Scientists Solid Gold Hell Blood Red River: 1982-84
Moira Scar Telepathos Scarred For Life
Ice Age Burning Hand You're Nothing
The Fitt Wipe Down The Fitt Is Dead
Pissed Jeans Loub Honeys
Ghastly Spats Kid We're Breaking Through the Hymen
Dan Melchior Hammertoes C.C.D.E. Music
Srch Party Bear Attack
Obnox Smoke Woody Haze (Original Version) Smoke Woody Haze E.O.
Divorce Cactusk Jailhouse Fuck
Junko & Michel Henritzi Fear of Music
Un Festin Sagital Bestias Solares
Your DJ speaks
Oxes Boss Kitty / Half Half & Half / Kaz Hayashi '01 Oxxxes LP
Fadensonnen Brutal / Minimal PD2
Circle Korahteleva haapa Golem / Vesiliirto
Sick To The Back Teeth Ugliness At the Gates of Heaven Counterpoint
Billy Boys Mr Death Anthology
The Tenses The Past VA - The Eternal Now: 2012 Marathon Premium
Dial Induction Western Front
Teenage Jesus & The Jerks The Closet Everything
Spray Paint Canadian Trash Spray Paint LP
Your DJ speaks
Mütiilation No Mercy For Humans Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
Head of the Demon Wraith From the Unknown Head of the Demon
Mournful Congregation Rememberance of the Transcending Moon Tears from a Grieving Heart
Flourishing Intersubjectivity Intersubjectivity
Unearthly Trance The Aftermath was Morbid Season of Seance, Science of Silence
Holly Hunt Atlas Year One
Your DJ speaks