar 2:32am

well, there's the South China Sea they're being aggressive, We used to have puppet regimes in SE Asia, but today, only in East Asia, maybe S Korea, and definitely Japan. We no longer have influence in the Philippines. We only have influence in Vietnam, b/c. they hate China more then us.
Avatar 2:34am

Just b/c the US does evil things, doesn't mean, I can't say Russia is worst. (subjectivity, I know).
$mall ¢hange:

'well, there's the South China Sea they're being aggressive,'

how are they being aggressive near their own shores, when we're sending our fleet halfway around the world? what if China was in the Long Island Sound. if we send ships to check on that, would we be the 'aggressor'? its ridiculous
Avatar 2:34am

I was just watching "The Black Church" on PBS before i got here. Its incredible the amount of important American History that was never taught. I was learning about this incredible man Howard Thurman, who inspired MLK's non violent resistance, and I kept wondering why there isnt a statue of this guy in every city in the country
$mall ¢hange:

you can say what you want, just comes off very western chauvinistic imo
Avatar 2:40am

claiming uninhabited atolls close to the shores of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines, harassing their coast guards, and fishing fleets, and exploring for natural resources 100s of km from China shores is regional imperialism. Doesn't what make what we do right, but I can say what we do is wrong and what China does is wrong, w/o being a hypocrite. The 9 dash line started w/ Mao (actually the idea started in 1911) en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 2:41am

Just b/c what we do is evil, doesn't mean one can't criticize what other nations do as evil, it isn't a zero sum game.
$mall ¢hange:

'is regional imperialism'

as I said. western chauvinism. if you can't see the US for what it is...an empire...then you miss the real framework of the world. and you start saying things like 'regional imperialism'. start both siding things. its a naive perspective. again my lil ole opinion lol
$mall ¢hange:

'but I can say what we do is wrong and what China does is wrong'

both sides. its an incredibly liberal look. the US is the most destructive force in the world. hands down. no one is even close. at all. no one is perfect, but lets live in reality
Avatar 2:48am

Oh, we're the most destructive force in the world. But, I find most governments selfish, I can even find fault w/ Iceland (see their banking crisis 15 years ago). So, far, I can't find any problem w/ Palau (except taking bribes from Taiwan).

given time, we can figure out which nation in the world is the most anonymous.
$mall ¢hange:

'But, I find most governments selfish'

see but that's what they were talking about in the Unauthorized Disclosure segment. ppl need to support socialist states that are under the attack of the US empire. its pretty basic. and again, imo, especially if you live in the US or the west, they you should definitely be against what these countries do. they do it in our names. its not about 'both sides' with China, look at the amounts of propaganda the US spews out against them. 'both sides' is buying into this bs to a certain extent
Avatar 2:51am

Oh, Tokelau (foreign affairs administered by NZ), they seem cool. I just wanted to find a good example,
Avatar 2:54am

China is no longer socialist. Most of the world outside of the US is socialist to some degree. Russia is what would happen if Wall Street ran us on steroids.
Avatar 2:55am

Thanks, small change for your segments and debate. I need a healthy debate w/ someone whom I regularly encounter in my family that are troglodytes. I appreciate it!
$mall ¢hange:

oh man. ngh much love but there's so much wrong here lol. also wall street ppl thru Yeltsin destroyed the Russian economy. I play some of this history form a podcast with Mark Ames a few weeks back.
$mall ¢hange:

I think ppl should worry a lot less about China and take a look at the covid numbers, ppl freezing in TX, and why we keep bombing other countries. and the list goes on. anyways cheers yall
Avatar 2:58am

(I'm further left then a norwegian social democrat)

Oh yes, Yeltsin set up the tee for the 'oligarchs'. The way we our state dept worshipped him was insane.
$mall ¢hange:

we helped install him. the NED gave him money, support, etc. that's one clue that Russiagate was a complete joke. cos we actually did what we accused them of doing. and do it in many other countries too
$mall ¢hange:

anyways party ppl! thx for listening etc etc <3
Avatar 2:59am

Always do community grass roots, and reach out to others after that. gracias mis amigos!
Avatar 3:00am

oh, I know, small change! doesn't absolve either side...
Avatar 3:00am

China also dosent start wars. They're too smart for that. They have quietly and through mostly banking and diplomacy aquiried vast amounts of mineral rights in Africa. Mineral rights which will be highly valuable as our world goes electric. The us is just mad that china skipped the industrial revolution and leapfrogged its way to being a superpower. They took the American capitalist model and made it their own by realizing that we as a species get more done when we work together instead of pushing "rugged individualism"
Avatar 3:01am

@glenn" not since Vietnam, 1979...
Avatar 3:02am

Rush would have said we should have nuked them when we had the chance. Goodnight everybody, rest in piss Rush
Avatar 3:02am

amen, glenn!
Avatar 3:08am

One last thought, With Trump Russia has managed to do in five years what the Soviet Union failed to do in 44 years. Disrupt American democracy and turn its people against itslef.
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