Brian Eno The True Wheel Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)
Cabaret Voltaire Crackdown The Crackdown
The Eurythmics Paint a Rumor Touch
Taigo Sousa Untitled Walden Pond's Monk
Adrian Belew Ballet for Blue Whale Twang Bar King
Wolves Series of Group Howls The Language And Music of the Wolves
Current 93 Cuckoo Honeysuckle Aeons
Andre Patenaude Peace My Life...
Terry McKee & His Band Harbor Lights Hawaiian Holiday
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
Religious Knives You Walk Smokescreen
Tzotiles Indians Rapid Chant of Authority Changing Hands Psalms, Stories, and Music
Perez Prado Mambo Univesitario Mambo en Sax
Sych Qoph Odyssey Lunar Roulette
Gang Gang Dance Sacer Eye Contact
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
William Basinski A Red Score in the Tile A Red Score in the Tile
Fuqugi Room14 Gransofa+Nightingale
Demdike Stare Hashshashin Chant Triptych
Bombino Iyat Idounia Ayasahen Agadez
Vladislav Delay Quartet Santa Teresa Vladislav Delay Quartet
The Necks Your DJ speaks over Silverwater Silverwater
SSgt Barry Sadler The Ballad of the Green Berets Ballads of the Green Berets
People Like Us The Look Welcome Abroad
Of Montreal Black Lion Massacre The Controller Sphere
Baby Dee Brother Slug and Sister Snail Regifted Light
Songs: Ohia Blue Factory Flames Didn't It Rain?