Scientists Solid Gold Hell Blood Red River: 1982-84
Gravitar Why Is It So Hard Gravitar
Electric Wizard Funeralopolis Dopethrone
Corrupted Sus Futuros Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos
Hallux Mindflayer Hallux
Trouble The Tempter Trouble
Down Bury Me In Smoke NOLA
Solace The Eyes of the Vulture AD
Your DJ speaks
Brainbombs Birthday Baby Cheap
Obskure Torture Shadows Come Alive Necro Rituals
Puffy Areolas Rock N Roll Express
Angel Face Run Slowly Wolf City Blues
Action Swingers Nembutal Sunset Quit While You're Ahead
Your DJ speaks
Laudanum Autumn Ghost The Coronation
Pregnant Wanna See My Gun? Pregnant
Druid Perfume Land of Plenty Tin Boat To Tuna Town
Fifty Foot Hose Cauldron Cauldron
Arthur Brown's Kingdom Come The Whirlpool Kingdom Come
Your DJ speaks
White Witch Illusions White Witch
Vibracathedral Orchestra Get It? split w/ Infinite Light
Youngsbower Fly Like an Eagle Relayer
Old Ebb The Musical Dimensions of Sleastak
Ghetto Rats Church Fuck Ghetto Rats
ST 37 Pamphlet of Light High and Inside
Your DJ speaks
Dirty Tricks High Life Dirty Tricks
Manilla Road Herman Hill After Midnight Live
Outer Minds Until You're Dead
Your DJ speaks