Scientists Solid Gold Hell Blood Red River: 1982-84
Circus Different Feeling VA - Local Customs: Lone Star Lowlands
Jackal Year of the Tiger VA - The Electric Asylum Volume 4: Rock Hard British Freakrock
Rolling Stones Stop Breaking Down Exile On Main Street (Remastered)
Peter Laughner & Friends Dear Richard Take the Guitar Player for a Ride
Mark Lanegan Beggar's Blues Whiskey for the Holy Ghost
Harvey Milk The Anvil Will Fall My Love is Higher Than Your Assessment of What My Love Could Be
Laddio Bolocko Laddio's Money (Death of a Popsong) The Life and Times of Laddio Bolocko
Big Black Cloud Negative Neighborhood Dark Age
Melvins Set Me Straight 26 Songs
Melvins Electric Flower The Bride Screamed Murder
Nadja / Ovo Movement 3: Put Some Sugar In My Cup The Life and Death of a Wasp
Your DJ speaks
Malodorous Plays Thumps and Strings
Twin Stumps Caged Emily Seedbed
Heavy Winged Crimson A Serpent's Lust
Man Forever Man Forever Part I Man Forever
Deuter Der Turm VA - Cloud Cuckooland
Your DJ speaks
Devo Jerkin' Back 'n' Forth New Traditionalists (Remastered)
The Endtables They're Guilty The Endtables
A Frames Satellite Around You 333
Fey Gods Bury Me Standing
Chen Santa Maria Great Society
Marlo Eggplant Differential Tone VA - Well I Don't See Why Not
Gumball Gettysburg Special Kiss
Thee Oh Sees Coma split w/ Paul Cary
Black Apple Fire Baby split w/ White Mystery
Your DJ speaks
Moonhearts Let Go Moonhearts
Sex Church Mistaken 6 Songs By Sex Church
Apache Dropout Do the Splendid Crown
White Drugs Indiana Gold Magic
Laghonia Trouble Child VA - Demoler: 'Rock Peruano' 1965-1974
Bare Wires Seeking Love Seeking Love
Your DJ speaks