Favoriting Hour of the Duck with Lou D'Antonio: Playlists and Archives

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Archives for Lou D'Antonio's legendary, long-running (1962-1990) WFMU radio program The Hour of the Duck. The archives will expand as tapes are discovered, donated, digitized, and posted. We're compiling playlists to the best of our ability (feel free to submit info if you're listening to an archived program). Lou did not always offer set-list recaps in his mic breaks, so there's going to be a lot of blank spaces.

If you have tapes of Lou's broadcasts (including program fragments, any format, any condition), please contact the program director. We expect to compile a complete archive of every program Lou ever hosted by the year 2259.

Special thanks to Ernie Indradat for tape transfers and digitization services.

NOTE: At present the WFMU archives database only allows entries as far back as 1970. Hence, archived programs from the 1960s are ID'ed as "January 1970," with actual show dates following in bold.

WFMU's Lou D'Antonio Memorial tribute page

RSS feeds for Hour of the Duck with Lou D'Antonio: RSSPlaylists feed | RSSMP3 archives feed

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