the move cherry blossom clinic revisited shazam
superchunk lying in state hit self destruct ep
outcasts 1523 blair
wolverton brothers the eloist
kids can't stop now va-true love has gone forever/more copenhagen beat '63-'68
pina y sus estrellas los extraneos va-back to peru peruvian undergrd1964-74
origami stand up please exit quietly
swell maps harmony in yr bathroom a trip to marineville
butthole surfers hey first ep
lidsville theme va-hr pufnstuf and other s+m krofft favs
50 Tabletten Am Abend im Land der Traume va-teutonic disaster
electric guitars work
jet brando heavy rotation
tubeway army every day i die tubeway army
Your DJ speaks
dirtbombs by my side australian singalong
heathen shame track b2 heathen shame
members of the yellow press cut the wires this is yrs u cant be trusted
grass roots temptation eyes
coach whips look into my eyes
laddio bolocko track 2/disc 1 life and times of...
laddio bolocko track 3/disc 1 life and times of...
Your DJ speaks
robert rental paralysis
ann peebles i cant stand the rain i cant stand the rain
paik stellazine corridors
xanadu neon nebula va-rock n roll music is my only salvation
Your DJ speaks
dog on a rope skrewydriver
Your DJ speaks
Comment: live set from the Piranhas!engineered by Gil Shuster1. glitter west2. mydisease3.dangerline4.i am machine-david hazel(break)5.bitches wheel6.piranhas attack7.girls like it too8. lil bunnies (electric eels cover)9.isolation1st lp on tom perkins reissued on on/onswitchlatest cd Erotic Grit Movies is on In The Redon the web at or - brianVOX,face cutting, body contortion- jamieDRUMS-ryanGUITAR-ian (he's supposed to take off his clothes whn drunk...he wasnt drunk enuff on this session...pity-har!)KEYBOARDS-amijoe from on/onswitch was present for the carnage as was tommy hyland from DotDash!jamie is extremely wild live--hand stands, banging into audience, self mutilating ...!
Your DJ speaks
ted leo the high party hearts of oak
radio birdman breaks my heart
candy snatchers real thick head human zoo
little killers 99 cents not yet released