The Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble Tatas-Matoes Congliptious
Sun Ra Your DJ speaks over The Perfect Man My Brother The Wind, Vol. I
Mal Waldron Soul Eyes Searching in Grenoble: The 1978 Solo Piano Concert
Jaki Byard Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans Solo Piano
Charlie Haden & John Taylor Nightfall Nightfall
Marilyn Crispell Trio Dear Lord Live in Zurich
Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few Retrograde Amian The UNAPOLOGETIC NEGRO
Rempis / Reid / Abrams Petiole Allium
Booker T. & The MGs Your DJ speaks over Melting Pot
TOKK-Ensemble Tokyo Music for Living Process Music For Living Process / Strömung / Nucleus / Munari By Munari – Corona For Pianist
Toshi Ichiyanagi, Michael Ranta, Takehisa Kosugi Part 2 Improvisation Sep. 1975
Hartmut Geerken / Michael Ranta Arrangements [excerpt] The Heliopolar Egg
Gentle Fire Appearance (Toshi Ichiyanagi) Explorations (1970-1973)
Wolfgang Dauner Quintet Your DJ speaks over My Man's Gone Now
Lean Left Lean Over Volume 1
Ikz All These Things Are Lost I Saw the Cryptic Problem of My Generation Destroyed
Trevor Dunn's Trio-Convulsant avec Folie À Quatre Restore All Things Séances
Water Damage Reel 4B Repeater
Dudu Pukwana & Spear Your DJ speaks over Flute Music Flute Music