Angus MacLise Your DJ speaks over 6th Face of the Angel Astral Collapse
Russell Haswell Foxy Double A
Atsuhiro Ito Flicker R.G.B./Pre Optron 1999
Violetshaped Anesthesia (Keith Fullerton Whitman Remix) The Remixes Part 2
This Heat A New Kind of Water Deceit
Jonathan Coleclough Casino (excerpt) Casino
Colin Potter On Entering York Minster Entering Again
Daniel Menche Kataract (Alpha Mix) (side a excerpt) Kataract (Alpha Mix)
Your DJ speaks
Function F4 Synewave Reissues Part 1 1995-97
Tom Waits Clap Hands Rain Dogs
Gamelan Orchestra from the Village of Pliatan, Bali, Indonesia* - Anak Agung Gde Mandera Kebyar Dancers Of Bali
Surgeon Badger Bite Pet 2000
Costin Miereanu Parte Prima (Seconda) (excerpt) Luna Cinese
Robert Wyatt Sea Song Rock Bottom
Xela (side a excerpt) Heirs of the Fire
Shin Joong Hyun The Sun Beautiful Rivers and Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea's Shin Joong Hyun 1958-1974
Leif Elggren Pluralis Majestatis (excerpt) Pluralis Majestatis
Your DJ speaks
Pram Nightwatch Helium
Jim Haynes (track 1 excerpt) Magnetic North
Anenzephalia Bodies Of Gold Kaltwelt
Psychic TV Just Drifting Force the Hand of Chance
Tunnel Canary Jihad Jihad/Live At The ECCA 1980
Marble Sky What You Might Forget Marble Sky