April 12, 2006:
Kelly and Bronwyn do Seven Second Delay
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June 8, 2004:
Join us as we say good-bye to Kelly Jones, with special guests Girlfriend Gretchen and embroidery artist Jenny Hart! Jenny has a show of her work right now at Big Cat Gallery (28 E. 2nd St., NYC).
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June 1, 2004:
Rerun from October 14th of 2003
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May 25, 2004:
Kelly and Bronwyn interview special guest Lola Cashman, author of the new book "Inside the Zoo with U2." Ms. Cashman is the very same stylist who advised The Edge to wear a hat!
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May 18, 2004:
The Return of Dr. Colby who will do a dramatic reading of Sarah A. Ferrell's brilliant piece, "When a Poodle Invites You to Tea." Then Kelly and Bronwyn review the Amato Opera production of Donizetti's "Lucia di Lamamoor."
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April 13, 2004:
Bronwyn and Kelly discuss spotted dick, toad in the hole, and the Power of Pork. Plus, Listener Grace weighs in on bacala.
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April 6, 2004:
Archive not available due to technical difficulties.
February 17, 2004:
How to open a pickle jar, should an old flame use your mom to contact you, Date Bait Update, Word of the Day: Caboose, music by the Volebeats, and the BEST Marathon Premium idea EVER.
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February 10, 2004:
Do's and Do NOTS of Internet Dating with special guest Datebait Amanda
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December 30, 2003:
New's Years Eve Listener Resolutions Special--Kelly resolves not to use unsafe fireworks in 2004, and Bronwyn resolves to stop correcting Kelly's grammar on air. Kelly forgets her resolution immediately, and Bronwyn wonders why some Listeners are so mean.
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December 23, 2003:
Look--I found the reverb! It's a Christmas miracle!
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December 16, 2003:
blah blah blah Claire blah blah Claire blah blah Claire blah blah blah blah and an upstate cop feels funny in his swimsuit area.
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December 9, 2003:
Witness Kelly's hangover shame spiral while she and Bronwyn discuss past employment as a front end loader operator and donut delivery grifter.
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December 2, 2003:
NY Times, friend or foe? And somehow Bronwyn & Kelly end up talking about a friggin' bus shelter.
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November 25, 2003:
The Flush Sound debuts, Bad Bronwyn returns, a nice Girl Listener calls, disorganized Listener Caesar e-mails, and Kelly describes her nipple accident.
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November 18, 2003:
Special Guest Liz Langley, author of "Pop Tart," that same guy who's called 3 times with the same question, and Kelly's shirt pops open.
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November 11, 2003:
The Pot-Smoking Friend Guy, the Disappointing Dad Girl, and Kelly sounds different tonight.
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November 4, 2003:
Furries CSI, the Implant Guy, and Kelly hits on a Listener.
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October 28, 2003:
Sexual dysfunction, sad upstate housewife, retro-ejaculation, and Bronwyn's new shirt.
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October 21, 2003:
Double lives, that Outkast song, mice with their guts hanging out, and the premiere of "This Week's Good Advice for Anyone."
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October 14, 2003:
The Stinky Student caller - real or fake? Plus a new experiment with Taco's robot monkey arm.
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October 7, 2003:
Bronwyn says good bye to Mr. Boyd and later Kelly & Bronwyn confront the bed bug girl.
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September 26, 2003:
Fill-in for Chris T, with Vicki Bennet of People Like Us.
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