WFMU's Wednesday Morning Timeslot with Ken Freedman
On WFMU 91.1 fm, Wednesday Mornings 9am to Noon (Eastern Standard Time)

November 25th, 1998: You Can Never Go Home Anymore

The Accuplaylist displays the song information while the song is still playling on the air, Wednesdays from 9 am to Noon, E.S.T. This Accuplaylist page reloads automatically every 35 seconds during the program. You can reload earlier than that by hitting the "reload" or "refresh" command on your browser.

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The Accuplaylist Format:
"Song Title" NAME OF ARTIST (Title of Release)

"I Can Never Go Home Anymore (times two)" THE SHANGRI-LA'S
"From Out of Nowhere" APOCALYPTICA (Inquisition Symphony)
"Whose News" ELLIOT SHARP (Carbon)
"Fellini's Hat" WHEN (Black, White and Grey)
"Flintstones" BLACK LODGE SINGERS (Kid's Pow-Wow Songs)
"Let The Word Go Forth" ATKINS / LEVINE (Sing Along With JFK)
"Birthday Thank You Tommy, From Vietnam" HAPPY FATS (7 Inch)
"Dear Mr. President" MAX BARNES (7 Inch)
"Let Us Begin Beguine" ATKINS / LEVINE (Sing Aong With JFK)

"Powder" VOLUME ALL STAR (Self Connected Twice Elected)
"Flicker" BISK (Ticklish Matters)
"Reminiscences of the Future" PETER THOMAS SOUND ORCHESTRA (Chariot of the Gods)
"Theme from Nights of Sin" JULIETTE LeBLANC (Nymphomania - Sexy European Go-Go Music)
"Eternelle" BRIGITTE FONTAINE (Brigitte Fontaine est...)
"The Far Side of your Mind" FOURTH WAY (A Heavy Dose of Lyte Psych)

"Hey Sam / Tscherwonez WIRSCHAFTSWUNDER und GABOR ALTORJOY (Tscherwonez)
"Strip Central" JOHN ZORN (The Bribe)
"Retainer" CHAPSTICK (Acid Ranch 2000)
"Flip Your Face" CONTORTIONS (No New York)
"Bucktooth's Berry Binge" PSYCHOPHONOGRAPHDISK (Ancient Termites)
"I Don't Care" DUG DUG'S (Abre tumente)

"I Ain't Never Seen A White Man - Vanilla Fudge Remix" WOLFMAN JACK (7 Inch)
"I Believe" BRAIN FLAKES / BRAN SCIENCE (This is Ovenguard, Vol. 2)
"Les Futs" BERTHET - LE JUNTER (Le Junter - Berthet)

"Mickey Mouse" BLACK LODGE SINGERS (Kid's Pow-Wow Songs)
"Grape Escape" ART ENSEMBLE OF CHICAGO (Coming Home Jamaica)
"Talking All That Jazz (Dimitri from Paris remix)" STETSASONIC (Tommy Boy's Greatest beats - the remixes)
"Misly" ORCHESTRA McKARL (Mo'Plen 3000)
"Compound Element" VOLUME ALL*STAR (Self Connected Twice Elected)
"Disseminated" SOUL COUGHING (Irresistable Bliss)
"The Dipsy Doodle" BUDDY COLE (Hot and Cole)
"The Claw" TERRY GIBBS DREAM BAND (Vol.2 - The Sundown Sessions)
"Satin Doll" ORANJ SYMPHONETTE (The Oranj Album)

"Goin' Home" FRED LOWERY (Abide With Me)
"I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time" ROY SMECK (Melodies with Memories)
"Eddie My Love" BORUK GLASGOW (Americana Vol. 1 - Vox Populi)
"Alliance for Progress Bossa Nova" ATKINS / LEVINE (Sing Along With JFK)

"*" indicates something new I liked a whole lot

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