Eno The True Wheel Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)
Magma Weïdorje Üdü Wüdü
Black Dirt Oak Heurequeque / Late Night Fang Wawayanda Patent
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
MIJ Grok (Martian Love Call) The Yodeling Astrologer
Zoviet France Vlaag Loh Land
Einstürzende Neubauten Die Wellen Klaviermusik
Meredith Monk View 1 Turtle Dreams
The Space Lady Fly Like an Eagle The Space Lady's Greatest Hits
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Justin Bieber Deposition n/a
Oneida Pre-human Absolute II
Terry Riley Journey from the Death of a Friend Les Yeux Fermés/Lifespan
Joe McPhee Episode Two for Ornette Coleman - Old Eyes (excerpt) Sonic Elements
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Blues Control Opium Den / Fade to Blue Valley Tangents
Matta Llama Phallix The Witch Channel
Der_Warrior Helios Ehrenfeld3
Skullflower Serve No Purpose Kino II: Form Destroyer
Lightning Bolt Dracula Mountain Wonderful Rainbow
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Matmos E.S.P. The Marriage of True Minds
Edgar Varèse Ionosation Boulez Conducts Varèse
Gamelan Son of Lion Pemangku Bending the Gending
Joseph Hammer & Jason Crumer Banner Drop Show Em the Door