Harry Roesli Gang Borobudur Philosophy Gang
Fred Sassy Sassy Justice
Greg Fox Contact (dukkha & domanassa) Contact
ESG Dance ESG Says Dance To The Beat Of Moody
Taco な・い・し・ょのエンペラーマジック WAKA WAVE: Japanese Post-Punk & Experimental Music from the 80's (Tony Coulter's 2016 Marathon Premium)
Guitar Red Space and Time Outa Space, Outta Sight: Joe McGasko's 2015 WFMU Marathon Premium (V/A)
Your DJ speaks
Clay Pigeon Ghost in the Basement We All Read, You All Listen: Double-Dip Recess's 2019 WFMU marathon premium! (V/a)
Psychic TV Mother Jack (A Children's Story) Trip Reset
Lee Edwards Margie The Christian Con Man
Collection of the Late Howell Bend Memory Triffles and True Trifles (V/a)
Meredith Monk Edge Fragile Contains Glass: 2004 Stochastic Hit Parade Marathon Premium
Lasry-Baschet Ensemble Valse Fragile Contains Glass: 2004 Stochastic Hit Parade Marathon Premium
K11 (Pietro Riparbelli) & Philippe Petit Shadow Creatures The Haunting Triptych
Big Blood Comin' Home Pt. 1 Already Gone I
Homer Erotic Mount Fuji Upsalapalooza - More Live Music from WFMU (1995 2cd comp)
Kébekélektrik Bolero Kébekélektrik
Your DJ speaks
Incredible String Band Banks of Sweet Italy Earthspan
Dave Swarbrick Planxty Morgan Mawgan Swarbrick 2
North Americans Memory of Lunch Roped In
Lake Mary Bird Song Songs To Fill The Air: The Avant Ghetto's 2016 WFMU Premium
Wax Machine Birdsong Earthsong of Silence
The Swingle Singers Allegro from Beethoven's Sonate Op. 26 Getting Romantic
Boston Typewriter Orchestra At the Staff Meeting Workstation To Workstation
The Exorzist III Holiday in Wildwood
Obnox Heaven Savage Raygun
Zea + Oscar Jan Hoogland Atomic Heart Summing
Gábor Szabó Rambler Rambler
Your DJ speaks
Emmit Rhodes Fresh As A Daisy S/t
Jethro Tull The Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles A Passion Play
Giuseppe Ielasi Beautiful Child Your Song, My Foot! (Daniel Blumin 2011 WFMU Premium)
Jethro Tull The Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles pt. 2 A Passion Play
Sylvester Was It Something That I Said? Step II